Ashtanga Yoga Poses - What's the Point, Really?

Ashtanga Yoga Poses - What's the Point, Really?

"Ashtanga yoga poses" is a frequently search phrase on Google. There are two very different ideas about that term ashtanga yoga today though, so the website you land on might not be quite what you're looking for. The Sanskrit word Ashtanga means "eight limbs" (ashta means eight, and anga means limb), referring to the traditional system of yoga comprised of 8 essential, interconnected parts.
But the term ashtanga yoga has also gotten attached to a modern exercise system that focuses heavily on part, the yoga pose. Yoga poses, though, are only the tip of the iceberg in yoga. If you don't go very far beyond them, you simply AREN'T DOING YOGA.

How many limbs do you have?

The first steps in astanga yoga are the yamas and niyamas. If you've read anything about yoga, I'm sure you've heard about these morals and ethics. Yogis seemed so obsessed with them... Come on though, who doesn't know that we should be good people? Step three though... now we're getting into the good stuff... those yoga poses! If Jennifer Aniston keeps looking younger everyday with them, then I definitely want to do yoga too! Yeah, we've all heard about step 4 too... the BORING yoga breathing... Ok, five minutes of that is enough. I know how to breathe...

But what really comes next?

After these first four step, yoga gets very hazy for most people. Even most yoga teachers get pretty new-age flakey when they start to talk about the higher levels of yoga. It seems that the lack of student interest in the higher stages of yoga is rivalled only by the lack of enthusiasm by teachers to educate about them. But guess what... It's in the higher four stages, where yoga actually begins!

What's the point of the first four limbs then?

We all know the saying, "you need to crawl before you can walk." The first four limbs are "yoga crawling" so to speak... preparation for the higher stages. But one of the biggest yoga delusions people have is thinking that, because they can contort their body into all sorts of extreme positions, they are "advanced" in yoga.

The ashtanga yoga poses are indeed great tools for improving and maintaining our physical health. They even help ground us a lot on the mental and emotional levels too. But transforming from someone who is deeply attached to their possessions, emotional dramas and relationships in this world, into someone who is able to detach from all these things and experience the real joy of being part of this miracle of life, requires a journey to the higher yoga mountain peak.

If we don't want to go there, then perhaps our yoga teachers haven't done a good enough job to inspire us... to let us know what we're missing, and why we need to set our sites a little higher. If we don't outgrow our attachment to the Ashtanga yoga poses, then we'll be stuck in that land of preparation forever. The question is, what exactly are we preparing for?

Office Yoga - Corporate Yoga for the Office

Office Yoga - Corporate Yoga for the Office

Could Yoga increase office yoga productivity? Can Yoga teachers help the corporate sector? What can Office Yoga programs do for large and small businesses? Let's look at solutions that Yoga can offer to the business world.

The number of office yoga workers has increased, with the invention of the personal computer. Working excessive hours in front of a personal computer can create a multitude of back, neck, shoulder, spine, hip, and wrist problems. Muscle groups, in all of these areas, respond with tension and a variety of long-term problems - if they are ignored by office workers and management.

Forty years ago, secretaries would have been patronized for their migraines, cluster headaches, back pain, hip problems, and sore necks. Now, times are changing, and there has been much progress with ergonomics and studies which reveal new insights about the relationship of prolonged sitting to specific health problems.

A recent study, by The Medical Research Institute, in New Zealand, has revealed that office workers may be at a higher risk of developing blood clots. As most of us know, these studies are worded very tactfully, and do not jump to conclusions; however, anyone who understands body mechanics would realize that this makes perfect sense.

With that said, let's remember that blood clots can be potentially fatal as they travel to the heart and vital organs. Blood clots can, and do, cause stroke, chest pain, and heart attack.

With larger numbers of office yoga workers putting in extra hours of work, some "forward thinking" companies have begun to respond with office Yoga programs for their employees. Even short Office Yoga sessions can release muscle tension and alleviate the routine pains and aches, which result from prolonged sitting.

Therefore, companies, which take pro-active measures, by installing Office Yoga programs, are taking positive action toward health solutions for employees - thus, increasing productivity, while decreasing sick time, tardiness, and medical leave.

Office Yoga creates an atmosphere of decreased anxiety, less stress, positive thinking, and raises morale. Nothing is more rewarding than feeling worthy and being treated with respect. Any small company can take such action by installing an Office Yoga program.

Some companies pay a percentage for a Yoga teacher to operate an Office Yoga class, while employees pay the balance. Other companies see this as a "win-win" situation and pay for the Yoga classes in full. Regardless of how an Office Yoga program is paid for, the benefits for the corporate sector are just starting to be realized.