Is Yoga For You?

Yoga is the most popular and fast growing exercise trend of all. Over the last few years this form has really taken off and more and more people are choosing it among all other forms of exercise. Yoga is healthy and it is fun. Your entire body will get a total workout and a great stretch when you use yoga each day.

If you are ready to take your life in a whole new direction, one that is healthy and well balanced then toga is probably for you. There are enough different kin...


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Yoga is the most popular and fast growing exercise trend of all. Over the last few years this form has really taken off and more and more people are choosing it among all other forms of exercise. Yoga is healthy and it is fun. Your entire body will get a total workout and a great stretch when you use yoga each day.

If you are ready to take your life in a whole new direction, one that is healthy and well balanced then toga is probably for you. There are enough different kinds of yoga out there for you to try that you are sure to find one that suits both your fitness level and your pain tolerance.
There is an idea floating around among the populace that yoga is a painful experience. This is simply not the case. Yoga, if done correctly, can stretch your muscles but not hurt them. There are different forms so that everyone can find just the right kind of yoga for them. The best way to get involved in this fabulous exercise regime is to try a few different kinds. Start slow and do not push yourself too hard. That is how so many people get hurt.

Yoga helps to exercise not only your body but your mind as well. This is a spiritual exercise that will do wonders for your state of mind. You will find yourself much less stressed and more and more relaxed the more you do yoga. Everyone deserves to feel good and strong and that is exactly what yoga is going to do for you. It is like a natural fountain of youth. In no time people will be asking you if you got some work done, because you look so great!

If you are ready to finally get on track as far as your health is concerned then give yoga a shot and see what a difference it can make to your life.

Indian Gurus and unsafe yoga camp

While a noble effort by Indian gurus to revive the whole concept of yoga is
praiseworthy, however the yoga sessions for health related problems for 30000 people in a camp and through TV without checking their medical conditions and without supervision are dangerous.

Yoga,Yoga India,Indian Guru,kapalabhati

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Yoga - the oldest system of personal development needs no introduction nowadays. Its popularity can be estimated by the fact that more than 15 million people practice yoga in USA alone. Almost every health club in a country like UK has yoga classes. In India where the yoga system was originated it was not practiced on mass level until couple of years ago. Of course, yoga was taught as a free service for years by organization like Bhartiya Yog Sansthan in public park but never before as an unquestionable and unsafe mass hysteria.  

Recently with the help of TV channels the whole concept of Yoga has rejuvenated in India. Baba Ramdev Ji, the Indian ‘yoga guru’ has started teaching yoga to the masses to the extent of millions of people.
It is really good that now people in India are developing healthy habits by waking up early in the morning followed by energizing yoga practice, thanks to TV channels and Baba Ramdev. As Yoga exercises have tremendous physical and medical benefits which help people to get rid of various diseases, it is good that those TV channels and Baba Ramdev and others are doing marvelous work to help the nation to get rid of diseases.

However, like every other science, yoga is also a precise science. The question is: ‘Are all yoga exercises safe to teach through the TV media and can the same exercise be taught to all people with various health conditions?’
“This is the question which requires deeper digging into the subject of yoga itself otherwise the consequences of doing yoga practice could be more dangerous than beneficial” said Subodh Gupta, Yoga expert from India.

Let us understand how:
There are some breathing exercises like simple alternate nostril breathing (without holding the breath), which can be taught easily without much complications and have various benefits. However, at the same time some of the exercises, for example: kapalabhati breathing technique which is taught to the masses is quite questionable. “This exercise even though having tremendous benefits, can be equally dangerous if somebody has heart disease or problem related to hernia” said Subodh. ‘Will it help or rather make the hernia and heart problem worse?’ considering the fact that many Indians suffer from hernia and heart problem. For example, according to the ‘National Digestive Disease Information Clearinghouse’ (NDDIC), potential causes for hernia include anything that creates increased pressure in the abdomen. This includes: coughing, vomiting, straining/constipation, etc. Now considering this information what about the forceful exhalation which people do while practicing kapalabhati or other pranayama exercises and how far these can be dangerous for people having hernia? Perhaps medical expert can better answer this question in more details.

Similarly there are number of other yoga postures which require great precautions. As we all have different body structures and different fitness level, conducting same exercises (apart from very few which are comparatively safe) for 30000 people in a camp without checking their medical conditions is quite questionable. 

Also ‘Are the instructions about kapalabhati and other yoga exercises safely delivered by Gurus?’ ‘Are they ensuring that people are following their practices safely?’ ‘Is it really safe for the beginner to learn yoga only through the TV channels?’
“Well, it is a serious question for the swami Ramdev Ji and others who are teaching yoga to masses to answer” said Subodh Gupta.

If seems that in India there is no governing body which understands the fragility of adverse impact of yoga exercises if done in improper way. No doubt yoga is effective for treating various diseases and a noble effort has been taken by Swami Ramdev and organizations like Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana but unless these exercises are not done in a proper system and with supervision, the whole concept of yoga teaching will become more of mockery or maybe it has already become. Perhaps in near future when the ill effect of unsafe yoga practice will come to the limelight, the media will come up with great news stating that 50 or 100 million Indians are making fun with yoga everyday in front of TV and playing with their health.

Issued in public interest by Subodh Gupta, for all those who are beginners and are learning yoga through TV, video cassette, DVD or in camps with hundreds of other people.

Improve Your Eyesight With Trataka

Eyes are the windows of the soul and you can see what a person is up to by looking into his eyes. Hence, it is important to have clean eyesight. In yoga, trataka is a technique devised by the ancient sages to improve eyesight. It is a shuddhikriya or a purification process to cleanse the eyesight and help in the silencing of the mind in concentration.

Sit with your back straight. Keep your eyes fixed on an object without winking till tears start streaming down your face. T...

Yoga, Trataka

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Eyes are the windows of the soul and you can see what a person is up to by looking into his eyes. Hence, it is important to have clean eyesight. In yoga, trataka is a technique devised by the ancient sages to improve eyesight. It is a shuddhikriya or a purification process to cleanse the eyesight and help in the silencing of the mind in concentration.

Sit with your back straight. Keep your eyes fixed on an object without winking till tears start streaming down your face. The small object can be the flame of an oil lamp, or an image or a picture or the letter ‘AUM”. This object should be placed in the line of sight at a distance of about four to six feet. You can also do this kriya without any object in front of you. Having an object is not necessary. Just stare in front of you at the wall without moving the eyeballs or eyelids. Ensure that you stare at a certain point on the wall.
Before starting this exercise, you can start off by moving the eyes without moving the head, where you roll your eyeballs up and down, sideways and from corner to corner diagonally. Initially, you can make this movement with open eyes and then repeat them with closed eyes. This will give the requisite exercise to the eye muscles. This is then followed by trataka. Trataka makes the eyes clear, improves eyes and silences the mind. Over a period of time, you will experience the silence of the mind. If you want to meditate, start with trataka to silence the mind and then go to the meditation. This way, you will reap the benefits of meditation. Since you are exercising the eye muscles, they become stronger. You can perform this kriya daily without any harmful effects.

Importance Of Controlling Your Mind

Since ancient times, the human philosophers have realized the importance of the mind in governing the human affairs. They knew that a person’s external circumstances were the result of his internal thoughts. They were aware that if the person thinks of riches, he would have riches, while if the thoughts are of poverty, success and failure would produce the corresponding effects in the person’s circumstances. Today, modern science has acknowledged the truth of these findings. ...

yoga, mind control, dhyana

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Since ancient times, the human philosophers have realized the importance of the mind in governing the human affairs. They knew that a person’s external circumstances were the result of his internal thoughts. They were aware that if the person thinks of riches, he would have riches, while if the thoughts are of poverty, success and failure would produce the corresponding effects in the person’s circumstances. Today, modern science has acknowledged the truth of these findings. Hence, it becomes crucial for a person to control his mind.
Yoga has specific techniques which deal with the science of mind control. We will study the nature of the mind as is recognized by yoga in this chapter. Shankaracharya has defined the mind in four different ways as per its functions: manas for the job of resolving and doubting; buddhi for the decision and judgment; asmita for the consciousness of its individual existence and chita for remembering the previous experiences. The Mind is a vast collection of thoughts and traces of past experiences. When you are born, your mind is the collection of samskaras collected over the previous births. Those samskaras, whose fruits have already been enjoyed have been wiped out. But as you grow up, new samskaras are being added continuously due to various acts performed by you from birth to death. This translates into the law of karma which states that the events one faces in his life are the results of the activities done by him in the past and his mind at birth contains the samskaras from his previous births.

Yoga recognizes five factors, basic to the mind of every person. They are called kleshas because they are the forefathers of every human misery. They are: avidya which is the false knowledge or ignorance of one’s true self in relation to the objects; asmita or ego feeling since in yoga, body and soul are two different aspects; raga is the liking of pleasurable experience; dvesha or aversion to pain; abhinivesha or fear of death. Yoga understands the human behaviour from the perspective of these five qualities which are assumed to be present in a person since birth and are considered as the impurities of the mind. They make a person unstable and agitated. Hence yoga has given way of dhyana and pranayam to cleanse your mind.

Importance And Benefits Of Ardha Chandrasana

Life teaches us lot of things and yoga learns lot from life. It derives its inspiration from the basic nature of life which is in various forms such as human, animals, plants, tress, earth, sun and moon. For instance this asanas other name is derived from the Moon. In English this asana would mean Half Moon Pose. The Moon from which the name is derived is an important part of our life. It touches each individual it in its own manner.

Apparently Hatha yoga talks about sun a...

Ardha Chandrasana yoga Asana Benefits, Yoga Asana, Helps joint pains

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Life teaches us lot of things and yoga learns lot from life. It derives its inspiration from the basic nature of life which is in various forms such as human, animals, plants, tress, earth, sun and moon. For instance this asanas other name is derived from the Moon. In English this asana would mean Half Moon Pose. The Moon from which the name is derived is an important part of our life. It touches each individual it in its own manner.

Apparently Hatha yoga talks about sun and moon which are two extreme power houses of human body. So by doing this asana it makes it more important to raise those energies and use it for the benefit of your body. This energy might be in useful for our tired bodies. The solar and lunar energy force works together for benefiting your body.
Stretching is very significant in every asana and this asana is no different. While doing Ardha Chandrasana it becomes very important to keep in mind that many may not be able to do this asana with a stiff body. You can use some accessories like yoga block to give you support, which can be used between the ground and your hand. To avoid your leg from slipping you can also use the wall as a support.

You start off this asana by performing the Utthita Trikonasana. This helps to begin your asana and provide you all the necessary benefits you can draw from this asana. By doing this asana it helps in creating a sense of a balance. Your concentration and coordination also improves greatly which is very healthy in times of urgency and emergency.

Due to this asana your fitness level increases as it stretches all the required muscles in your body to make you more agile and healthy. The joint problems which you have been suffering from ages will be cured and can be easily brought under control. By doing this asana there will be less pain and more of freedom from all the restless nights of pain. Your muscles are also strengthened as the tilt helps your asana.

Arthritis pain also improves as it helps when you keep your legs straight helping them immensely. It is also very useful for your groins and hamstring as it stretches every muscle of that part, making it more functional and more efficient. Your digestion also improves due to this pose. It helps in relieving stress and creates an easy balance in life.