Yoga For Children And Kids

Yoga For Children

Yoga For Children And Kids

Children are exposed to a lot of stress factors nowadays.
There is homework that they do daily...
the competition with other children...
TV and computer games...Yoga For Children
and even over-scheduling.

And just like adults these kids need something relaxing to turn into and that could be: Yoga.

Yoga for kids helps then develop better body awareness, it also delivers to them a total self control, flexibility and coordination.
Yoga For Children
All of these they could carry not just on their...


Yoga For Children

Children are exposed to a lot of stress factors nowadays.
There is homework that they do daily...
the competition with other children...
TV and computer games...
and even over-scheduling.

And just like adults these kids need something relaxing to turn into and that could be: Yoga.

Yoga for kids helps then develop better body awareness, it also delivers to them a total self control, flexibility and coordination.

All of these they could carry not just on their class but this exercises can help them with their daily routines.

Yoga for kids has shown to help children who are hyper active to tone down and to brighten up those attention deficit ones. Children today crave movement and sensory motor stimuli that can help then balance out their inner souls flow.

Yoga for kids helps them channel out this impulses in a positive way.

The main Yoga for kids poses that seem to work perfectly with kids are the warrior pose and the tree pose. These two yoga for kids poses helps instill in them calm, confidence and balance.

The trick to get them to do Yoga for kids is to go beyond just doing the proper poses, you should have to get them think about what the real posture means.

Let them think that they are really what the poses are symbolizing, let them be the postures – strong and confident like a warrior.

Yoga for kids with partners is also a good way to build up trust with you children. It develops their team skills and fosters a closer bonding.

Some kids when it comes to relaxation have a big trouble closing their eyes and having them focus on their exercises.Yoga For Children. One thing that encourages a child to relax is visualization. Let them think of something that they really like and let them imagine being like these things.

You may also have them focus out on belly breathing first and have them listen to soothing and relaxing music.
Yoga For Children
Then ask them to imagine their favorite spot in the house or let them think that they are in outer space floating, or let them visualize that they are at the beach, playing their favorite sport or doing the best activity that they like.

Sometimes for boys letting them think of a favorite girlfriend helps them relax, but this is sometimes hard to do because they become shy and intolerable when this kind of issues are discussed. Yoga For ChildrenJust stick to the visualization thing if this technique is quite complicated for you.

Every day at the end of each relaxation exercises, encourage the children to share their own experiences. Ask them to tell to the group what it was like to be in their visualized surroundings. Ask them also to share what place have they imagined they where in.

Another approach is to create a guided imagination by telling them a story with a calming theme of some sort.
Yoga For Children
As you know children have the most active imagination, they imagine all sorts of things. And at this point of imagination it makes them feel calm. So when doing yoga for kids let them think that they are walking on a green pasture.
Yoga For Children
You can even let them think that they are butterflies in a beautiful garden. The main idea in here is to instill a sense of peace and feeling of oneness with nature.

Yoga for kids should be taught more often and in different places. It is important to teach children the meaning of union of mind, body and spirit.

There is such a wealth of knowledge we can offer our children with the practice of Yoga.

Yoga For Children

Yoga For Beginners - Yoga techniques on the loose

If you currently do yoga, or are considering indulging in it then you need to know these techniques.  Yoga is a great way to maintain health in your life.  You can do yoga about anywhere from home to with an instructor in the gym.  But, you must know these techniques or you might not be maximizing your outcome from your yoga workouts.
Yoga For Beginners - Yoga techniques on the loose

If you currently do yoga, or are considering indulging in it then you need to know these techniques.  Yoga is a great way to maintain health in your life.  You can do yoga about anywhere from home to with an instructor in the gym.  But, you must know these techniques or you might not be maximizing your outcome from your yoga workouts.

If you are doing yoga, there are some yoga techniques you need to understand and apply. No one can run away and be free from major illnesses so the best way to get away with it is to exercise in order to maintain good health.

Yoga is considered to be the most effective way to stay fit and healthy. The best thing about it is you can have it at home or anywhere you want it. You also buy your time because you can do it any time of the day.

a lot of people prefer doing yoga to maintain a good and healthy life.

Fitness is important in doing yoga. Yoga techniques are helpful in maintaining good organs and other parts of the body such as the muscles, joints, glands, tissues and vital organs. These are the main focus of setting yoga techniques.

Here are some yoga techniques that you can practice during your yoga session. Despite your busy schedule or the crowed place you stay at, keeping up with these yoga techniques will help you go through it.

The five yoga techniques include: posture, relaxation, meditation, deep breathing and movement of joints. Each technique has its own role and function.

The movement of joints is called the 'sandhichalana'. This is one of the yoga techniques that focus on the joints. The joints undergo full movements which include the movement of the hands, movement of the neck and the movement of the lower limb.

In relaxation, there are some yoga techniques that will deepen your concentration and prevent your attention to be drawn easily. Rather, now withdraw at all.

The Hong-Sau is a Yoga technique that helps and focuses on the latent powers of your concentration. This technique helps you to release thought and fight all distractions s that you can concentrate on the problem you are targeting. This helps you to develop Divine Consciousness which is from within.

The Aum Technique expands your awareness which is beyond the limitations that your body and mind creates. This helps you maintain a powerful meditation and gives you to personal experiences of what Divine consciousness brings.

There are some ancient yoga techniques that you can apply. Although there are a lot of yoga techniques to choose from, applying these techniques might nt be easy for you especially if you are a beginner.

In getting concentration during the yoga session, you can boost your awareness by thinking clearly of some creative ways on how you can be attentive in all situations. You should be able to figure out what makes you feel tense and how to release it.

After the heavy day of work, you should find new ways on how to stay peaceful and calm. Concentration is your best tool and guide.

The main objective of these yoga techniques is how to create your awareness for a satisfying relaxation. You should be able to find out how to effectively release the tension inside your body and where to release it. In order to do so, your mind, body and spirit should be at a high level.

Techniques are of course helpful but these are just a matter of front if you can’t apply it. The best way still is to have your own yoga techniques that will help you go through the process successfully.

Now that you know all that about yoga, you should get more out of your yoga workouts.  These techniques are helpful, but it's also great to have your own little twist on it, or your own techniques completely.

yoga, beginners, learn, health

Yoga for Beginners: How to take those first steps into Yoga

Yoga is all around us these days. From Sting to Madonna, to maybe even your next door neighbor, everyone is hooked upon this fitness craze and with good cause. As a form of physical exercise, Yoga indeed is a force to be reckoned with. But just how can one go about using yoga for beginners? Let’s find out how today.

Yoga for Beginners: How to take those first steps into Yoga

Yoga is all around us these days. From Sting to Madonna, to maybe even your next door neighbor, everyone is hooked upon this fitness craze and with good cause. As a form of physical exercise, Yoga indeed is a force to be reckoned with. But just how can one go about using yoga for beginners? It is my hope that as a Yoga practitioner and enthusiast, this article will be of assistance in this regard.

If you have been considering learning yoga or have recently begun a yoga practice, I hope to provide you with some useful and helpful tips in which may be helpful to you in using yoga for beginners.

I have been doing Yoga for quite some time now, 6 years to be exact and since the first day I swore of free-weights and exercise machines, my use of Yoga and other body weight exercises like Hindu-Push ups (in my honest opinion a Yoga derivative) has been the main method for keeping fit. (in addition-of course- to my diet which co-incidentally changed when I started Yoga as a beginner those 6 years back.)

I will now enumerate the yoga poses to be learned as a starter which can aid or supplement your knowledge from your yoga classes, books and or DVD’s.

Yoga for Beginners: Yoga Poses to Learn first.

The Sun Salutations: Okay, this is the core of Yoga itself. This exercise is a combination of Yoga Poses, Breathing exercise, Sun Bathing and Prayer. It is the warm-up of a yoga class or personal yoga session and is a combination of poses, 12 to be exact, that are performed in a synchronized motion with emphasis on rhythmic breathing. They mildly exercise the arms and legs and are often recommended for obesity, depression and fitness. Friends, several Martial Artists, Indian and African Wrestlers perform tons of rounds of these exercises alone, so in learning yoga, for beginners, this will be a guaranteed must-know.

The Shoulder Stand: Don’t be intimidated by the name at all. Even for a beginner, this yoga pose is a piece of cake, really. It is actually a very important pose though, arguably the most important as its Sanskrit name (Savangasana) actually means the “all members” or “all limbs” pose, meaning it affects all parts of the body. As a beginner, be aware that some poses (such as this one) do have specific counter poses, so if you’re taking a Yoga for beginner class or learning from a DVD, make sure you are taught these poses to counter-act and balance the effects of the Shoulder-stand pose on the body, these are the Bridge and fish poses. Here’s a hint or ratio to adhere to in their combined execution: 6:1:2 , meaning the ‘bridge’ and ‘fish’ poses should be held for a sixth and third of the time you spend in the Shoulder-stand Pose respectively.

The Corpse Pose: You’ve got to learn this Yoga Pose as a beginner. It is the relaxation pose that is usually executed during and after your session as a means of relaxing the muscles used for your yoga exercise. At the end of a session, it is usually done for about 15 minutes and one always comes out feeling refreshed after its execution.

Arguably, these are the 3 main poses you have to lay emphasis on in learning yoga for a beginner, but there are other poses that should be included as you go further. They are

1. The forward Bending exercises: Head to Knee pose, Plough Pose and Wind reliving pose

2. The Back Bending Exercises: The Bow, Inclined Plane and Wheel Poses.

3. The Spinal Twists

4. The Balancing Exercises: The Peacock, Crow, Side Plank and 4-limbed staff Poses

5. The Exercises in Sitting and Standing Positions

6. The Abdominal and Breathing Exercises.

Each of these groups has several variations on the root poses; however, let me tell you a secret that would go a long way in aiding you as a beginner learning Yoga. Do at least 24 round of the previously mentioned Sun Salutations and the ease in executing these poses will come almost naturally. Trust me.

There are several styles of Yoga to pick from and in seeking the right style of Yoga for a beginner; it might be quite difficult to pick the best. However, since Iyengar Yoga seems to involve a lot of props that can aid till flexibility is re-gained or enhanced, it may be one of the easier choices to pick. Kripalu and Bikram Yoga may also be quite easy to pick up as well as a beginner.

To find the best yoga for beginner class around you, you can always check your local YMCA or YWCA branches as they almost always carry information on Yoga classes for all stages: from beginner to intermediate.

One other factor that I must stress is the need to also pick up a Yoga diet for health and aiding these poses to both strengthen and detoxify you. This will-as a result of the symbiotic relationship that exists between Yoga and a proper diet-speed up an increase in fitness, weight loss, focus and the ability to execute these poses easily.

Though Yoga for beginners may best be learned from a certified instructor, your own practice will remain paramount for your mastery of this form of physical culture and there are tons of books and DVD’s to help in regards to this. Moreover, keep in mind that as a beginner doing yoga, not unless you intend to do lots of Sun Salutations as mentioned above, you may still want to incorporate some body-weight resistance poses (that co-incidentally are still Yogic in origin) such as the Hindu-Push-ups and Squats and the Bridge (now this is and the first one are basically Yoga poses in motion friends...).

This combination will see that till you have mastered the use of Yoga poses to make a complete session, you are still burning up enough calories and exercising the muscles for both weight loss and fitness.

Doing Yoga is fun, exhilarating and extremely rewarding for lots of reasons that may have already got you researching about it, so needless to say, choosing this exercise, even as a beginner, will go a long way into making for a fitter and healthier you.

Yoga for beginners

Yoga For Asthma Cure

Yoga has helped in curing and preventing many diseases. The poses and asanas stimulate the required organs and help you with your ailments. Asthma is a very common problem. It is basically shortness of breath due to the chronic lung condition. Even kids are not spared by this disease. You suffer wheezing, coughing, heaviness in the chest causing blockage in your lungs. During asthma attack lack of oxygen can lead to death too. By doing the required asanas you can fight back. ...

Yoga For Asthma Cure

Yoga has helped in curing and preventing many diseases. The poses and asanas stimulate the required organs and help you with your ailments. Asthma is a very common problem. It is basically shortness of breath due to the chronic lung condition. Even kids are not spared by this disease. You suffer wheezing, coughing, heaviness in the chest causing blockage in your lungs. During asthma attack lack of oxygen can lead to death too. By doing the required asanas you can fight back. 

Yoga betters your asthma condition due to the free flow of air. By continuously practicing yoga you can leave your medications at bay. Asthma attacks would lessen with the increase of yoga practice. The breathing exercises are very useful to open up your lungs for fresh air.

Back bending postures are very good to open up your chest to improve your heart and lung condition. Practicing upper back bends and chest opening postures helps, in exhaling during asthma attacks. Forward bends and lower back bending poses help in inhaling, during the attack. Mucus can be removed by inverted postures.

Pranayama is an excellent way to have a controlled breath to avoid any asthma attacks. According to the triggering factors for asthma attacks, one should practice pranayama. Dirga prananyama is a multi-purpose asana and helps in slow and deep breathing exercise. Nadi Sodhana can help you with stress and emotional turmoil.

Asthma triggered by cold can be helped by Ujjayi pranayama. Allergic trigger patterns can be avoided by Sitt Kari or Shitali pranayama. Kapalbhatti pranayama is very good to reduce the mucus congestion.

These breathing exercises are very good to strengthen and relax the muscles of lungs. During the asthma attack this proves to be very useful. It reduces the nerve activity in the airways causing fewer bottlenecks during the attack. It helps cleanse the air passage to breathe easily. It helps in stabilizing the autonomous nervous systems.

Pranayama if practiced regularly can do lot of difference to your health. This would help you to have asthma free life. Props used while doing these asanas may help you better. Breathing helps to soothe the lining of the bronchial tree and helps in preventing the external allergens. It is said that the single and long inhalation is very good for relaxation.

Some Asanas which would relieve Asthma from your life

- Dandasana
- Baddhakonasana
- Upavista Konasana
- Virasana
- Supta Baddhakonasana
- Supta Virasana
- Setubandha Sarvangasana
- Adhomukha Svanasana
- Uttanasana
- Tadasana Samasthithi

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions before following any of the asanas from this article and the site. To avoid any problems while doing the asanas, it is advised that you consult a doctor and a yoga instructor. The responsibility lies solely with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Yoga Asthma Cure, Yoga poses for asthma, Pranayama exercises

Yoga Facts

Yoga is a group of ancient practices which were first developed in India. It is still popular in the country today, and is considered to be a spiritual exercise. Many Indians see it as a way of attaining enlightenment.

Yoga Facts

Yoga is a group of ancient practices which were first developed in India. It is still popular in the country today, and is considered to be a spiritual exercise. Many Indians see it as a way of attaining enlightenment. Yoga is broken down into four primary categories, and these are Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, and Raja Yoga. However, these are only a few of the many variations of this exercise. Yoga has become popular in the West, and is well known because of its many postures. 

While yoga is commonly seen as just being an exercise in the West, it is an important part of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. For those who are followers of these religions, yoga is not only seen as being an exercise, but is also a method that can be used to attain enlightenment. This practice has existed for thousands of years, and has been mentioned in a number of important Indian texts such as the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita. Contemporary yoga is comprised of a number of different principles, and many of these are taken from Indian religions.

The purpose of the postures is to keep the body healthy and fit. Practitioners will often chant, and may perform breathing techniques as well. Meditation plays an important role in yoga, and many western yoga establishments present the practice in a way that can help those who don't practice Hinduism. Many people in the West are attracted to yoga because of its ability to relax both the body and the mind. In addition to this, it is a great way to stay physically fit. Many people who practice yoga view it as being a great way to improve their health or enhance the function of their minds.

The goal of some yoga practitioners is to achieve what is called samadhi. Samadhi is a complex mental state where a person can achieve ecstasy. The goals of those who practice yoga will vary based on their religion and background. Those who practice Hinduism believe that yoga is away of getting close to God. Buddhists believe that yoga can help individuals achieve a deeper level of wisdom. Western nations place an importance on individualism, so many people in the West will use yoga as a method for self improvement.

Yoga is a very ancient practice that places an emphasis on having full control over the body and the mind. Many people who use it believe that they will be able to gain insight into the underlying structure of reality. The Yogi is a person who will attain an state of enlightenment where their thoughts will cease, and they will achieve a type of union. Yoga is a very complex subject which can mean different things for different people. Even if one does not wish to attain enligtenment, this practice can allow them to enhance their own insight. Even though yoga has strong connections to Indian religions, it is not a religion itself. Even though the exact age of this practice is not known, it is estimated that it has existed for at least 6,000.