Showing posts with label back pain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label back pain. Show all posts

The Benefits of Yoga for Lower Back Pain Relief

The Benefits of Yoga for Lower Back Pain Relief

Many people suffer with chronic back pain and have tried pills, chiropractors, physical therapy 
and other methods to find some relief for their pain; however, treating any type of back or neck pain can be difficult. It can be hard to determine exactly what is causing the pain and treatment options may range from pain relievers that can be as damaging as they are beneficial to relaxation techniques or self-help methods that may prove completely ineffective for many people. Fortunately, current research suggests that a program of stretching or yoga for lower back pain relief can be extremely effective. It seems that concentrating on stretching and strengthening the torso and leg muscles has been able to provide considerable relief for many people.
While most people understand the importance of exercise to help relieve stress and provide good overall health and well-being, people who suffer with back pain often tend to avoid certain types of exercise because they are worried about exacerbating their already painful condition. If you are suffering with back spasm or pain, the last thing you want to do is exercise and make the situation worse. Additionally, many exercises are almost impossible for someone suffering with back pain. Fortunately, a regular program of stretching and strengthening these muscles, using various yoga poses, can help increase a person's core body strength which has been shown to provide lower back pain relief. However, even people who suffer with other types of pain are finding that the relaxation and stretching benefits of yoga can be extremely beneficial.

While the poses used in many types of yoga may seem simple, they promote flexibility while increasing strength. This provides a more effective frame or core that can be especially helpful in protecting inflamed and sore back muscles. Additionally, the stretching associated with these yoga poses helps to increase blood flow and circulation which can also be attributed to the relaxation and overall better sense of wellness reported by people who participate in yoga on a regular basis.

There are many reasons people could be experiencing back, neck or shoulder pain, but even stress and tension can be major triggers. In today's hectic and fast-paced world, many people are stressed and do not even realize it. Fortunately, an exercise program that includes extensive stretching or yoga for lower back pain relief can help bring about a sense of calm and relaxation which can in turn allow muscles to relax and heal.

Yoga: The Most Effective Scoliosis Exercise

Scoliosis is a condition in which a person has side-to-side spinal curves in addition to the normal curves through which the lower portion of the human back curves inwards. The most effective remedy for such a condition is Scoliosis exercises. Although many exercises help in reducing the Scoliosis-related problems, yoga is considered the best Scoliosis exercise. Yoga postures are helpful since they enable us to stretch our body.
Yoga: The Most Effective Scoliosis Exercise

Scoliosis is a condition in which a person has side-to-side spinal curves in addition to the normal curves through which the lower portion of the human back curves inwards. The most effective remedy for such a condition is Scoliosis exercises. Although many exercises help in reducing the Scoliosis-related problems, yoga is considered the best Scoliosis exercise. Yoga postures are helpful since they enable us to stretch our body.

The most effective yoga exercises for the treatment of Scoliosis-related problems include the Crocodile twist, the Supine knee chest twist, the passive back arch and the one leg up-one leg out posture. These exercises are very helpful in raising one’s lowered shoulder and reducing the back pain.

The Passive back arch scoliosis exercise has been found to be helpful in not only reducing scoliosis-related pain, but also the problems related to condition called pectus excavatum (sunken chest). Pectus excavatum is generally caused due to tight muscles across one’s chest and back and soft bones in the rib cage and spine.
The One leg up and one leg out scoliosis exercise have been found to be very effective in reducing muscular tension in legs. The Seated twist is a good remedy for the treatment of thoracic twist. This exercise also helps to rectify the alignment of the body and is simple to perform.

The Joint freeing series of scoliosis exercises are particularly helpful for people suffering from scoliosis with tight shoulder muscles. The Head to Knee pose helps in maintaining the alignment of the body and straightening of the spine. The spinal and the abdominal twists result in the stretching of muscles in the shoulder.

Scoliosis Exercise,Scoliosis, back pain

Heigh Ho! Heigh Ho! It’s off to Yoga I go!

Yoga is a system of exercises practiced for thousands of years as used to promote control of the body and mind. It has consistently been used to cure and prevent back pain by enhancing strength and flexibility. Yoga helps reduce pain by helping the brain regulate the secretion of natural painkillers into the body. A Yoga therapist will assist you by creating a program that is specific to your needs and limitations, especially those pertaining to your injury and medical condition.

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Can we be as harmonic as those seven fictional characters on their way to mine their day away when we have a back ache? Can we obtain relief or do we have to endure a day of aches and pains while on the clock?
An article I recently viewed on the website, indicates that back pain is the second leading reason people miss work. Truck drivers repeatedly have to deal with back pain from the continuous vibration of the spine while behind the wheel. Heavy lifting of patients and children puts nurses and parents at considerable risk. Statistics obtained from reveal that in the U.S., nursing ranks as one of the top 10 occupations for work-related musculoskeletal disorders. And, an estimated 12 to 18 percent of nurses wind up leaving their profession due to chronic back pain.
Now it’s understood that the career we choose can have an adverse effect on our physical health. You can sit behind a desk all day long in air-conditioning, you can drive a tractor-trailer down Route 66 daily, or work in the hospital emergency room. Simultaneously, you are putting severe strain on your neck and back. Can we take the time to heal ourselves before our issues escalate? Can we do something to alleviate the pain if it is already present? Is there anything we can do?
What is Yoga? It’s a system of exercises practiced for thousands of years as used to promote control of the body and mind.

Why Yoga? Because it can help. It has consistently been used to cure and prevent back pain by enhancing strength and flexibility. As many practitioners can attest, Yoga can offer effective healing that's relatively free of side effects. The slow movements and gentle pressures reach deep into troubled joints. Additionally, the easy stretches in conjunction with deep breathing exercises relieve the tension that binds up muscles and tightens joints. Yoga is exercise and relaxation rolled up into one.

Who is a candidate? Each year, millions of Americans suffer from debilitating back pain. Both acute and long-term stress can lead to muscle tension and exacerbate back problems. Despite Western medicine's phenomenal advances and powerful technology, two of the most commonly prescribed solutions—painkillers and surgery—do little to address the underlying causes of pain and can potentially cause side effects. In truth, a one-size-fits-all solution is impossible given that the causes and manifestations of pain—arthritis, strained ligaments, scoliosis, and herniated disks, to name a few—vary widely.

How does Yoga assist pain management? Yoga helps reduce pain by helping the brain regulate the secretion of natural painkillers into the body. Breathing exercises commonly used in Yoga can also help reduce pain. Muscles tend to relax when you exhale, because of this lengthening your time of exhalation can help produce relaxation and reduce tension. Maintaining a certain awareness of ones own breathing helps to achieve calmer, slower respiration and assist in relaxation and pain management.

What do I do to get started? First, rule out potential serious causes of the back pain. See your primary care physician and speak to her/him of your concerns. He will know how to proceed from there to investigate the cause of your back pain. Then, also inquire as to whether or not it is safe for you to practice Yoga as part of your recovery program.

Treat the injury with extra care. When you are in a lot of pain, usually the tissues are inflamed, it’s critical that you proceed at a slow pace. If you work in an aggressive fashion in order to improve your strength or flexibility too early on, it can cause you even more pain.

Looking for an experienced teacher with substantial training and experience should be your next course of action. A Yoga therapist will assist you by creating a program that is specific to your needs and limitations, especially those pertaining to your injury and medical condition. They will observe your form and practice, and track how you respond to the exercises. He or she will gauge which elements are likely to be helpful and determine whether modifications are necessary.

Studies have shown that strict bed rest can cause you more harm than good. Go ahead and try breathing exercises and practice a gentle asana as soon as you experience pain.

Stomach crunches are often prescribed by doctors in order to prevent recurring episodes of back pain. Looking at this from a yogic perspective this is imprecise. By doing to many crunches or ab exercises you can increase the tightness in the hip flexors, and potentially making the back problems worst. With Yoga, the approach is to examine which muscles need to be strengthened and which ones need to be stretched, and finally designing a program that would work on those specific needs.

Do avoid poses that worsen or aggravate your problem. If you have a lumbar disk problem, be careful with forward bends, especially those that include some form of a twist. Also, during transitions take care, attention tends to wander. Sudden changes of position should be avoided and stepping rather than jumping should be the standard.

Lastly, make certain to consult your physician before proceeding with any exercise program, including Yoga. Also, if Yoga is approved for you be sure to receive proper training from a qualified Yoga instructor.
