When most people
fail on a diet they are left with little option other than to blame themselves.
This article suggests that the failure may be caused by thought processes
rather than a lack of "will-power"
This year
millions of people will embark upon a diet and fail to lose weight.
The usual
response to this failure by the people marketing the diet is to
blame the
individual for the failure. This leaves the person feeling
defeated and
guilty because of their lack of "will-power"
Blaming the
individual also preserves the illusion that diets are an effective
way to lose
weight.I think it is time to move the discussion beyond
"blaming" level and explore the real reasons diets fail.
I will use an
example to explain my position.
When most people
are presented with something like a chocolate (candy) bar it
is not long
before they feel a desire to eat the thing. Most will simply blame
the chocolate for
causing the desire. They will then try to battle the craving
"will-power". Usually they lose this battle and sooner or later give
and eat the
chocolate bar. This "giving-in" often marks the end of the diet.
Now lets look at
why this "giving-in" occurred. We know that the cognitive
process that
caused the craving to eat the chocolate bar went something like
this; sensory
input was received through the appropriate receptors [mainly
eyes in this
case] and the mind formed some type of neural or sensory
representation of
the object that will be defined as a chocolate bar. We can
regard this
process as inescapable. If the sensory receptors are in working
order, the mind
must form a representation or neural image of the object.
When a neural
image has been formed we have been taught to assign meanings,
from memory, to
these images as they occur in the mind. The assignment
of meaning is
followed by an emotional response appropriate to the meaning
assigned. In the
case of the chocolate bar the meaning assigned included past
memories of
pleasant experiences assosciated with eating chocolate bars, hence
the craving to
eat this chocolate bar. So really it was not the presence of
the object that
will be defined as a chocolate bar that caused the craving,
but the cognitive
process outlined.
Specifically it
was the assignment of meaning that caused the craving. And
because this
assignment of meaning has become totally automatic in most
people, the
chocolate bar gets the blame for the craving when in fact it only
had the power to
cause the mind to form a meaningless image. For most, the
meaning and image
have become "fused", with the meaning now seen as an
inherent part of
the neural image itself rather than something assigned from
within the mind.
This of course gives the stimulus the power to be the cause
of the response.
Just thinking
about or reflecting upon a chocolate bar has the same
effect. A neural
image is formed from that reflection and when it has
been formed the
cognitive process of automatically assigning meaning to it is
exactly the same
as with images caused by the external stimulii. We feel
like a eating the
chocolate bar.
This all means of
course that every time we are presented with a chocolate bar
or some other
desirable food, the mind automatically performs the cognitive
process outlined
and creates a desire to eat the delicacy. The continual
responses build up and eventually wear us down. This is the reason
"give-in" and the diet goes out the window.
My point is then,
the only way to reduce our food intake and still feel
comfortable is to
modify this process of automatically assigning meaning to
the images that
come into our heads. This way we can reduce the desire to eat
unnecessarily and
thereby modify our eating behaviour so that we lose weight
and keep it off.
Diets do not
supply these techniques and in actual fact they fail the
individual not
the other way round as their providers would have you
believe. If
changing our behaviour was easy as making a decision to go on a
diet, most of us
would have changed many things about ourselves long ago. The
truth is we need
techniques that will help us to bring that change about or we
are doomed to
Diets, failure fo,