As effective as
using Yoga for back pain may be, as indicated in the first installment of this
article. It is imperative that the right poses be chosen. Here are the
remaining effective poses to choose from.
I went over in
detail the use of the shoulder stand sequence as ‘the’ Yoga exercise for back
pain in part one of this article. Now let’s go over the rest of the applicable
poses shall we.
Relieving Pose: (Vatayanasan)
Lie down flat.
Now take a deep breath and hold it. Now fold your right leg at the knee and
press the folded leg against the abdomen. Make sure to keep the alternate leg
straight while doing this. Now, switch legs and to conclude this use both legs
at the same time.
5-15 Seconds
Pose (Halasana):
Lie flat on your
back on your blanket. Keep the hands, palms down near the thighs. Without
bending the knees, slowly raise the hips and the lumbar part of the back and
bring down the legs till they touch the floor or go as far as you can. The key
here is to get as deep a stretch for the lower back as possible.
5-15 Seconds
Bend (Paschimothanasana):
Lie flat on your
back on the blanket, with arms overhead on the floor. Keep the legs and thighs
firmly on the floor. Stiffen your body. Slowly raise the head and the chest and
assume a sitting position. Now exhale till you are able to catch you toes,
ankles or heels. You may even bury your face in between your knees.
5-15 Seconds
Plane Pose (Purvottanasana):
Rest on your
hands on heels, keeping the body straight.
5-15 Seconds
Pose: (Dhanurasana)
This pose is
hailed as the best backward bending exercise. Lie Prone on the blanket. Relax
the muscles. Now bend the legs over the thighs. Catch hold of the right ankle
with the right hand and the left ankle with the left hand firmly. Raise the
head, body and knees by tugging at the legs with the hands so the whole body
rests on the abdomen.
Pose (Chakrasana)
Lie down. Bend
the arms and legs. Raise the body and rest on the hands and feet. Tuck your
head firmly in between your shoulders.
5-15 Seconds
Twist: (Ardha Matsendrasana):
-Sit on the floor
with both legs out in front of you.
-Bend your right
knee, lift your right leg over your left, and place your right foot on the
floor next to your left knee.
-Sitting with
spine straight, place your left elbow on the right side of your right knee.
-Bend your left
arm so that your left fingertips are touching your right hip, while at the same
time, twisting to look over your right shoulder.
Since this
actually involves a twisting of the back, make sure you go only as far as it is
comfortable. As a matter of fact, it is
advised that depending on the severity of your case, you only go as far as the
poses allow you to at any time.
5-15 Seconds
Pose (Savasana):
This is the
relaxation pose. From experience, after the spinal twist above, if you
immediately get into this pose, there is an indescribable feeling of relief
from tightness in the back. You ought to try it out for yourself.
-Lay motionless
on your back with the arms and legs slightly extended.
-Breathe deeply
in counts of 5 that being in a ratio of 5:5:5
-Lay as such for
as long as you desire and you could mentally send relaxation messages to your
body parts such as “My ….. is hereby relaxed” (filling in the space with
whatever body part. Remember to start from the toes working upwards.)
Other factors to
keep in mind when I say try ‘yoga for back pain’ are that Yoga involves the
consumption of a healthy diet. This brings to mind Hippocrates’ quote: “Let
your foods be your medicine…”
That considered,
do make sure your diet is primarily made up of the right stuff, raw and cooked
fruits and veggies.
This will relieve
constipation and this reminds me of a true experience with my father years
back. He had suffered a severe back pain for weeks and an alternative health
consultant told him to eat a meal of plain fruit on a given night and 2-3 hours
afterwards, he was instructed to drink a laxative tea. After a really good
bowel movement the next day, the pain magically subsided. That said you may
want to try this tip as well.
It is my hope
that all these pointers above will come in handy in your use of yoga for back
pain relief-with the right poses. So go on and give it a shot today.
Yoga for Back Pain