Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts

Yoga An Exercise For Everyone

Yoga An Exercise For Everyone
Many adults enjoy and are aware of the rewards of yoga. Yoga stretches tight muscles, builds body awareness, improves endurance, and calms the mind and body. But yoga is now attracting a younger audience who is finding out that yoga can be a fun way to exercise and relax.

Yoga may not look like other forms of exercise to most people, but they are amazed at how the seemingly simple poses can work out so many different areas of their body.

Why Yoga is Different

For p...


Many adults enjoy and are aware of the rewards of yoga. Yoga stretches tight muscles, builds body awareness, improves endurance, and calms the mind and body. But yoga is now attracting a younger audience who is finding out that yoga can be a fun way to exercise and relax.

Yoga may not look like other forms of exercise to most people, but they are amazed at how the seemingly simple poses can work out so many different areas of their body.

Why Yoga is Different

For people lacking in confidence about their body image, some group activities can backfire causing people to further disconnect from their bodies and actively resist taking care of themselves. Yoga’s emphasis is on self-acceptance which makes it more appealing, a less intimidating way to get active. Yoga stresses a nonjudgmental emphasis on body awareness.

Yoga is not a competitive sport- there are no winners or losers. Yoga can give less confident people that much-needed support from their peers. If someone in a class has difficulty with a particular pose, often others in the room help them out. Yoga offers many people an opportunity to just relax. Just getting to be –without having to achieve anything in particular- is a huge relief to many people.

The Added Benefits of Yoga

Traditional sports tend to emphasize strength and speed over flexibility. Many adults overlook the importance of stretching. Additionally others use weight training to develop major muscles while ignoring the supportive and opposing muscles which are equally as important. Yoga can help correct these imbalances. It helps build endurance and flexibility, thereby improving athletic performance. Yoga can also enhance your ability to concentrate and focus, and improve your posture. Chest-opening postures and inverted poses strengthen arms, shoulders and back muscles, which teach you how to carry yourself with more self confidence.

Yoga can also teach you how to stay calm centered and focused in the midst of distraction and to let your body relax. This is an important skill for anyone who is experiencing transitions- physical, emotional, intellectual in today’s fast paced world. Yoga often becomes an outlet for working out people’s emotions. It can help you take control of you frustration and find alternative ways to deal with it rather than reacting right away.
yoga, health, fitness, exercise

What Yoga Exercise Do For You!

What Yoga Exercise Do For You!
Yoga loosens up large muscles, so they aren't stressing smaller muscles and bones resulting in injuries. It also loosens up joints and improves circulation, which is good for health.

The procedure is to go through a contortion which stretches the large muscles causing them to loosen up. As the largest muscles loosen up, the force shifts to smaller muscles. If the position is held too long, a small muscle could get injured.

So when muscles are real stiff, a position shou...

Yoga loosens up large muscles, so they aren't stressing smaller muscles and bones resulting in injuries. It also loosens up joints and improves circulation, which is good for health.

The procedure is to go through a contortion which stretches the large muscles causing them to loosen up. As the largest muscles loosen up, the force shifts to smaller muscles. If the position is held too long, a small muscle could get injured.

So when muscles are real stiff, a position should only be held for a few seconds. Under these conditions, you should feel your way through the exercise. Instead of trying for perfect form, you just bend enough to add some force to the largest muscles. Then you shift weight a little moving the force around to different muscles. After that, return to a resting position for a few seconds.

Yoga is a complete science of life that originated in India many thousands of years ago. It is the oldest system of personal development in the world encompassing the entire body, mind and spirit. It is the union between a person's own consciousness and the universal consciousness.

The Ancient Yogis had a profound understanding of man's essential nature and of what he needs to live in harmony with himself and his environment. They perceived the physical body as a vehicle, with the mind as driver, the soul as man's true identity, and action, emotion and intelligence as the three forces which pull the body-vehicle. In order for these to be integrated, these three forces must be in balance. Taking into account the interrelationship between body and mind, the Yogis formulated a unique method for maintaining this balance - a method that combines all the movements you need for physical health with the Breathing and Meditation techniques that ensure peace of mind.

Yoga may seem like the fabled elixir of life - a cure-all solution to man's daily problems and concerns such as illness. But actually, the benefits that Yogis or Yoga practitioners have been experiencing for thousands of years are only being gradually proven by medical science now.

The classical techniques of Yoga date back more than 5,000 years. In ancient times, the desire for greater personal freedom, Health and long life, and heightened self-understanding gave birth to this system of physical and mental exercise which has since spread throughout the world. The word Yoga means "to join or yoke together," and it brings the body and mind together into one harmonious experience.

Yoga, an ancient science, can help Women cope with health issues and help them develop the state of their body and mind. It can help alleviate the pain that goes with Menstruation, manage stress, and ensure an easier delivery among other benefits. Yoga poses are also designed to tone and exercise the muscles of the body to eliminate excess fat, and make it more flexible and stronger.

yoga,yogis,yoga exercise,yoga training,yoga center,yoga health,health,exercise,gym,yoga india,yoga,s

What Makes Ashtanga Yoga Different?

Interested in taking up Yoga, but don't know where to start? Michael Hawkins sorts things out with an article series on the various styles of Yoga. This article focuses on Ashtanga Yoga, also known as "Eight-Limb Yoga".

What Makes Ashtanga Yoga Different?
Ashtanga Yoga is the type of yoga which was created and established by a master named K. Pattabhi Jois. Due to it's theory containing eight different limbs, or components, it is also known as "Eight-Limb Yoga". It doesn't imply that the practitioner has a double set of limbs, but master Pattabhi Jois showed that the optimum path of purification is made up of the eight spiritual practices. 

The basic idea is that these limbs only can be kept in balance by the appropriate application of the Ashtanga Yoga method.

The first four limbs that symbolize Ashtanga Yoga, and are considered externally correctable are (original names within double quotes):
- Moral codes or "yama"
- Self-purification or "niyama"
- Posture or "asana"
- Breath control or "pranayama"

Then there is the other set of limbs which are the internal practices:
- Sense control or "pratyahara"
- Meditation or "dhyana"
- Concentration or "dharana"
- Contemplation or "samadhi"

K. Pattabhi Jois declared that practicing these Eight Limbs as well as its sub-limbs of the external practices which contain the niyama and yama is impossible. In doing so, the body should be strong so that it can technically perform the methods well enough. If the body is weak, and the sense organs are not functioning well, practicing will never be productive at all.

This is a primary philosophy that K. Pattabhi Jois has applied, it is of prime importance for the Asthanga practitioner to learn and understand this way of thinking. This will make you confident in that the body will significantly improve and become stronger and healthier.

Vinsaya and Tristhana are performed in Ashtanga Yoga.

The Vinsaya is a style that makes Ashtanga and its fundamental principles different from the others. Vinsaya basically means the movement and breathing which is used effectively  together in order to cleanse the body. Each movement done is accompanied by only one breath. Sweat is the most important product of Vinsaya. When you produce sweat, it only indicates that you are successfully applying the method. When you perform the Asanas, or postures, the body produces heat which causes your blood to "boil" and excrete the toxins outside of your body. The contaminations are found in your sweat. So the more sweat you produce, the more toxins are released. This is the natural way for the body to get rid of unwanted substances.

The poses are used to fully develop the physical strength and health of the body. It is the sequence of practices that make this possible. There are three postures used in Ashtaga Yoga.

The three are grouped on different levels:

- The first is the Primary Series which aims on aligning the body and also detoxifying it.

- The second is the Intermediate Series opening and cleansing the energy channels which comes to the process of purifying the Nervous System.

- The last series would be the Advanced Series from A to D. In this set, the grace and strength are assessed.

The Tristhana is another yoga principle which symbolizes the close union of the three places of action and attention. First is the posture, second is the breathing technique ad last is the Dristhi of the Looking Place. All these three should work altogether to perform a function.

The breathing is always controlled and synchronized with the movements, in such a way that each movement is accompanied by breath. Ujjayi Breathing is the Yoga Breathing Technique used in the implementation of Ashtanga Yoga. Applying this ancient technique is something that you should work on gradually in your daily practise. What you need to master is holding your pose longer at the same time hold your breath. This is an amazing breathing exercise that will intensify your internal fire and will toughen the Nervous System.

Both Ashtanga and Tristhana deal with the series of Dristhi. The Dristhi is defined as the point on which you acquire your focus or concentration while doing the Asana. This allows your mind to be purified and stabilized clearly.

Clearing your mind (that is sometimes compared to an over active monkey) and cleansing it is the ultimate goal in the Eight-Limb Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga.

yoga, ashtanga, Pattabhi, Jois, exercise, breathing, fitness, health

Using Yoga to Improve Your Health and Well Being

There are many things you can do to improve your health. It is a fact that you will need to adopt some sort of exercise program. Although everyone perfers differnet activities for exercise Yoga can by far provide you with so many benefits both physically and psychologically. Find out how Yoga can improve your over all well-being.

Using Yoga to Improve Your Health and Well Being

With all the new television infomercials on gadgets and videos on improving one’s health and wellbeing there is one strong hold on low impact exercise that not only improves your body but also improves the psychological state which give your entire being the sense of positive well being.   By being involved in Yoga on a regular basis one can expect to feel better and more alive.  Yoga does promote positive energies within the body which in turn will create positive energy in the mind increasing your total well being.

One of the physical benefits you will experience is increased flexibility.  As most people know Yoga consist on many movements, stretches and poses which act on various joints in your body.  Many of these joints are joints that are rarely used.  So the stretching and use of these joints, ligament and tendons help to increase your flexibility.  These movements also provide flexibility to the supporting joints, ligament and tendons.

Yoga provides massage to all your organs and glands including the prostate which never gets external stimulation.  The gent stretching of your muscles and joints when doing yoga maximizes blood flow in your body enabling your body to flush toxins, provide nourishment to your body and in turn slows aging and increases energy.

By stretching and using muscles to hold many of these positions, Yoga helps to tone the body provide correct posture and keep your body tone and firm.

Yoga is an excellent exercise which helps with all aspects of your life both mentally and physically.  Yoga has been used to improve sleep, decrease pain in joints, increase energy,  range of motion and also has many psychological benefits.

An exercise like Yoga through the bending and stretching of the spine builds strength, endurance and lowering the stress hormone that cause aging.  The reduction of stress will reduce the acid conditions within the body and enabling your body to intake more oxygen.  It also balances the nervous system helping to reduce depression and anxiety and increases your concentration and enhances your mood.

Yoga when practiced regularly puts your body in a positive healthy state.  This in turn puts you mind in a positive healthy state which helps to keep your body looking and felling good.  Yoga provides a continuous loop of positive well being and continual rejuvenation.  The stretching also contribute to improving your posture allowing you to stand straighter with your back erect and your hamstrings fully stretched and flexible leaving you  in a alert and confident state.

Yes it is true that people are living longer today but the real question is what is their quality of life?  If you have the option to start now and exercise your body using a low impact stretching and toning exercise, enabling your body and mind to get into a place of optimal health and well being or to have to rely on doctors to poke and prod at you and prescribe medications after medication what would your choice be?

Hopefully as yoga grows in popularity citizens of the world will enjoy the benefits of this low impact exercise and increase the positive energy in their mind and bodies enabling them to live longer and healthier lives.

yoga,yoga videos,health,healing,cures,exercise,yoga mat,yoga apparel,exercise,low impact exercise

The Power of Stretching

Stretching gives one the ability to have explosive power available at one's fingertips without the need to warm up. Of course most of us are not martial artists or agents. But, you'll be happy to know there are plenty of other benefits.

The Power of Stretching

Your muscles ache from a good stretch. This is quite normal and is part of the process. Stretching has seemingly been with us and particular with athletes since the beginning of time.

A very key point to good stretching is to hold the stretch for at least seventeen seconds. This is a pearl of wisdom gleaned from a ballet teacher a few years back. She said that any stretch under 17 seconds was just not effective.
The 17 second rule is exceeded in the high intensity Bikram's yoga where stretches are held for about 30 seconds. Don't forget the high level of heat that is used in Bikram's to extract that last little bit of stretch out of your muscles. An interesting twist that is not necessary to gain benefits from stretching. But, it can't hurt, right?

So what kind of benefits can you expect from stretching? That's an easy one. Have you ever seen the movie, Blood Sport? Did you know that Frank Dux could truly stretch his body to the extreme. The actor that played him was quite elastic as well.

Great elasticity is also something you might see in well trained Spetsnaz(Russian)agents. They often work out with Russian kettlebells too. They are for superior strength gains and the ability to withstand ballistic shocks.

Why are stretching and flexibility considered important to these people? Stretching gives one the ability to have explosive power available at one's fingertips without the need to warm up. Of course most of us are not martial artists or agents. But, you'll be happy to know there are plenty of other benefits.

Let me give you an example. After learning to sit in the full lotus position for long periods of time, my ankles became very flexible. One day I was walking along and my left foot fell into a pothole. This mishap pushed my ankle sideways to about 90 degrees from it's normal position.

Amazingly, this didn't even hurt, not one bit. If my ankle hadn't been so flexible, I may have suffered a sprained ankle. At the very least, it would have hurt for days.

Key point: stretching helps us to avoid injuries. Not only that but if you do have a muscle, tendon or ligament injury it should heal faster, theoretically speaking.

Stretching actually grows the ligaments, tendons and muscles being stretched. They really grow longer over time.

Check with your physician before undertaking any type of exercise, including stretching.

stretching, yoga, bikram, lotus, ligaments, tendons, muscles, ankle, exercise, stretch, health, injuries, elasticity, Frank Dux, ballet 

Using Yoga to Improve Your Health and Well Being


There are many things you can do to improve your health. It is a fact that you will need to adopt some sort of exercise program. Although everyone perfers differnet activities for exercise Yoga can by far provide you with so many benefits both physically and psychologically. Find out how Yoga can improve your over all well-being.

yoga,yoga videos,health,healing,cures,exercise,yoga mat,yoga apparel,exercise,low impact exercise

Article Body:

With all the new television infomercials on gadgets and videos on improving one’s health and wellbeing there is one strong hold on low impact exercise that not only improves your body but also improves the psychological state which give your entire being the sense of positive well being.   By being involved in Yoga on a regular basis one can expect to feel better and more alive.  Yoga does promote positive energies within the body which in turn will create positive energy in the mind increasing your total well being.

One of the physical benefits you will experience is increased flexibility.  As most people know Yoga consist on many movements, stretches and poses which act on various joints in your body.  Many of these joints are joints that are rarely used.  So the stretching and use of these joints, ligament and tendons help to increase your flexibility.  These movements also provide flexibility to the supporting joints, ligament and tendons.

Yoga provides massage to all your organs and glands including the prostate which never gets external stimulation.  The gent stretching of your muscles and joints when doing yoga maximizes blood flow in your body enabling your body to flush toxins, provide nourishment to your body and in turn slows aging and increases energy.

By stretching and using muscles to hold many of these positions, Yoga helps to tone the body provide correct posture and keep your body tone and firm.

Yoga is an excellent exercise which helps with all aspects of your life both mentally and physically.  Yoga has been used to improve sleep, decrease pain in joints, increase energy,  range of motion and also has many psychological benefits.

An exercise like Yoga through the bending and stretching of the spine builds strength, endurance and lowering the stress hormone that cause aging.  The reduction of stress will reduce the acid conditions within the body and enabling your body to intake more oxygen.  It also balances the nervous system helping to reduce depression and anxiety and increases your concentration and enhances your mood.

Yoga when practiced regularly puts your body in a positive healthy state.  This in turn puts you mind in a positive healthy state which helps to keep your body looking and felling good.  Yoga provides a continuous loop of positive well being and continual rejuvenation.  The stretching also contribute to improving your posture allowing you to stand straighter with your back erect and your hamstrings fully stretched and flexible leaving you  in a alert and confident state.

Yes it is true that people are living longer today but the real question is what is their quality of life?  If you have the option to start now and exercise your body using a low impact stretching and toning exercise, enabling your body and mind to get into a place of optimal health and well being or to have to rely on doctors to poke and prod at you and prescribe medications after medication what would your choice be?

Hopefully as yoga grows in popularity citizens of the world will enjoy the benefits of this low impact exercise and increase the positive energy in their mind and bodies enabling them to live longer and healthier lives.

What Yoga Exercise Do For You!

Yoga loosens up large muscles, so they aren't stressing smaller muscles and bones resulting in injuries. It also loosens up joints and improves circulation, which is good for health.

The procedure is to go through a contortion which stretches the large muscles causing them to loosen up. As the largest muscles loosen up, the force shifts to smaller muscles. If the position is held too long, a small muscle could get injured.

So when muscles are real stiff, a position shou...

yoga,yogis,yoga exercise,yoga training,yoga center,yoga health,health,exercise,gym,yoga india,yoga,s

Article Body:
Yoga loosens up large muscles, so they aren't stressing smaller muscles and bones resulting in injuries. It also loosens up joints and improves circulation, which is good for health.

The procedure is to go through a contortion which stretches the large muscles causing them to loosen up. As the largest muscles loosen up, the force shifts to smaller muscles. If the position is held too long, a small muscle could get injured.
So when muscles are real stiff, a position should only be held for a few seconds. Under these conditions, you should feel your way through the exercise. Instead of trying for perfect form, you just bend enough to add some force to the largest muscles. Then you shift weight a little moving the force around to different muscles. After that, return to a resting position for a few seconds.

Yoga is a complete science of life that originated in India many thousands of years ago. It is the oldest system of personal development in the world encompassing the entire body, mind and spirit. It is the union between a person's own consciousness and the universal consciousness.

The Ancient Yogis had a profound understanding of man's essential nature and of what he needs to live in harmony with himself and his environment. They perceived the physical body as a vehicle, with the mind as driver, the soul as man's true identity, and action, emotion and intelligence as the three forces which pull the body-vehicle. In order for these to be integrated, these three forces must be in balance. Taking into account the interrelationship between body and mind, the Yogis formulated a unique method for maintaining this balance - a method that combines all the movements you need for physical health with the Breathing and Meditation techniques that ensure peace of mind.

Yoga may seem like the fabled elixir of life - a cure-all solution to man's daily problems and concerns such as illness. But actually, the benefits that Yogis or Yoga practitioners have been experiencing for thousands of years are only being gradually proven by medical science now.

The classical techniques of Yoga date back more than 5,000 years. In ancient times, the desire for greater personal freedom, Health and long life, and heightened self-understanding gave birth to this system of physical and mental exercise which has since spread throughout the world. The word Yoga means "to join or yoke together," and it brings the body and mind together into one harmonious experience.

Yoga, an ancient science, can help Women cope with health issues and help them develop the state of their body and mind. It can help alleviate the pain that goes with Menstruation, manage stress, and ensure an easier delivery among other benefits. Yoga poses are also designed to tone and exercise the muscles of the body to eliminate excess fat, and make it more flexible and stronger.

What Makes Ashtanga Yoga Different?

Interested in taking up Yoga, but don't know where to start? Michael Hawkins sorts things out with an article series on the various styles of Yoga. This article focuses on Ashtanga Yoga, also known as "Eight-Limb Yoga".

yoga, ashtanga, Pattabhi, Jois, exercise, breathing, fitness, health

Article Body:

The basic idea is that these limbs only can be kept in balance by the appropriate application of the Ashtanga Yoga method.

The first four limbs that symbolize Ashtanga Yoga, and are considered externally correctable are (original names within double quotes):
- Moral codes or "yama"
- Self-purification or "niyama"
- Posture or "asana"
- Breath control or "pranayama"

Then there is the other set of limbs which are the internal practices:
- Sense control or "pratyahara"
- Meditation or "dhyana"
- Concentration or "dharana"
- Contemplation or "samadhi"

K. Pattabhi Jois declared that practicing these Eight Limbs as well as its sub-limbs of the external practices which contain the niyama and yama is impossible. In doing so, the body should be strong so that it can technically perform the methods well enough. If the body is weak, and the sense organs are not functioning well, practicing will never be productive at all.

This is a primary philosophy that K. Pattabhi Jois has applied, it is of prime importance for the Asthanga practitioner to learn and understand this way of thinking. This will make you confident in that the body will significantly improve and become stronger and healthier.
Vinsaya and Tristhana are performed in Ashtanga Yoga.

The Vinsaya is a style that makes Ashtanga and its fundamental principles different from the others. Vinsaya basically means the movement and breathing which is used effectively  together in order to cleanse the body. Each movement done is accompanied by only one breath. Sweat is the most important product of Vinsaya. When you produce sweat, it only indicates that you are successfully applying the method. When you perform the Asanas, or postures, the body produces heat which causes your blood to "boil" and excrete the toxins outside of your body. The contaminations are found in your sweat. So the more sweat you produce, the more toxins are released. This is the natural way for the body to get rid of unwanted substances.

The poses are used to fully develop the physical strength and health of the body. It is the sequence of practices that make this possible. There are three postures used in Ashtaga Yoga.

The three are grouped on different levels:

- The first is the Primary Series which aims on aligning the body and also detoxifying it.

- The second is the Intermediate Series opening and cleansing the energy channels which comes to the process of purifying the Nervous System.

- The last series would be the Advanced Series from A to D. In this set, the grace and strength are assessed.

The Tristhana is another yoga principle which symbolizes the close union of the three places of action and attention. First is the posture, second is the breathing technique ad last is the Dristhi of the Looking Place. All these three should work altogether to perform a function.

The breathing is always controlled and synchronized with the movements, in such a way that each movement is accompanied by breath. Ujjayi Breathing is the Yoga Breathing Technique used in the implementation of Ashtanga Yoga. Applying this ancient technique is something that you should work on gradually in your daily practise. What you need to master is holding your pose longer at the same time hold your breath. This is an amazing breathing exercise that will intensify your internal fire and will toughen the Nervous System.

Both Ashtanga and Tristhana deal with the series of Dristhi. The Dristhi is defined as the point on which you acquire your focus or concentration while doing the Asana. This allows your mind to be purified and stabilized clearly.

Clearing your mind (that is sometimes compared to an over active monkey) and cleansing it is the ultimate goal in the Eight-Limb Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga.

Using Yoga to Improve Your Health and Well Being

There are many things you can do to improve your health. It is a fact that you will need to adopt some sort of exercise program. Although everyone perfers differnet activities for exercise Yoga can by far provide you with so many benefits both physically and psychologically. Find out how Yoga can improve your over all well-being.

yoga,yoga videos,health,healing,cures,exercise,yoga mat,yoga apparel,exercise,low impact exercise

Article Body:

With all the new television infomercials on gadgets and videos on improving one’s health and wellbeing there is one strong hold on low impact exercise that not only improves your body but also improves the psychological state which give your entire being the sense of positive well being.   By being involved in Yoga on a regular basis one can expect to feel better and more alive.  Yoga does promote positive energies within the body which in turn will create positive energy in the mind increasing your total well being.

One of the physical benefits you will experience is increased flexibility.  As most people know Yoga consist on many movements, stretches and poses which act on various joints in your body.  Many of these joints are joints that are rarely used.  So the stretching and use of these joints, ligament and tendons help to increase your flexibility.  These movements also provide flexibility to the supporting joints, ligament and tendons.

Yoga provides massage to all your organs and glands including the prostate which never gets external stimulation.  The gent stretching of your muscles and joints when doing yoga maximizes blood flow in your body enabling your body to flush toxins, provide nourishment to your body and in turn slows aging and increases energy.

By stretching and using muscles to hold many of these positions, Yoga helps to tone the body provide correct posture and keep your body tone and firm.

Yoga is an excellent exercise which helps with all aspects of your life both mentally and physically.  Yoga has been used to improve sleep, decrease pain in joints, increase energy,  range of motion and also has many psychological benefits.

An exercise like Yoga through the bending and stretching of the spine builds strength, endurance and lowering the stress hormone that cause aging.  The reduction of stress will reduce the acid conditions within the body and enabling your body to intake more oxygen.  It also balances the nervous system helping to reduce depression and anxiety and increases your concentration and enhances your mood.

Yoga when practiced regularly puts your body in a positive healthy state.  This in turn puts you mind in a positive healthy state which helps to keep your body looking and felling good.  Yoga provides a continuous loop of positive well being and continual rejuvenation.  The stretching also contribute to improving your posture allowing you to stand straighter with your back erect and your hamstrings fully stretched and flexible leaving you  in a alert and confident state.

Yes it is true that people are living longer today but the real question is what is their quality of life?  If you have the option to start now and exercise your body using a low impact stretching and toning exercise, enabling your body and mind to get into a place of optimal health and well being or to have to rely on doctors to poke and prod at you and prescribe medications after medication what would your choice be?

Hopefully as yoga grows in popularity citizens of the world will enjoy the benefits of this low impact exercise and increase the positive energy in their mind and bodies enabling them to live longer and healthier lives.

Though the practice of Yoga is closely associated to ancient texts, beliefs, and values, it also yields benefits useful for people's practical daily lives. Here are some reasons why more and more people are practicing Yoga:

1. Yoga relaxes the body and the mind. Even in the midst of stressful environments, Yoga helps control breathing and clears the mind of cluttered thoughts, leaving only deep physical and mental refreshment.

2. Yoga can help normalize body weight. For people who are either overweight or underweight, Yoga Exercises can help achieve the desired weight. The principles of balance and moderation in physical activity and diet under Yoga can also lead to a healthier lifestyle.

3. Yoga improves your resistance to disease. The postures and movements in Yoga massage the internal organs, enhancing blood circulation and functionality, thus, lessening the risk of illness.

4. Yoga increases your energy level and productivity. For as quick as 20 minutes, Yoga can replenish the mind and body with precious energy needed to respond to daily tasks and challenges.

5. Yoga leads to genuine inner contentment and self-actualization. Meditation -one of the aspects of Yoga- focuses the mind, taking it away from the distractions of the highly-materialistic world and leading it to genuine happiness.

Yoga is a method of learning that aims to attain the unity of mind, body, and spirit through these three main Yoga structures: Exercise, Breathing, and Meditation. The exercises of Yoga are designed to put pressure on the Glandular Systems of the body, thereby increasing its efficiency and total health. The body is looked upon as the primary instrument that enables us to work and evolve in the world, a Yoga student; therefore, treats it with great care and respect. The Breathing Techniques are based on the concept that breath is the source of life in the body. Yoga students gently increase their breath control to improve the health and the function of both body and mind. These two systems prepare the body and mind for Meditation, making it easier for students to achieve a quiet mind and be free from everyday stress. Regular daily practice of all three parts of this structure of Yoga produce a clear, bright mind and a strong, capable body.

Discover Yoga's Healing Power

Yoga has mutliple benefits for your health.  Yoga exercises and meditation make you more physically and mentally capable of dealing with life's everyday stressors.

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There are several medical conditions that can be improved by practicing yoga. It can be used to lessen the negative effects of infertility, lung disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, insomnia, cancer, high blood pressure, and joint pain. The beneficial effects of yoga practices are well recognized not only by the yoga community but also by medical doctors.
      One of the main elements that lead to an illness is stress. Being responsible for a huge number of sicknesses, this item, which we develop in our minds, can be reduced through a good usage of yoga techniques. Here are just some of the problems that are related to an over active stress response: depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, some types of diabetes mellitus, cardio-vascular disease, several autoimmune diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, reproductive problems, and an aggravated suppression of the immune system.

      The response of the sympathetic nervous system can trigger stress in our metabolism. The reaction to various outside stimuli is also known as the “fight or flight” response – the mind and body, faced with an endangering or disturbing element, prepare for one of the two options. Physically, this is manifested through an instantaneous heart rate increase, together with a high ascent of blood pressure. Breathing gets shallow and the muscles tense in anticipation to the following action. Internally, this response reduces the blood flow to internal organs and processes that are not essential in that particular moment (such as digestion and elimination) are shut down. This state of increased awareness and readiness is beneficial on a short term, preparing our body to react to the outside interventions and stimuli. Both in a “fight” and in a “flight” situation, the body is physically and mentally prepared to act. The problem arises when long-term exposure to similar stress takes place. This “fight or flight” response is only meant to help on short periods of time – the longer it is activated the less resources will the body have to function normally.  

      There is a natural countermeasure for the “fight or flight” response. It is called the parasympathetic nervous system or the “relaxation response.” It is automatically activated when the elements that caused the stress are gone but it is also possible to increase its effects by breathing deeply and relaxing your muscles. By increasing the length of this process we allow our body to recover faster, enabling it to eliminate the harmful effects of stress in a prompt and efficient manner.

      Yoga highlights the idea that by using breathing and relaxation techniques you can reduce the harmful effects of stress factors on your body. A lessened “fight or flight” response can also be achieved by looking at adverse factors as challenges rather than threats. This approach allows your mind to focus on finding a solution, rather than creating an abrupt response. Another concept employed by this technique is that of acting versus reacting, of taking initiative versus responding to outside factors.

      The positive effects of yoga during a healing process are undeniable. However, these techniques should only be used as a form of support and the healing shouldn’t rely solely on them. The best results are achieved by combining yoga with traditional and modern medicine and by addressing a problem both from a mental and physical point of view.
