Showing posts with label meditation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meditation. Show all posts

Yoga Meditation

Yoga Meditation
As it is generally admitted by yoga practitioners and yoga trainers, yoga sessions are very much about self equilibrium, peacefulness and meditation. By practicing meditation we can all reach the sublime state of learning the purpose of our existence and maximizing our will to reach it.

Studies have proven that meditation highly contributes to both physical and psychological well-being, which is why yoga routines consider the practice of meditation as one of its main prin...

As it is generally admitted by yoga practitioners and yoga trainers, yoga sessions are very much about self equilibrium, peacefulness and meditation. By practicing meditation we can all reach the sublime state of learning the purpose of our existence and maximizing our will to reach it.

Studies have proven that meditation highly contributes to both physical and psychological well-being, which is why yoga routines consider the practice of meditation as one of its main principles.

Reducing physical pain, stress and blood pressure, meditation promotes a state of mind, by which we can achieve self-healing. Due to all these uncontestable benefits that this practice involves, there is a great variety of information available in different formats, regarding the most efficient meditation techniques, postures, courses, products and forums.

Religion and psychology promote meditation as well, as a way of assessing our actions and seeking self improvements. As many theories and ancient believes demonstrate, our present life is determined by our previous actions, which is why it is vital to analyze and meditate on the things we do, in order to find ways of improving ourselves and thus, creating a brighter future.

Meditation is definitely one of the main principles of yoga, as it has been verified that it is a trustworthy tool to use for achieving mental clarity and health. A very important thing to know is the fact that there are various types of meditation exercises, designed for advanced or beginner yoga students. Thus, you have to carefully analyze all details and information provided on each and every one of these techniques and exercises, so that you obtain the maximum results, from your meditation routines.

Despite the fact that many people believe that, just like breathing, meditation is something that comes naturally and cannot be taught, there are a few aspects of this process, which can increase your efficiency and your results, in no time. One of the aspects you have to bear in mind is the time of the day when you carry out your yoga meditation; hence, it would be perfect if you could do it either in the morning or late in the evening, as during those particular moments of the day, the atmosphere is charged with a high level of spiritual energy.

Here is some advice regarding meditation:

* Before starting the meditation session free your mind of all worries.
* Try to locate a quiet place, where you are not likely to be disturbed.
* It is recommended to choose the same moment of the day, as well as the same place, for your meditation routine.
* Focus on meditation; do not let your mind get lost in other thoughts.
* Try to follow a pattern when breathing.
* Your head, back and neck have to be placed in a perfect straight line.

Remember that it is crucial both to perform the meditation session and to observe the results, in order to get close to experiencing the supreme synchronization between the body and the spirit.

Yoga Meditation

Yoga for mothers

There’s all this hype about Yoga that I didn’t fully understand before – what’s all this clamor about Yoga for pregnancy?? What’s the big deal? You have a big belly, retch half the time, have a sudden liking for pickle and have to wear your husband’s clothing….you need Yoga to help you deal with all that?

I am not a Yoga teacher. I’ve only attended about 3 Yoga classes although my gym offers Yoga classes. So, why am I writing about Yoga when I know nothing about it? I am curious – that’s my nature. And through the years, this curiosity has helped me develop a career as a freelance graphic designer and writer. And it is through a very weird type of Yoga (my own type, or whatever I thought was Yoga at that point in time) that helped me swim ashore when I was teetering between drowning in the sea of depression after giving birth to my sons. 

Both times, I was hit badly and constantly turned to the bottle for a solution. The bottle never will be a solution and yet, I hoped it would be.

Yoga and the soon-to-be-mother
There’s all this hype about Yoga that I didn’t fully understand before – what’s all this clamor about Yoga for pregnancy?? What’s the big deal? You have a big belly, retch half the time, have a sudden liking for pickle and have to wear your husband’s clothing….you need Yoga to help you deal with all that?

But of course, I only began the understand the benefits of Yoga as a mother when I started going for the classes, read about them in books, magazines and websites. This amazing method can help mothers regain their physical strength and sends them into a journey of self-discovery and improvement. Instead of helping you deal with others, in Yoga, everything starts from within. Therefore, to solve a problem, you have to go inside.

And inside a mother, it’s always a battle zone…and it’s tumultuous half the time. Pizza or no pizza? Sex or no sex tonight? What kind of mother will I be? Will I sprain my own child’s fingers when I try to put his/her clothes on? With the kind of bizarre thinking (and hormones) going on inside our mind and our body, mothers often have a  difficulty finding peace. Your doctor will tell you time and time again that although nutrition is important, finding peace, quiet and calm in yourself and in your life is just important for an expectant mother.

Yoga for the regular mother
Considering the fact that Yoga can help bring calm into calamity, it’s obviously a good choice for you to try out Yoga if you’re thinking of starting an exercise program. Better yet, join a gym…which is what I did. I used to scoff at people who join gyms and judging from the loud dance music, I remember thinking to myself… “Yikes…gym is just a sorry excuse for a disco. Instead of serving peanuts, they serve fruit mixes. Instead of alcohol, they serve bottled water. But everyone’s trying to get into a social thing in the gym. It’s a social club!”

And as a mother, I don’t have the time to join a social club.

But I was wrong. As soon as I gave the 10-day free classes trial, I was hooked. No makeup, no dressup (oh, the younger gym-goers still dress up to the nines and apply mascara for gym) and no pretense. I go to the gym and attend the Yoga class to sweat – to end up looking ugly but feeling damn good!

Mothers can open up their minds and free up their hearts after Yoga
Yoga has this tranquilizing effect on people that can hardly be explained with words. It has to be felt. It’s like you’re striking those poses, stretching those muscles and bending over backwards…and all this while, your mind is opening up and all impure thoughts are just flying out of it.

Yoga can be like ‘taking out the trash’.

And this can be good for the whole family, especially the kids, as well. After a session of uninterrupted Yoga, you’ll feel renewed. Even a grumpy, sleeping, tired and beaten-out mother will have more energy to spend time with the kids. Instead of feeling disgruntled and trapped, a mother can use Yoga to actually find an opening, a release that helps relax, not only the body, but the mind as well.

I don’t know about you…but I am going for more classes because I have seen the benefits. Yoga can do a whole lot for the ordinary non-married kidless people….imagine what it can do for a mother.


The Practice of Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is mainly practiced for health and vitality. Hatha Yoga was introduced in the 15th century by Yogi Swatmarama. Hatha yoga focuses on the purification of the physical being which leads to the purification of the mind or vital energy.

The Practice of Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is mainly practiced for health and vitality. Hatha Yoga was introduced in the 15th century by Yogi Swatmarama. Hatha yoga focuses on the purification of the physical being which leads to the purification of the mind or vital energy. The exploration of these physical-spiritual connections and body centered practices led to the creation of Hatha Yoga. Today In the West, hatha yoga has become wildly popular as a purely physical exercise regimen divorced of its original purpose. 
Whatever the historical details, Krishnamacharya has become the undisputed father of modern-day hatha yoga. Krishnamacharya's first lessons in yoga were from his father and his grandmother and passed on through generations of practice.

Hatha Yoga follows in that vein and thus successfully transcends being particularly grounded in any one religion. This exploration of these physical and spiritual connections and body centered practices led to the creation of Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga has been included in the life style of these traditions. Hatha Yoga classes tend, among other things, to emphasize physical mastery.

Hatha also means a force or determined effort, and yoga, of course, translates as yoke or joining together. The very name hatha yoga, a combination of "ha," meaning sun, and "tha," meaning moon, denotes the union of opposites. Through the practice of yoga an individual can gain information about physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being.

Hatha Yoga represents opposing energies: hot and cold, fire and water following the theme of ying and yang, male and female, positive and negative. Hatha yoga attempts to balance the mind and body. The balancing of the mind and body is brought about via physical exercises (also known as asanas), controlled breathing (pranayama) and relaxation or meditiation.

Pranayama refers to breath control in yoga. In this yoga is defined as a means of binding or controlling the breath and the mind using the syllable Om. In this case yoga has extremes, practices of fasting, breath control, and postures to transcend the body, and not cultivate it. Asana body postures that are contemplative in nature and are designed to align the body and bring about the optimum situation for relaxation.

Traditional yoga is a holistic yogic path and is becoming wildly popular.

hatha yoga, yoga, yogi, health, healthy, purification, assana, meditation, physical, spiritual,

The Best Benefit Of Yoga- Efficiency In Work Is Yoga!

Sometimes, what a voluminous book cannot explain can be explained in a single sentence! It is true about yoga. Yoga is not a mere word; it is a vast subject with many dimensions.

The wise saying goes, “Yoga karmasu kaushalam!‘-which means, ‘Efficiency in work is yoga!”

What you do is not important. How you do what you do, is important!

Yoga also means union. What union? Whether union between the body and the mind? Or the mind with the spirit? The traditionally accept...
The Best Benefit Of Yoga- Efficiency In Work Is Yoga!

Sometimes, what a voluminous book cannot explain can be explained in a single sentence! It is true about yoga. Yoga is not a mere word; it is a vast subject with many dimensions.

The wise saying goes, “Yoga karmasu kaushalam!‘-which means, ‘Efficiency in work is yoga!”

What you do is not important. How you do what you do, is important!

Yoga also means union. What union? Whether union between the body and the mind? Or the mind with the spirit? The traditionally accepted belief (or truth, depending upon the level of your spiritual progression) is the union between the Jeevatman and the Paramatman– between one’s individual consciousness and the universal consciousness.
Yoga is a very vast subject. Attempting even an introduction in a small articles is an impossibility. Nevertheless, some important observations need to be understood when you speak of yoga.

Yoga has got something to do with the health of your physical body.

Yoga has got something to do with your mental health.

Yoga has something to do with your intellectual health.

Yoga has got everything to do with your spiritual being.

The ultimate stage can only be realized. No amount of assertions, explanations, and arguments and counter arguments can take you up there. The domain of silence can only be achieved through silence!

Yoga is intensely linked to breathing. It is about channeling the energy through breath. Another intimate alley of yoga is meditation. You can not think of yoga without understanding at least some of the basic techniques of meditation! Spiritual appreciation as to the nature of the human body, who controls it all of the time, is absolutely essential for proper understanding of various practices that make the science of yoga.

A word about Karma Yoga. The fundamental principle Karma Yoga is, “Do your duty and do not ask for the reward.” What youngster of the modern generation would accept this principle? If I do my duty, I must get the reward! Aren’t there people who don’t do any work and still get the reward.

The word yoga makes its entry at this level of thinking of an individual. The correct interpretation of this principle of yoga is that ‘do your duty but don’t ask for the reward’ You will get the right reward, at the right moment!’

‘Every action has a reaction and the intensity of the reaction is in proportion to the intensity of the action.’ Over this the scientists and the spiritualists agree! One of the rare agreements between the two contending forces. Normally opposing forces! If you agree on this, don’t you think that it is necessary for you to agree that your every action, good or bad, will be rewarded as per the proportion it deserves?

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The 5 Divine Sheaths of the subtle human body.

The partitioning of the 5 sheaths has been presented in the categorization of the three bodies.  These 3 are the gross, subtle and casual bodies.  The gross body is made up of the food and Vital Force Sheath.  The 5 elements and 5 Vital Forces ( Pranas) are embedded in it.  The subtle body is made up of the mental and Intellectual Sheath. These 2 can be called conscious intellect and unconscious mind. The casual body is made up of the Bliss Sheath.

The 5 Divine Sheaths of the subtle human body.
Article Body:
he trend of 5-faced photographs and images of Gayatri is seen, so that those who take recourse to the spiritual practice of this MahaMantra, ask a pertinent question as to what we should do in future? Mantra chanting, meditation, eulogies to God, reading religious texts, sacrificial fire rites etc. are preliminary practices. As a result of this, the preliminary goal of purification of the body and concentration of the mind is achieved.  Yet there are more milestones to be reached.  For its attainment spiritual seekers should look out for necessary information and then imbibe alertness, steadfastness and capability, to walk on that path.  If a spiritual seeker remembers all this always, then know for sure that the aim behind creating photos/images of a 5-faced Gayatri has been duly achieved.

In reality Gayatri is the worldwide Super Power of the Almighty Lord. It has no particular form.  If one desires to have a glimpse of God’s form, it can be in the form of light only. Wisdom is compared to light. The god of Gayatri is Savita. Savita means the sun – a gigantic ball of brilliant light. When Gayatri Super Power manifests in a spiritual seeker, he gets a glimpse of a pinpoint of light, when he meditates.  A spiritual seeker sees a small/ big ball of light either in his heart, head, navel or eyes.  Sometimes it augments and at other times it diminishes.  Many types of shapes, colors of light rays are seen in it. In the beginning stages it keeps oscillating, sometimes it is visible and at other times it disappears.  But slowly a state comes, when all the different shapes, movement and colors are warded off and only a point of light remains.  In the initial stages, this light is of a small shape and with lesser radiance but when one’s soul state advances, this point of light starts enlarging, becomes more dazzling and manifests a lot of bliss.  Just as a lotus blooms forth when the early morning sunlight caresses its bud, so too when our inner soul is touched by this divine light, it experiences bliss of Brahman, absolute bliss and bliss of one’s very existence and consciousness. Just as the Indian red-legged partridge (bird) keeps gazing at the moon for the whole night, in the same way a spiritual seeker yearns to experience untold bliss by gazing at this inner light.  Sometimes one desires that just as a moth lays down his life for the flame lamp i.e. it gives up its ordinary existence for the glorious flame, so too I must merge my lowly individual ego into this cosmic light of God.

This is a minor glimpse of meditation on the formless Brahman (God). From the standpoint of experience, a spiritual seeker feels he is experiencing Brahman and spiritual wisdom.  The gift of wisdom i.e. imbibing great idealistic activities in our daily lives should awaken within us, inspirations and yearnings. Not only awakening but that it is taking the form of a firm resolve, inner state and as truth.  This is the symbol of experience of divine light. Because when the ignorance of power of illusion (Maya) and selfishness is overcome, man starts thinking with a generous viewpoint and imbibes acts of great men. Such a person never hesitates to step daringly on the path of spirituality, unlike people full of avarice, selfishness, delusion and narrow worldly attachments.  In order to execute appropriate acts, he marches ahead speedily on the path of spiritual well-being with great valor and enterprise.

So far we have dealt with the nature of high stature wisdom and meditation on the divine power in the form of ‘Gayatri’.  In the preliminary stages, it is not possible to get such high stature experiences. One must first imbibe preliminary, spiritual practices like Mantra chanting, worship, meditation, eulogies, fire sacrifices etc.  At such times it is a must that one takes help of photographs and images.  Meditation in the preliminary stages is possible only via name and form. The stage of formless meditation is very much higher up on the scale.  Even in that state there is no need to give up image worship and instead by including it in one’s daily chores, one controls one’s accumulated psychic imprints. When a huge building is constructed, its foundation is in the form of pebbles and stones. Once a firm foundation is laid down, one can build a building of various hues and designs. Later one fails to notice the pebbles / stones in the foundation, yet there is no need to renounce or mock at them. One should realize that the basis and firm foundation of that gigantic building are these pebbles, stones etc.  The spiritual progress of meditation with form too can be called a foundation stone.  In the preliminary stages its requirement is a must.  Thus the commencement of spirituality right from ancient times has taken place with the help of image worship and steadily it marches ahead.  It is with reference to this that the shape of Gayatri Super Power has been molded.  Just like other images of God, its image too right from ancient times has been used in mediation and worship of God.

Ordinarily only the image of a human face with one face and 2 arms are apt.  This is the best from for meditation and worship. Gayatri too should have those kinds of hands and legs just like a spiritual seeker’s beloved mother has.  Hence in meditation and worship, one uses the image of Gayatri Mother having 2 arms and one face seated on a white swan and having a book and water pot in her hands.  But in some regions one sees images with 5 faces. Maybe its meditation and worship is not apt, yet it has one important message and direction in it.  We must see that minutely.

The five faces of Gayatri are the 5 sheaths covering a Jeeva (living being).  They are the 5 manifestations and the ten arms of the 10 Sidhis (divine powers) and experiences.  Five arms are on the left hand side and the other 5 are on the right hand side. It points out to the 5 material and 5 spiritual powers and Sidhis that are conjoined to Gayatri Super Power. Whenever this Super Power manifests, there one will definitely see the 10 experiences, special qualities and wealth. The meaning of executing spiritual practices is not merely sitting in one particular spot daily so as to perform some scientific rite.  In fact it means that by making our entire life a form of spiritual endeavour one should raise the stature of one’s qualities, actions and nature so high, that one sees those divine glories in them, which are found in a symbolic form in the image of the 5-faced Gayatri.  The aim of spiritual practices is to generate divine energy.  When 10 energies and 10 Sidhis are attained, know for sure that some spiritual seeker is successfully marching ahead on the path of high leveled spiritual practices.

The 5 faces of Gayatri tell us that the 5 demi gods of a living being’s very existence are conjoined to it, so as to fulfill its goal.  Because they are under the influence of sleep, they look dead and hence are of no use.  As a result a living being exists like a weakling.  But if these powerful aides are activated, if their power is aptly utilized, then man instead of leading an ordinary run-of-the-mill life actually attains extraordinary material and spiritual heights. Man will get a golden chance of renouncing his demeaned state and in its place, lead a life of exalted glory.  The 5 elements of the body have been depicted as the 5 demi-gods as follows –

The Lord of space is Vishnu.  The goddess of fire is Maheshwari power.  The Lord of wind is Sun.  The Lord of earth is Shiva and the Lord of water is Ganapati Ganesh.  In this manner the 5 gods of our body are the Lords (existence) of the 5 elements (KAPILTANTRA).  The 5 Pranas (vital force) too are called 5 demi-gods.

All living beings have 5 demi-gods.  Because they are imbibed with vital force, they are Shiva.  This group manifests Kundalini Shakti (Divine Serpent Power).  Its shape is like that of dazzling lightning. (TANTRARNAV)

Kundalini is awakened when the 5 sheaths of our body are activated. When the Kundalini is activated the 5 sheaths of the body of a spiritual seeker radiates brilliance (MAHAYOG-VIGNAN)

The human body is made up of 5 elements.  Its Sattva Guna is seen as the 5 radiations of consciousness. (1) Mind (2) Intellect (3) Will (4) Mind stuff or psyche (5) Ego.

From the Rajas principle of the 5 elements arise the 5 Pranas or Vital Forces.  On this basis the 5 sense organs carry out the functions of the 5 sense objects.

From the Tamas principle of the 5 elements is created the gross/physical body.  They form 1) Juice 2) Blood 3) Flesh 4) Bones 5) Marrow. The 5 special organs viz. brain, heart, liver, lungs, kidneys and the 5 sense organs of action are a creation of this area.

The 5 demi-gods given to us, in order to help the living body, are also called the 5 sheaths.  Superficially the body looks single yet its power augments more and more.  Despite being invisible, it is so powerful that if it is activated, man can become great from lowly and also the cosmic soul (God) from his present status of an individual soul.  These 5 coverings of a living being are called the 5 sheaths 1) Food Sheath 2) Vital Force Sheath 3) Mental Sheath 4) Intellectual Sheath 5) Bliss Sheath.

Taitariya Unpanishad proclaims that the Vital Force Sheath is in the Food Sheath, the Mental Sheath is in the Vital Force Sheath, the Intellectual Sheath is in the Mental Sheath and that the Bliss Sheath is in the Intellectual Sheath.  Over here there is some parity and at some places there are differences.  Its discussion is as follows –

Man is full of food and juice.  This is its head. This is its southern aspect.  This is its northern aspect.  It is the soul. The hind tail is situated on the Merudand (subtle spine).

-     TAITARIYA UPANISHAD ( 2/ 1/ 1)

The soul which is within the Food Sheath made up of food, juice etc. is yet separate from it and is the vital force.  It is omnipotent.  It is of the same shape.  Its activities too are similar.  The vital force of the Vital Force Sheath is the head.  Its Vyan vital force is the Southern aspect and the Apan vital force is the northern aspect.  Space is its soul.  Its status in earth is tail-like.

-     TAITARIYA UPANISHAD ( 2/ 2/ 1)

Separate from the Vital Force Sheath is the Mental Sheath. The Vital Force Sheath overflows with the Mental Sheath.  It is very similar to it. The Vital Force Sheath is very similar to the Mental Sheath. Yaju is its head.  Rig is the southern aspect and Sam is its northern aspect.  Its soul is command.

-     TAITARIYA UPANISHAD ( 2/ 3/ 1)

Why are the Vedas correlated to the Mental Sheath? This answer is given in the Shankar Bhashya (commentary) in SankalpaManthan and the sentiments are depicted in the form of Yaju, Rig, Sama Vedas.

Different from the Mental Sheath is the Intellectual Sheath. The Mental Sheath is covered by the Intellectual Sheath. This is the Intellectual Sheath and is similar to Purusha.  It is like the Mental Sheath.  Faith is its head.  Relative truth is its southern aspect and divine truth its northern aspect. Yoga is its soul. Its hind status is in importance.

-     TAITARIYA UPANISHAD ( 2/ 4/ 1)

The Bliss Sheath despite dwelling within the Intellectual Sheath is separate from it.  The Intellectual Sheath overflows with Bliss Sheath. This too is similar to Purusha (God).  It is like the Intellectual Sheath.  Beloved is its head.  Inner bliss is its southern aspect and external joy is its northern aspect. Bliss is its soul. Its hind status is in Brahman.


In the PANCHDASHI religious text the verses 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 of chapter three, depict the 5 sheaths as follows:

The body of a creation of the father’s sperm, which in turn is made from the food that he partakes, is situated in the Food Sheath. Because the body undergoes birth and death, it cannot be the soul.  The conscious soul is different from it.

-     PANCHDASHI (3/3)

The Vital Force Sheath which is an inspirer of the senses which give power, abound within the body.  But this too being unconscious like the body, cannot be the soul.  It is separate.

-     PANCHDASHI 3/5

What exactly are the 5 sheaths?  The Upanishads while describing them say –

The group of sheaths created by food; this visible body is called the Food Sheath.  The group of 14 elements along with the vital force (Prana) is called the Vital Force Sheath.  The group of sense organs and mind, embedded in these 2 sheaths, is called the Mental Sheath.  The Intellectual Sheath plays the roles of discrimination (Viveka) and intellect.  The natural form and place of the soul, present within these bodies is called the Bliss Sheath.

In this manner human consciousness has been partitioned in 5 ways. This partitioning is called 5 sheaths. The Food Sheath means sense organ consciousness.  The Vital Force Sheath means our very life force. The Mental Sheath means thought process. The Intellectual Sheath means the unconscious center and flow of sentiments. The Bliss Sheath means soul wisdom and activation of the soul.

The state of living beings evolves on the basis of these conscious layers.

The high stature spiritual practice of Gayatri is carried out so as to unveil the 5 sheaths and activate them. In order to point at this high stature spiritual practice, the symbolic form of the 5-faced Gayatri is depicted. This depiction points at the activation of this chief potential of the 5 sheaths of the subtle body and thus attains supreme benefits of this great science.

Via these sheaths one can attain that divine potential which can decorate our personality with wealth and glory. The conscious arena can be made as wealthy as the Lord of Wealth called Kubera. Sheath means a veil or a covering. When these veils are removed one after another, you ultimately come face to face with the absolute truth / reality.  Those obstructions in the form of mental taints are removed due to activation / unveiling of the 5 sheaths which are the root cause of the living being failing to attain those powers given by the Lord and as a result of which, he leads a demeaned life.

The partitioning of the 5 sheaths has been presented in the categorization of the three bodies.  These 3 are the gross, subtle and casual bodies.  It is called Tripada Gayatri (3-legged). The gross body is made up of the food and Vital Force Sheath.  The 5 elements and 5 Vital Forces ( Pranas) are embedded in it.  The subtle body is made up of the mental and Intellectual Sheath. These 2 can be called conscious intellect and unconscious mind.  The casual body is made up of the Bliss Sheath. Certain scholars differ on this subject, yet the reality is this only.

The 5 Divine Sheaths of the subtle human body.

The partitioning of the 5 sheaths has been presented in the categorization of the three bodies.  These 3 are the gross, subtle and casual bodies.  The gross body is made up of the food and Vital Force Sheath.  The 5 elements and 5 Vital Forces ( Pranas) are embedded in it.  The subtle body is made up of the mental and Intellectual Sheath. These 2 can be called conscious intellect and unconscious mind. The casual body is made up of the Bliss Sheath.


Article Body:
he trend of 5-faced photographs and images of Gayatri is seen, so that those who take recourse to the spiritual practice of this MahaMantra, ask a pertinent question as to what we should do in future? Mantra chanting, meditation, eulogies to God, reading religious texts, sacrificial fire rites etc. are preliminary practices. As a result of this, the preliminary goal of purification of the body and concentration of the mind is achieved.  Yet there are more milestones to be reached.  For its attainment spiritual seekers should look out for necessary information and then imbibe alertness, steadfastness and capability, to walk on that path.  If a spiritual seeker remembers all this always, then know for sure that the aim behind creating photos/images of a 5-faced Gayatri has been duly achieved.
In reality Gayatri is the worldwide Super Power of the Almighty Lord. It has no particular form.  If one desires to have a glimpse of God’s form, it can be in the form of light only. Wisdom is compared to light. The god of Gayatri is Savita. Savita means the sun – a gigantic ball of brilliant light. When Gayatri Super Power manifests in a spiritual seeker, he gets a glimpse of a pinpoint of light, when he meditates.  A spiritual seeker sees a small/ big ball of light either in his heart, head, navel or eyes.  Sometimes it augments and at other times it diminishes.  Many types of shapes, colors of light rays are seen in it. In the beginning stages it keeps oscillating, sometimes it is visible and at other times it disappears.  But slowly a state comes, when all the different shapes, movement and colors are warded off and only a point of light remains.  In the initial stages, this light is of a small shape and with lesser radiance but when one’s soul state advances, this point of light starts enlarging, becomes more dazzling and manifests a lot of bliss.  Just as a lotus blooms forth when the early morning sunlight caresses its bud, so too when our inner soul is touched by this divine light, it experiences bliss of Brahman, absolute bliss and bliss of one’s very existence and consciousness. Just as the Indian red-legged partridge (bird) keeps gazing at the moon for the whole night, in the same way a spiritual seeker yearns to experience untold bliss by gazing at this inner light.  Sometimes one desires that just as a moth lays down his life for the flame lamp i.e. it gives up its ordinary existence for the glorious flame, so too I must merge my lowly individual ego into this cosmic light of God.

This is a minor glimpse of meditation on the formless Brahman (God). From the standpoint of experience, a spiritual seeker feels he is experiencing Brahman and spiritual wisdom.  The gift of wisdom i.e. imbibing great idealistic activities in our daily lives should awaken within us, inspirations and yearnings. Not only awakening but that it is taking the form of a firm resolve, inner state and as truth.  This is the symbol of experience of divine light. Because when the ignorance of power of illusion (Maya) and selfishness is overcome, man starts thinking with a generous viewpoint and imbibes acts of great men. Such a person never hesitates to step daringly on the path of spirituality, unlike people full of avarice, selfishness, delusion and narrow worldly attachments.  In order to execute appropriate acts, he marches ahead speedily on the path of spiritual well-being with great valor and enterprise.

So far we have dealt with the nature of high stature wisdom and meditation on the divine power in the form of ‘Gayatri’.  In the preliminary stages, it is not possible to get such high stature experiences. One must first imbibe preliminary, spiritual practices like Mantra chanting, worship, meditation, eulogies, fire sacrifices etc.  At such times it is a must that one takes help of photographs and images.  Meditation in the preliminary stages is possible only via name and form. The stage of formless meditation is very much higher up on the scale.  Even in that state there is no need to give up image worship and instead by including it in one’s daily chores, one controls one’s accumulated psychic imprints. When a huge building is constructed, its foundation is in the form of pebbles and stones. Once a firm foundation is laid down, one can build a building of various hues and designs. Later one fails to notice the pebbles / stones in the foundation, yet there is no need to renounce or mock at them. One should realize that the basis and firm foundation of that gigantic building are these pebbles, stones etc.  The spiritual progress of meditation with form too can be called a foundation stone.  In the preliminary stages its requirement is a must.  Thus the commencement of spirituality right from ancient times has taken place with the help of image worship and steadily it marches ahead.  It is with reference to this that the shape of Gayatri Super Power has been molded.  Just like other images of God, its image too right from ancient times has been used in mediation and worship of God.

Ordinarily only the image of a human face with one face and 2 arms are apt.  This is the best from for meditation and worship. Gayatri too should have those kinds of hands and legs just like a spiritual seeker’s beloved mother has.  Hence in meditation and worship, one uses the image of Gayatri Mother having 2 arms and one face seated on a white swan and having a book and water pot in her hands.  But in some regions one sees images with 5 faces. Maybe its meditation and worship is not apt, yet it has one important message and direction in it.  We must see that minutely.

The five faces of Gayatri are the 5 sheaths covering a Jeeva (living being).  They are the 5 manifestations and the ten arms of the 10 Sidhis (divine powers) and experiences.  Five arms are on the left hand side and the other 5 are on the right hand side. It points out to the 5 material and 5 spiritual powers and Sidhis that are conjoined to Gayatri Super Power. Whenever this Super Power manifests, there one will definitely see the 10 experiences, special qualities and wealth. The meaning of executing spiritual practices is not merely sitting in one particular spot daily so as to perform some scientific rite.  In fact it means that by making our entire life a form of spiritual endeavour one should raise the stature of one’s qualities, actions and nature so high, that one sees those divine glories in them, which are found in a symbolic form in the image of the 5-faced Gayatri.  The aim of spiritual practices is to generate divine energy.  When 10 energies and 10 Sidhis are attained, know for sure that some spiritual seeker is successfully marching ahead on the path of high leveled spiritual practices.

The 5 faces of Gayatri tell us that the 5 demi gods of a living being’s very existence are conjoined to it, so as to fulfill its goal.  Because they are under the influence of sleep, they look dead and hence are of no use.  As a result a living being exists like a weakling.  But if these powerful aides are activated, if their power is aptly utilized, then man instead of leading an ordinary run-of-the-mill life actually attains extraordinary material and spiritual heights. Man will get a golden chance of renouncing his demeaned state and in its place, lead a life of exalted glory.  The 5 elements of the body have been depicted as the 5 demi-gods as follows –

The Lord of space is Vishnu.  The goddess of fire is Maheshwari power.  The Lord of wind is Sun.  The Lord of earth is Shiva and the Lord of water is Ganapati Ganesh.  In this manner the 5 gods of our body are the Lords (existence) of the 5 elements (KAPILTANTRA).  The 5 Pranas (vital force) too are called 5 demi-gods.

All living beings have 5 demi-gods.  Because they are imbibed with vital force, they are Shiva.  This group manifests Kundalini Shakti (Divine Serpent Power).  Its shape is like that of dazzling lightning. (TANTRARNAV)

Kundalini is awakened when the 5 sheaths of our body are activated. When the Kundalini is activated the 5 sheaths of the body of a spiritual seeker radiates brilliance (MAHAYOG-VIGNAN)

The human body is made up of 5 elements.  Its Sattva Guna is seen as the 5 radiations of consciousness. (1) Mind (2) Intellect (3) Will (4) Mind stuff or psyche (5) Ego.

From the Rajas principle of the 5 elements arise the 5 Pranas or Vital Forces.  On this basis the 5 sense organs carry out the functions of the 5 sense objects.

From the Tamas principle of the 5 elements is created the gross/physical body.  They form 1) Juice 2) Blood 3) Flesh 4) Bones 5) Marrow. The 5 special organs viz. brain, heart, liver, lungs, kidneys and the 5 sense organs of action are a creation of this area.

The 5 demi-gods given to us, in order to help the living body, are also called the 5 sheaths.  Superficially the body looks single yet its power augments more and more.  Despite being invisible, it is so powerful that if it is activated, man can become great from lowly and also the cosmic soul (God) from his present status of an individual soul.  These 5 coverings of a living being are called the 5 sheaths 1) Food Sheath 2) Vital Force Sheath 3) Mental Sheath 4) Intellectual Sheath 5) Bliss Sheath.

Taitariya Unpanishad proclaims that the Vital Force Sheath is in the Food Sheath, the Mental Sheath is in the Vital Force Sheath, the Intellectual Sheath is in the Mental Sheath and that the Bliss Sheath is in the Intellectual Sheath.  Over here there is some parity and at some places there are differences.  Its discussion is as follows –

Man is full of food and juice.  This is its head. This is its southern aspect.  This is its northern aspect.  It is the soul. The hind tail is situated on the Merudand (subtle spine).

-     TAITARIYA UPANISHAD ( 2/ 1/ 1)

The soul which is within the Food Sheath made up of food, juice etc. is yet separate from it and is the vital force.  It is omnipotent.  It is of the same shape.  Its activities too are similar.  The vital force of the Vital Force Sheath is the head.  Its Vyan vital force is the Southern aspect and the Apan vital force is the northern aspect.  Space is its soul.  Its status in earth is tail-like.

-     TAITARIYA UPANISHAD ( 2/ 2/ 1)

Separate from the Vital Force Sheath is the Mental Sheath. The Vital Force Sheath overflows with the Mental Sheath.  It is very similar to it. The Vital Force Sheath is very similar to the Mental Sheath. Yaju is its head.  Rig is the southern aspect and Sam is its northern aspect.  Its soul is command.

-     TAITARIYA UPANISHAD ( 2/ 3/ 1)

Why are the Vedas correlated to the Mental Sheath? This answer is given in the Shankar Bhashya (commentary) in SankalpaManthan and the sentiments are depicted in the form of Yaju, Rig, Sama Vedas.

Different from the Mental Sheath is the Intellectual Sheath. The Mental Sheath is covered by the Intellectual Sheath. This is the Intellectual Sheath and is similar to Purusha.  It is like the Mental Sheath.  Faith is its head.  Relative truth is its southern aspect and divine truth its northern aspect. Yoga is its soul. Its hind status is in importance.

-     TAITARIYA UPANISHAD ( 2/ 4/ 1)

The Bliss Sheath despite dwelling within the Intellectual Sheath is separate from it.  The Intellectual Sheath overflows with Bliss Sheath. This too is similar to Purusha (God).  It is like the Intellectual Sheath.  Beloved is its head.  Inner bliss is its southern aspect and external joy is its northern aspect. Bliss is its soul. Its hind status is in Brahman.


In the PANCHDASHI religious text the verses 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 of chapter three, depict the 5 sheaths as follows:

The body of a creation of the father’s sperm, which in turn is made from the food that he partakes, is situated in the Food Sheath. Because the body undergoes birth and death, it cannot be the soul.  The conscious soul is different from it.

-     PANCHDASHI (3/3)

The Vital Force Sheath which is an inspirer of the senses which give power, abound within the body.  But this too being unconscious like the body, cannot be the soul.  It is separate.

-     PANCHDASHI 3/5

What exactly are the 5 sheaths?  The Upanishads while describing them say –

The group of sheaths created by food; this visible body is called the Food Sheath.  The group of 14 elements along with the vital force (Prana) is called the Vital Force Sheath.  The group of sense organs and mind, embedded in these 2 sheaths, is called the Mental Sheath.  The Intellectual Sheath plays the roles of discrimination (Viveka) and intellect.  The natural form and place of the soul, present within these bodies is called the Bliss Sheath.

In this manner human consciousness has been partitioned in 5 ways. This partitioning is called 5 sheaths. The Food Sheath means sense organ consciousness.  The Vital Force Sheath means our very life force. The Mental Sheath means thought process. The Intellectual Sheath means the unconscious center and flow of sentiments. The Bliss Sheath means soul wisdom and activation of the soul.

The state of living beings evolves on the basis of these conscious layers.

The high stature spiritual practice of Gayatri is carried out so as to unveil the 5 sheaths and activate them. In order to point at this high stature spiritual practice, the symbolic form of the 5-faced Gayatri is depicted. This depiction points at the activation of this chief potential of the 5 sheaths of the subtle body and thus attains supreme benefits of this great science.

Via these sheaths one can attain that divine potential which can decorate our personality with wealth and glory. The conscious arena can be made as wealthy as the Lord of Wealth called Kubera. Sheath means a veil or a covering. When these veils are removed one after another, you ultimately come face to face with the absolute truth / reality.  Those obstructions in the form of mental taints are removed due to activation / unveiling of the 5 sheaths which are the root cause of the living being failing to attain those powers given by the Lord and as a result of which, he leads a demeaned life.

The partitioning of the 5 sheaths has been presented in the categorization of the three bodies.  These 3 are the gross, subtle and casual bodies.  It is called Tripada Gayatri (3-legged). The gross body is made up of the food and Vital Force Sheath.  The 5 elements and 5 Vital Forces ( Pranas) are embedded in it.  The subtle body is made up of the mental and Intellectual Sheath. These 2 can be called conscious intellect and unconscious mind.  The casual body is made up of the Bliss Sheath. Certain scholars differ on this subject, yet the reality is this only. 


The Practice of Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is mainly practiced for health and vitality. Hatha Yoga was introduced in the 15th century by Yogi Swatmarama. Hatha yoga focuses on the purification of the physical being which leads to the purification of the mind or vital energy.

hatha yoga, yoga, yogi, health, healthy, purification, assana, meditation, physical, spiritual,

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Whatever the historical details, Krishnamacharya has become the undisputed father of modern-day hatha yoga. Krishnamacharya's first lessons in yoga were from his father and his grandmother and passed on through generations of practice.

Hatha Yoga follows in that vein and thus successfully transcends being particularly grounded in any one religion. This exploration of these physical and spiritual connections and body centered practices led to the creation of Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga has been included in the life style of these traditions. Hatha Yoga classes tend, among other things, to emphasize physical mastery.
--> Hatha also means a force or determined effort, and yoga, of course, translates as yoke or joining together. The very name hatha yoga, a combination of "ha," meaning sun, and "tha," meaning moon, denotes the union of opposites. Through the practice of yoga an individual can gain information about physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being.

Hatha Yoga represents opposing energies: hot and cold, fire and water following the theme of ying and yang, male and female, positive and negative. Hatha yoga attempts to balance the mind and body. The balancing of the mind and body is brought about via physical exercises (also known as asanas), controlled breathing (pranayama) and relaxation or meditiation.

Pranayama refers to breath control in yoga. In this yoga is defined as a means of binding or controlling the breath and the mind using the syllable Om. In this case yoga has extremes, practices of fasting, breath control, and postures to transcend the body, and not cultivate it. Asana body postures that are contemplative in nature and are designed to align the body and bring about the optimum situation for relaxation.

Traditional yoga is a holistic yogic path and is becoming wildly popular.

The Best Benefit Of Yoga- Efficiency In Work Is Yoga!

Sometimes, what a voluminous book cannot explain can be explained in a single sentence! It is true about yoga. Yoga is not a mere word; it is a vast subject with many dimensions.

The wise saying goes, “Yoga karmasu kaushalam!‘-which means, ‘Efficiency in work is yoga!”

What you do is not important. How you do what you do, is important!

Yoga also means union. What union? Whether union between the body and the mind? Or the mind with the spirit? The traditionally accept...

Yoga, Meditation, Benefits of Yoga, Yoga and Work

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Sometimes, what a voluminous book cannot explain can be explained in a single sentence! It is true about yoga. Yoga is not a mere word; it is a vast subject with many dimensions.

The wise saying goes, “Yoga karmasu kaushalam!‘-which means, ‘Efficiency in work is yoga!”

What you do is not important. How you do what you do, is important!
Yoga also means union. What union? Whether union between the body and the mind? Or the mind with the spirit? The traditionally accepted belief (or truth, depending upon the level of your spiritual progression) is the union between the Jeevatman and the Paramatman– between one’s individual consciousness and the universal consciousness.

Yoga is a very vast subject. Attempting even an introduction in a small articles is an impossibility. Nevertheless, some important observations need to be understood when you speak of yoga.

Yoga has got something to do with the health of your physical body.

Yoga has got something to do with your mental health.

Yoga has something to do with your intellectual health.

Yoga has got everything to do with your spiritual being.

The ultimate stage can only be realized. No amount of assertions, explanations, and arguments and counter arguments can take you up there. The domain of silence can only be achieved through silence!

Yoga is intensely linked to breathing. It is about channeling the energy through breath. Another intimate alley of yoga is meditation. You can not think of yoga without understanding at least some of the basic techniques of meditation! Spiritual appreciation as to the nature of the human body, who controls it all of the time, is absolutely essential for proper understanding of various practices that make the science of yoga.

A word about Karma Yoga. The fundamental principle Karma Yoga is, “Do your duty and do not ask for the reward.” What youngster of the modern generation would accept this principle? If I do my duty, I must get the reward! Aren’t there people who don’t do any work and still get the reward.

The word yoga makes its entry at this level of thinking of an individual. The correct interpretation of this principle of yoga is that ‘do your duty but don’t ask for the reward’ You will get the right reward, at the right moment!’

‘Every action has a reaction and the intensity of the reaction is in proportion to the intensity of the action.’ Over this the scientists and the spiritualists agree! One of the rare agreements between the two contending forces. Normally opposing forces! If you agree on this, don’t you think that it is necessary for you to agree that your every action, good or bad, will be rewarded as per the proportion it deserves? -->

How To Practice Meditation

Meditation is the most important practice for calming the mind. A calm mind can lead to a healthy, happy and successful life. It can cure diseases and speed up healing processes. We describe the simple technique below called prana-dharana. Prana in Sanskrit stands for the air that we breathe. It is the most basic act of life which starts from birth and goes on till death. But generally, we are not aware of the breath till our attention is drawn close to it. Dharana means its ...

meditation, yoga, prana-dharana

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Meditation is the most important practice for calming the mind. A calm mind can lead to a healthy, happy and successful life. It can cure diseases and speed up healing processes. We describe the simple technique below called prana-dharana. Prana in Sanskrit stands for the air that we breathe. It is the most basic act of life which starts from birth and goes on till death. But generally, we are not aware of the breath till our attention is drawn close to it. Dharana means its awareness. Prana-dharana means applying the mind to the flow of air when we breathe. The method is as described below:
Sit in a posture suitable for meditation. The common postures are Siddhasana, Padmasana and Swastikasana. But if you cannot do this, just sit cross-legged. Your back should be straight and eyes closed. Your knees should be placed well on the ground. Do not stoop your shoulders back. The whole body should be relaxed and the whole frame steady without exerting any pull or pressure on the thighs, feet, knees, spine or neck. There should be no stretch on tension along the abdominal wall. Let the abdominal wall sway gently back and forth very smoothly and effortlessly with each respiration. Facial muscles should be relaxed and mouth closed with a small gap between the two jaws such that the upper and lower teeth do not exert pressure on each other. Your tongue should touch the palate with tip touching the back of the upper front teeth. Ensure that the lips, tongue or the lower jaws do not move. Your eyeballs and eyelids should be steady and the muscles of the forehead relaxed.

Your entire posture should be comfortable, steady and relaxed. You should not feel strain on any part of the body. Now start developing the awareness of breathing. The flow of air should be uniform, slow and smooth. Do not make any effort or exercise any control. Never hold breath. Do not utter any word or see any image. This will calm your mind and help you achieve peace.

Here’s What Yoga Can Do For You...

You want to have a full life. You want to feel well. You want lots of energy, vitality, power, and stamina. Am I right so far?
Well, the great news is that all these can be yours. Yoga applies age-old secrets to everyday life in a modern, fast-paced world. Its practical application can restore your lost youth, put new zest into your every step, and empower you to fully enjoy a sense of health, energy and creative living. All this will do wonders for your future happiness.....

Article Body:
You want to have a full life. You want to feel well. You want lots of energy, vitality, power, and stamina. Am I right so far?
Well, the great news is that all these can be yours. Yoga applies age-old secrets to everyday life in a modern, fast-paced world. Its practical application can restore your lost youth, put new zest into your every step, and empower you to fully enjoy a sense of health, energy and creative living. All this will do wonders for your future happiness...
Sounds good, huh? Well let me tell you a little about yoga...
Yoga is an ancient health-art developed and perfected over the centuries by wise men in ancient India. Yoga is not a religion, a metaphysical doctrine, or a philosophy. It is not magic, although the amazing improvements it can make in your health, your appearance and your youthfulness may often seem magical, even miraculous...

There are many different types of yoga. Contrary to popular belief, not all types of yoga involve difficult positions and postures, uncomfortable exercises or strenuous diets...

Yoga can take years off your face and years from your body, and add years to your life. There are certain secret methods by which the Yogis keep the flexibility and "spring" of early youth in their joints and muscles and limbs well into the declining years...

It is a common sight to see, in the crowded, colorful streets of Bombay or New Delhi, Yogis well into their seventies and even their eighties, with the straight, graceful posture of a boy, walking with the elastic, springy step of youth... with firm, healthy bodies, their hair dark and glossy and un-streaked with grey. Firm, unlined faces ... clear, un-dimmed eyes...

Not only does yoga make you look and feel years younger, and years healthier, but it lends your body superb health. It works like magic because it enables the body to realize its full potential of great health...

You know that Nature has built into your body certain certain "defense mechanisms" for self-repair, natural safeguards against disease. Well, modern yoga helps the body's machinery function smoothly, efficiently, and at peak performance...

Yoga encourages your body to derive every last possible atom of nutritive value from the food you now eat (so different from the natural diet of your ancestors) ... to get every second of refreshment and rest from your sleep ... to attain regularity, relief from little aches and pains, the ability to sleep deep and wake refreshed that can make the difference from feeling "pretty good" to feeling "terrific"!

Yoga assists all your muscles and bones and organs to operate at their maximum potential. Yoga stimulates into peak performance the hidden abilities of your body to throw off the attacks of disease that affect so many people we know and love...

Do you suffer from insomnia and stress? Have you lost your appetite? Do you find it hard to relax? Do you smoke too much, feel "worn out" by the afternoon, find as you grow older that you cannot enjoy full life and day to day vitality?

Yoga has the amazing power to relax and refresh you, soothe your nerves, calm your mind, give you the serenity and strength and inner stamina that is part of the "Magic of the East".
Yoga prevents the premature grey in your hair, the ugly wrinkles in your face....

Yoga tightens those sagging muscles that give you that "tired look." It puts new zest in your appetite, brings back the sparkle in your eyes, and gives that wonderful sensation of feeling "fit as a fiddle"...

If these benefits are important to you (and you’d be crazy if they weren’t) then its time you learnt about yoga!
