Showing posts with label right. Show all posts
Showing posts with label right. Show all posts

Maybe Bikram is Right?

I laughed at his rhetoric, equally, as much as watching Jerry Seinfeld or Ray Ramano, do a stand up comedy routine. The man is pure entertainment and he has a point.

Article Body:
For some reason, I had the time to sit down and watch a little television, and as luck would have it, Bikram Choudhury was being interviewed on 60 Minutes Wednesday.

My wife, Marie and I don’t often get home at that time of the night, as we are usually closing up the wellness center, so this was fate and a bit of luck.
Our center does not have 105 degree Bikram classes or hot Yoga classes, but we are familiar with Bikram’s style and his wife’s many accomplishments.  Rajashree Choudhury is a five-time winner of the All-India Yoga Championship competition.

I am not a Bikram fan, but I am not swayed by some of the anti-Bikram articles that work their way into the world of Yoga. 

Before I touch some of the finer points of his interview, I must concede that he snatched the lime light with exuberance and now I know why some love him, while others don’t feel so warm and furry about him.

I laughed at his rhetoric, equally, as much as watching Jerry Seinfeld or Ray Ramano, do a stand up comedy routine.  The man is pure entertainment and he has a point. 

In reference to his style of yoga, he said “ I don’t sell cheesecake, you know that.”  The fact is anyone who visits a Bikram style Yoga class knows what they are getting into.  How could you miss 105 degrees Fahrenheit?

More to the point, America is a country of extremes and there are estimates that only 10% of the population exercises regularly.  While, another 35% of the population, drift in, and out, of exercise, depending upon the season, a fad, or a whim.

The remaining 55%, of America’s population, have taken a pledge to avoid exercise at all costs.  Maybe the “couch potatoes” can only grasp the concept of a “kick in the pants.” 

Some people need a drill instructor personality and as Bikram would say, “torture chamber” to understand Yoga.  America made him the “Guru of the Stars,” and he understands public relations.  Let’s give credit, where credit is due.  If you love Yoga and missed this interview, see if you can catch the re-run.

There is a strange need, on a massive scale, for “stern but loving parent” type teachers in Yoga classes.  Now if you’ll excuse me, I am about to organize the Extremely Hot Navy Seals Power Yoga Boot Camp.

is article should exercise all precautions before following any of the asanas from this article and the site. To avoid any problems while doing the asanas, it is advised that you consult a doctor and a yoga instructor. The responsibility lies solely with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Maybe Bikram is Right?

I laughed at his rhetoric, equally, as much as watching Jerry Seinfeld or Ray Ramano, do a stand up comedy routine. The man is pure entertainment and he has a point.

health. healthy, yoga, fitness, bikram, right, wrong

Article Body:
For some reason, I had the time to sit down and watch a little television, and as luck would have it, Bikram Choudhury was being interviewed on 60 Minutes Wednesday.

My wife, Marie and I don’t often get home at that time of the night, as we are usually closing up the wellness center, so this was fate and a bit of luck.
Our center does not have 105 degree Bikram classes or hot Yoga classes, but we are familiar with Bikram’s style and his wife’s many accomplishments.  Rajashree Choudhury is a five-time winner of the All-India Yoga Championship competition.

I am not a Bikram fan, but I am not swayed by some of the anti-Bikram articles that work their way into the world of Yoga. 

Before I touch some of the finer points of his interview, I must concede that he snatched the lime light with exuberance and now I know why some love him, while others don’t feel so warm and furry about him.

I laughed at his rhetoric, equally, as much as watching Jerry Seinfeld or Ray Ramano, do a stand up comedy routine.  The man is pure entertainment and he has a point. 

In reference to his style of yoga, he said “ I don’t sell cheesecake, you know that.”  The fact is anyone who visits a Bikram style Yoga class knows what they are getting into.  How could you miss 105 degrees Fahrenheit?

More to the point, America is a country of extremes and there are estimates that only 10% of the population exercises regularly.  While, another 35% of the population, drift in, and out, of exercise, depending upon the season, a fad, or a whim.

The remaining 55%, of America’s population, have taken a pledge to avoid exercise at all costs.  Maybe the “couch potatoes” can only grasp the concept of a “kick in the pants.” 

Some people need a drill instructor personality and as Bikram would say, “torture chamber” to understand Yoga.  America made him the “Guru of the Stars,” and he understands public relations.  Let’s give credit, where credit is due.  If you love Yoga and missed this interview, see if you can catch the re-run.

There is a strange need, on a massive scale, for “stern but loving parent” type teachers in Yoga classes.  Now if you’ll excuse me, I am about to organize the Extremely Hot Navy Seals Power Yoga Boot Camp.

How to find the right Yoga teacher?

Want to practice Yoga but don't know how to pick a Yoga teacher right for you? Read this!

Article Body:
I am often asked by beginners about how to evaluate a Yoga Teacher?
The following is the “CALM check list.” These factors are basic criteria that your Yoga Instructor should meet before you continue on to a second Yoga class.

CALM gets it name from four main factors: Communication, Assist, Listen, and Modification. For the right Yoga teacher, you should be answering with a “yes” to all questions.
• Communication: Does your Yoga teacher talk to you, and other students, in a manner of mutual respect? Can you ask a question during class time?
Does your teacher show compassion for you and other students? Does your Yoga teacher take the time to lead you through a guided meditation or relaxation? Meditation and relaxation are major aspects of Yoga practice.

There are Yoga teachers who just want to get "their workout" done. Beware of Yoga teachers, who are so important, they don’t have time for you.

Some students love this air of superiority and, unfortunately, some people love abuse. If you want to learn Yoga, you need an open line of communication with your Yoga teacher.

• Assist: Does your teacher care about your form? Will your teacher give you a verbal or physical assist during your Yoga class? Are props encouraged in your Yoga classes?

Some students never have major problems with alignment and some do, but if your teacher doesn’t give verbal cues, what does that tell you?

• Listen: Does your Yoga teacher take the time to listen to your feedback? Is your teacher "in the moment" with the class?

Once in a while, there is a Yoga instructor who runs, “The-it’s-all-about-me-show.” You are not going to learn anything from this type of teaching. Beginners will be put at risk, trying to keep up with a seasoned Yoga teacher who doesn’t explain anything.

• Modification: Does your Yoga teacher allow modifications and props? If your teacher discourages props, you are in the wrong place.

Some students will need props for life depending upon their range of motion. Just because a teacher can do a posture without props, doesn’t mean every student can.

Summary: Stay away from abusive Yoga teachers, and if you are attracted to abuse, there is always professional help. Some students crave “the stern, but loving parent” types. They will push you harder, but how much pushing do you really need?

Respect is a two way street, and you deserve as much respect as your Yoga teacher does. Let common sense be your guide. You should feel good after a Yoga class, and you might even feel muscle soreness days after a vigorous class.

Make sure your Yoga teacher meets the above criteria before making a commitment.
