I must thank Yoga if I ever do win a Grammy

Voice lessons aside, one other thing that helps with singing or public speaking will be a feeling of looseness and flexibility in the throat. While some may rely on ‘Hot tea, lemon and honey’ to achieve this, some yoga poses come in handy to attain these necessities and much more. Let’s discover them


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Voice lessons aside, one other thing that helps with singing or public speaking will be a feeling of looseness and flexibility in the throat. While some may rely on
‘Hot tea, lemon and honey’ to achieve this, there are actually some yoga poses that help ‘loosen’ the vocal cords and with practice actually increase the flexibility of the muscles in those areas.

Now, from personal research, a specific book titled ‘Singing for the Stars’ by Seth Riggs-(the vocal coach of the who-is-who of the Music Industry)-specifies that stretching to warm up not only the vocal cords but the whole body before doing vocal warm-ups are very helpful.
That considered, I specifically incorporated those poses that I know from sensation loosen the cervical region that of course contains the throat. (As an added bonus, some of these poses loosen other body parts that come in handy for my ‘James Brown-Michael Jackson-Prince’-esque moves by the way…)

Now I will show you my choices and explain each one briefly.

1. The Sun Salutations.

This is more of a combination of poses, versus being an exclusive pose. Its ease and versatility comes in handy for warming up the entire body and increasing the blood flow. Moreover, with the deep breathing associated (and the corrective effect it does have on breathing in general), this unique collage of indeed very simple movements will come in handy for just about warming up to do anything.

2. The Wheel Pose:

This is a backward bending pose that owing to its execution stretches the entire body immensely. When properly executed, one’s head will be turned upside down which consequently stretches the throat and increases the blood flow to the head. When, I’m doing mid to up-tempo numbers, I love executing the wheel pose to sort of get the adrenalin pumped up and I also add the spinal twists (it’s counter pose so to speak) for an even more balanced stretch that it may offer.

3. The Lion Pose:

Think “Scary Movie 1” here for a minute, remember when Marlon Wayans yells “whazup” and stretches out his tongue? Well, this pose has a similar concept in execution.  Moreover, I actually read that taking its name into consideration, it is often a pose recommended for overcoming shyness, as some Yogic texts claim in executing a pose, you take up the characteristic of the object or creature it is named after. Since this is the Lion Pose, it is believed that boldness and confidence is increased. For now, let’s just stick to the immense stretching of the throat that it offers.

4. The Shoulder-Stand Sequence:

Well, this sequence includes a pose known in Yoga as Savagasana (meaning it affects all body parts). It is a simple inversion pose and when executed with its counter poses: The Bridge and the Fish Poses, they adequately loosen up the whole body. If my performance or session is in the earlier parts of the day, I may simply execute just this sequence alone (with the previously mentioned sun salutations) and be fine. The fish pose especially loosens up the chest and is often recommended for respiratory disorders such as Asthma and Bronchitis.

5. The Relaxation Pose:

The name says it all. After a session or performance, it is always best to cool down the vocal muscles as this comes in handy for extensive daily use. Perhaps no other pose comes close to relaxing not only the vocal cords but the whole body like the Relaxation Pose yoga has to offer. This simple relaxation technique is something I have incorporated into my list of essentials as a vocalist and will come in handy for interested parties as well.

In addition to these poses and since singing involves a great degree of breath control, the Breathing Exercises (aka pranayama) belonging to Yoga come in very handy, as well as do some Yogic Cleaning techniques for the body such as nasal, throat and tongue cleansing…but that’s another topic altogether.

Moreover, a yogic diet -which is akin to the Mucus-free diet of the drug-free fraternity/lifestyle-helps to ensure excess mucus within is curbed and of course fasting-an advocated practice of Yoga-augments this even more. In fact this last factor is secretly why I hardly ever run out of breath while performing folks.

Perhaps if I ever end up winning a Grammy someday (hey, you never know…), I’ll be able to get up at the podium and acknowledge Yoga much more for helping me sing better, but for now, if your trade, passion or hobby demands an intense use of your vocal cords, you can surely benefit a lot from adding a little bit of yoga to making them work a lot better.

I almost stopped Yoga for this…till I found it’s still Yoga

Has anyone heard of Hindu-Push ups?
If you haven’t, boy have I got news for you. Quite simply, they work and you need to check them out.  Let’s find out why.

Yoga, Hindu-Ups

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Has anyone heard of Hindu-Push ups?
If you haven’t, boy have I got news for you. Quite simply, they work (they almost made me forego yoga till I found it was actually Yogic) and you need to check them out. 

In doing research for an article I wrote a while back concerning Yoga and Calisthenics, I stumbled on a unique form of an upper body exercise known as Hindu-Push ups. Immediately, I was intrigued by the name as I knew anything “Hindu” will inevitably be from India and as such may be related to Yoga.

I clicked on the associated link and came across a description of a totally different kind of push up. Now, although I’m big into exercise and health, one exercise I never really cared too much for is doing push-ups, I just never liked them and only did them occasionally out of necessity.

Now if an exercise inexplicably, puts a smile on your face while doing it, makes you breathe deeper (which is always good) and strengthens the entire body while making sure you don’t get all stiff with zero flexibility, I think it deserves my vote as well as anyone else’s. (These by the way were all the reasons I picked up Yoga)

Well, that’s what the Hindu-Push ups do.

Here is the technique and like me, after reading this next paragraph, take a pause and try 2-3 out right quick.

-Get on all fours.
-The starting position is with legs spread wide and butt up in the air.
-From there, bend your elbows as in a regular pushup, bringing your back down in a circular arc
-Straighten your arms and end up with your chest up and your hips almost touching the ground.

When done properly and combined with deep breathing (breathing in on the way down and exhaling-looking up) Hindu pushups build amazing lung power as well as incredible upper body strength and endurance. They also improve flexibility in the shoulders and hips as well as the upper and lower back.

Now, when I personally got so intrigued by this exercise, I put 2 and 2 together and it dawned on me that

1. These are “Hindu” Push-ups right? So they must be from India.
2. The starting point is ‘Downward Facing Dog” and the ending point is ‘The Cobra Pose” and its execution is so similar to positions 6-8 of the Sun Salutations…

These factors considered, I concluded that this is simply well combined Yoga poses in motion so I can get the best of both worlds: Yoga (that I love) and Calisthenics (with its push-ups…which I can only tolerate).

That said, just like I wrote in another article, if my schedule doesn’t permit me to do all the Yoga poses I’d love to do for the day, I just simply do the 24+ rounds of sun salutations, the corpse pose and these Hindu-Push ups.

In addition I alternate this combination of exercise now and still feel like I’m pretty much doing Yoga, maybe different styles a day. The main factors are that I’m getting my exercise, I love what it is and it is working great for me.

You should try it out and see how it works for you but trust me, with at least the Sun Salutations (Yoga’s warm up) and These Hindu Push-ups (2 yoga poses in motion), my friend you can’t go wrong for a total body workout again through Yoga.
In Friendship,
Foras Aje

How To Practice Meditation

Meditation is the most important practice for calming the mind. A calm mind can lead to a healthy, happy and successful life. It can cure diseases and speed up healing processes. We describe the simple technique below called prana-dharana. Prana in Sanskrit stands for the air that we breathe. It is the most basic act of life which starts from birth and goes on till death. But generally, we are not aware of the breath till our attention is drawn close to it. Dharana means its ...

meditation, yoga, prana-dharana

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Meditation is the most important practice for calming the mind. A calm mind can lead to a healthy, happy and successful life. It can cure diseases and speed up healing processes. We describe the simple technique below called prana-dharana. Prana in Sanskrit stands for the air that we breathe. It is the most basic act of life which starts from birth and goes on till death. But generally, we are not aware of the breath till our attention is drawn close to it. Dharana means its awareness. Prana-dharana means applying the mind to the flow of air when we breathe. The method is as described below:
Sit in a posture suitable for meditation. The common postures are Siddhasana, Padmasana and Swastikasana. But if you cannot do this, just sit cross-legged. Your back should be straight and eyes closed. Your knees should be placed well on the ground. Do not stoop your shoulders back. The whole body should be relaxed and the whole frame steady without exerting any pull or pressure on the thighs, feet, knees, spine or neck. There should be no stretch on tension along the abdominal wall. Let the abdominal wall sway gently back and forth very smoothly and effortlessly with each respiration. Facial muscles should be relaxed and mouth closed with a small gap between the two jaws such that the upper and lower teeth do not exert pressure on each other. Your tongue should touch the palate with tip touching the back of the upper front teeth. Ensure that the lips, tongue or the lower jaws do not move. Your eyeballs and eyelids should be steady and the muscles of the forehead relaxed.

Your entire posture should be comfortable, steady and relaxed. You should not feel strain on any part of the body. Now start developing the awareness of breathing. The flow of air should be uniform, slow and smooth. Do not make any effort or exercise any control. Never hold breath. Do not utter any word or see any image. This will calm your mind and help you achieve peace.

How To Perform Yogic Exercises

When you have decided to start with your yoga practice, it is imperative for you to learn how to perform a pose properly. Thus it is advisable for you to find a right teacher who will guide you in the correct manner of performing these poses. Since yogic exercises involve the static and isometric contraction of the muscles, where the muscles are held in a state of tension without causing the corresponding body part to move; it is important to note that the stretching or contr...

yoga, yoga practice, steps to start yoga.

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When you have decided to start with your yoga practice, it is imperative for you to learn how to perform a pose properly. Thus it is advisable for you to find a right teacher who will guide you in the correct manner of performing these poses. Since yogic exercises involve the static and isometric contraction of the muscles, where the muscles are held in a state of tension without causing the corresponding body part to move; it is important to note that the stretching or contraction of the muscles should not be done abruptly or suddenly. You should endeavour to reach the final pose as slowly as you can, so that there is a steady rise in the tension of the muscles. Always reach the final posture slowly through the intermediate postures. Master all these postures slowly one by one.
The movement of each body part should be done under complete control of the muscles exercised. This is achieved only after practicing for a certain period of time. There should be no jerks or violent movements. Each step should be executed easily, smoothly and gracefully. Initially, when you start learning the yoga, there is a tendency to use muscles not concerned with the specified movement. But over a period of time with due practice, you can eliminate the unproductive muscular activity. As you progress, you'll learn to use only the specified muscles for contraction or stretching while the other muscles are kept relaxed.

Avoid rushing into the final position of any posture, unless you have thoroughly mastered the intermediate stages. Always proceed as far as you comfortably can and hold this pose for some time. This will train the required muscles in a few days and thus you can get smoothness and grace. Take caution not to overwork any muscles. Do not control or restrict your breathing. If you are sick or absent from your practice for a long time, start slowly and reach the previous level only after some time. At the end of the session, you should feel fresh and relaxed. You must experience the lightness and exhilaration at the end of every session.

You can adjust the duration of various techniques according to your capacity and there should be no exhaustion or tension.

Following all these practices will ensure you get a correct yoga session.
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How To Meditate With A Mantra

These days whenever a politician repeats a promise over and over again commentators say that this promise has become a “mantra” for that politician. For the journalists, the word “mantra” means a meaningless phrase that is repeated endlessly. For yogis however, a mantra is a word or collection of words, which has the power of liberating a human being from all limitations.

How can the repetition of a word or a few words have the capacity to bring about such miraculous resul...

mantra meditation, meditate, mantra, meditation mantra, mantras

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These days whenever a politician repeats a promise over and over again commentators say that this promise has become a “mantra” for that politician. For the journalists, the word “mantra” means a meaningless phrase that is repeated endlessly. For yogis however, a mantra is a word or collection of words, which has the power of liberating a human being from all limitations.

How can the repetition of a word or a few words have the capacity to bring about such miraculous results? It is all based on a simple psychological principle, “as you think, so you become.”
If you someone tells you “You’re stupid,” that’s of course a bad insult and will hurt you. However if you start to think “I am stupid,” and keep repeating this phrase over and over, then that is far worse. When someone tells you that you are stupid, then this is a negative outer-suggestion. When you start to think about it, then you are giving yourself, a negative auto-suggestion. If you keep thinking in a negative way, then your personal development will be harmed.

Meditation mantras have a positive meaning. They remind you that your true nature is something great: pure consciousness and boundless love. If you start to think about the best part of your being, you will begin to have more confidence in yourself and this will become apparent in your actions.

However, many people have read philosophical, spiritual or self-help books explaining these ideas, and yet they never realize these great truths in their everyday reality. It is not enough to just think about a good idea once, and then close the book. You need to think in a concentrated and systematic manner over a period of time in order to get results.

Meditation mantras have a special quality that helps in the task of concentrated, positive thinking: their very vibration has the capacity to concentrate and focus your mind. Some sounds, such as power drill breaking a pavement, can upset you greatly, while other sounds, like soothing music, can transport you to another world.

The syllables and words used in meditation mantras have been chosen according their sonic capacity, and they greatly aid the task of concentration and contemplation, as well as carrying a positive meaning.

In order to get the benefits from mantra meditation, you need to meditate regularly with a mantra that has a positive meaning and the capacity to help you concentrate. You need to do it on a regular basis, sitting silently two times a day for a period of 10 to 30 minutes.

It sounds easy, but the common experience of most people is that as you sit and try to think about one word or one phrase, your mind is quickly filled with many other thoughts; thoughts about work, financial problems, disputes with people and all kinds of other matters. When this happens, and it certainly will, then you have to bring your mind back to the mantra. Meditation is a process where you concentrate on the mantra and its meaning for as long as you can, and when you mind wanders, you bring it back.

Keep doing it, and you will attain an improved capacity to concentrate and deep inner peace.

It may still sound too good to be true, and some intellectuals scoff at the alleged power of a mantra. Once, a renowned Indian yogi came to America and delivered many lectures on this subject. In one of the lectures he was challenged by someone in the audience who said that it was not possible for a single word to deliver the results that the yogi promised. The yogi turned to the man, who was a distinguished professor and said “You fool!”

The professor turned red, and began to shout at the yogi, who calmly watched the professor unwind.

The yogi then addressed the professor and said: “Now can you understand the power of a single word? All I did was utter the word “fool” and your behavior was changed in an instant!
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