Showing posts with label stress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stress. Show all posts

Yoga for Kids - Torment Of A Silent Mind

Yoga for Kids - Torment Of A Silent Mind      

Could this be the answer why Yoga is becoming a worldwide epidmic.

Why is it that Yoga for kids is becoming even more popular today than it was in days of yesterday, well children are just as much prone to suffer from stress just like adults do. How can this be a great many would ask. Kiddies pressure come from additional education requirements (like more homework) We all know the importance of furthering our childs education to give them a better  chance in life but when it can destroy  life then it is time to take action.   
Yoga for kids is a priceless gift to give to a child where they lay claim to peace of mind. Pressure put upon our kids today can be brought on by other factors like being bullied. Children also suffer at the hands of the parents while watching them worry over debt or whatever comes with surviving in the 21st century.  How can we help the mind of a tormented child, simple introduce them to Yoga?   

Yoga for kids help them become aware of the body and start to understand how vital it is to keep in good shape. Even at an early age kids need to develop better body awareness and after doing this they take control all by themselves to lead an active  healthy life. Children who practice yoga self educate themselves on self control flexibility and coordination.    

Exercises for children have proven in some cases to assist slowing down Hyper active behaviours.   Yoga has helped kids by channelling their impulses in a positive way. Yoga moves for minors differ just like that of the way adults practice. A couple of poses for children that work perfectly well are the Warrior pose and the Tree poses. Both are exercises that help the child to find calm, build up confidence and balance.   

Some children take to yoga like water of a ducks back whereas others have to be coaxed and need assurance and the benefits pointed out to them.  The secret behind getting a dubious child to enrol in a yoga class is to explain how it is a popular craze among other children. Point out how much fun it can be. Explain in fine detail of the Warrior posture moves in your quest to encourage the child. Ease their discomfort if afraid to practice yoga alone. Let them know they can team up with a partner, this will also help build up on their team skills therefore gaining a bonding with others.    

There will be times where the children will find it difficult to focus and concentrate but is that not the case with all children whether practising yoga or not. Children and relaxation are not very compatible. Just to have a child close their eyes for a period of time will be task in its self. Ask the child to visualize something that he/she are interested in or enjoy doing.   

Try them with the belly breathing yoga exercise while listening to soothing relaxation music. Ask them to imagine they are up in space floating or making sand castles on the beach.  After the session is over invite the child to share their experience of how they felt while practicing the Yoga for Kids routine.    

If they divulge their secret thoughts then this can only mean that the child has opened up and what a major breakthrough that is. To have your child share a secret is enough to say they want to be heard.    

Those silent thoughts that once troubled your little boy/girl will give you as a caring parent the insight on how to deal with what was once a tormented silent mind.   

Yoga for kids is the healthiest wealthiest form of knowledge for any child.

Yoga for Kids,children and yoga,kiddies moves,yoga exercises for children,healthy exercise,kids yoga,stress,concentration,relaxed mind,body awareness

The Benefit of Yoga - Fight or Flight?

The benfit of yoga helps the average person to deal with stress.  Learn how to deal with the "fight or flight" syndrome.

The Benefit of Yoga - Fight or Flight

Medical conditions can be vastly improved through the benefit of yoga.  Yoga can lessen the negative effects of such conditions as lung disease, Parkinson's, insomnia, high blood pressure multiple sclerosis, and even joint pain. The benefit of yoga is being recognized today as a viable alternative not only by the yoga community, but by many medical doctors.
Stress is the leading cause in many illnesses today.  An astonishing factor in today's world is noted by the Surgeon General who estimates that "80 percent of the people who die of non traumatic causes actually die of stress diseases".  In this fast paced world, it is little wonder that people are turning to alternative solutions.

The use of the benefit of yoga is just one such solution. Since stress is developed in the mind, it is only natural that conditions such as depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, several auto-immune diseases, some types of diabetes mellitius, some cardio-vascular diseases, and irritable bowel syndrome would be at the forefront of human conditions and the quality of life today. 

Outside stress is reflected in the reaction of our nervous system.  The input stimuli, known as "Fight or flight" affects both our metabolism and well being.  When faced with danger, whether real or imagined, the mind prepares the body for execution of one of these two conditions.  Manifestation is in the form of increased heart rate, higher blood pressure, and the shutting down of unnecessary bodily functions, such as digestion.  All systems are focused on one of two things - either "flight" or "fight."  Breathing becomes shallow, muscles tense in anticipation of action, and blood flow to vital organs is decreased.  The digestive and elimination process shuts down. This can be a good thing - our body is prepared to defend itself.  However, problems arise when this condition is long term. The "flight or fight" scenario is only meant to be a very short term event.  One can see that long term exposure to this situation will have very adverse effects on the body.  Yoga can change that.

In nature, the countermeasure for "fight or flight" is known as the "relaxation response" or parasympathetic nervous system. The main nerves of the parasympathetic system are the tenth cranial nerves, or the vagus nerves. They originate in the medulla oblongata. Parasympathetic stimulation causes a slowing down of the heartbeat, lowering of blood pressure, increased blood flow to the skin and viscera, and peristalsis of the GI tract - the exact opposite of "fight or Flight" symptoms. Yoga induces this response by teaching the pupil to breathe deeply and relax muscles.  The benefit of yoga is clear.  The body recovers faster, and the harmful effects of stress are reduced.

Yoga subscribes to the theory that by using breathing and relaxation techniques, the harmful effects of stress on the body can be eliminated, or at the very least greatly reduced.  Through meditation and calming of the spirit, yoga teaches us to face the situation of "fight or flight" from a threat to a challenge. One is able through practice to focus on finding a solution, rather than creating an immediate response to the stimuli. One learns to be proactive, and take care of the stressors in their lives.

The benefit of yoga is undeniable.  By utilizing the techniques of this ancient practice, anyone can achieve the balance and harmony so needed in their lives.  Remember, however, that just one thing is not the solution to all of life's problems. By combining yoga with the miracles of modern medicine and traditional healing remedies, the average person in today's world will enjoy a longer, happier life.


Discover Yoga's Healing Power

Yoga has mutliple benefits for your health.  Yoga exercises and meditation make you more physically and mentally capable of dealing with life's everyday stressors.

Article Body:
There are several medical conditions that can be improved by practicing yoga. It can be used to lessen the negative effects of infertility, lung disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, insomnia, cancer, high blood pressure, and joint pain. The beneficial effects of yoga practices are well recognized not only by the yoga community but also by medical doctors.
      One of the main elements that lead to an illness is stress. Being responsible for a huge number of sicknesses, this item, which we develop in our minds, can be reduced through a good usage of yoga techniques. Here are just some of the problems that are related to an over active stress response: depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, some types of diabetes mellitus, cardio-vascular disease, several autoimmune diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, reproductive problems, and an aggravated suppression of the immune system.

      The response of the sympathetic nervous system can trigger stress in our metabolism. The reaction to various outside stimuli is also known as the “fight or flight” response – the mind and body, faced with an endangering or disturbing element, prepare for one of the two options. Physically, this is manifested through an instantaneous heart rate increase, together with a high ascent of blood pressure. Breathing gets shallow and the muscles tense in anticipation to the following action. Internally, this response reduces the blood flow to internal organs and processes that are not essential in that particular moment (such as digestion and elimination) are shut down. This state of increased awareness and readiness is beneficial on a short term, preparing our body to react to the outside interventions and stimuli. Both in a “fight” and in a “flight” situation, the body is physically and mentally prepared to act. The problem arises when long-term exposure to similar stress takes place. This “fight or flight” response is only meant to help on short periods of time – the longer it is activated the less resources will the body have to function normally.  

      There is a natural countermeasure for the “fight or flight” response. It is called the parasympathetic nervous system or the “relaxation response.” It is automatically activated when the elements that caused the stress are gone but it is also possible to increase its effects by breathing deeply and relaxing your muscles. By increasing the length of this process we allow our body to recover faster, enabling it to eliminate the harmful effects of stress in a prompt and efficient manner.

      Yoga highlights the idea that by using breathing and relaxation techniques you can reduce the harmful effects of stress factors on your body. A lessened “fight or flight” response can also be achieved by looking at adverse factors as challenges rather than threats. This approach allows your mind to focus on finding a solution, rather than creating an abrupt response. Another concept employed by this technique is that of acting versus reacting, of taking initiative versus responding to outside factors.

      The positive effects of yoga during a healing process are undeniable. However, these techniques should only be used as a form of support and the healing shouldn’t rely solely on them. The best results are achieved by combining yoga with traditional and modern medicine and by addressing a problem both from a mental and physical point of view.
