Yoga for mothers

There’s all this hype about Yoga that I didn’t fully understand before – what’s all this clamor about Yoga for pregnancy?? What’s the big deal? You have a big belly, retch half the time, have a sudden liking for pickle and have to wear your husband’s clothing….you need Yoga to help you deal with all that?

I am not a Yoga teacher. I’ve only attended about 3 Yoga classes although my gym offers Yoga classes. So, why am I writing about Yoga when I know nothing about it? I am curious – that’s my nature. And through the years, this curiosity has helped me develop a career as a freelance graphic designer and writer. And it is through a very weird type of Yoga (my own type, or whatever I thought was Yoga at that point in time) that helped me swim ashore when I was teetering between drowning in the sea of depression after giving birth to my sons. 

Both times, I was hit badly and constantly turned to the bottle for a solution. The bottle never will be a solution and yet, I hoped it would be.

Yoga and the soon-to-be-mother
There’s all this hype about Yoga that I didn’t fully understand before – what’s all this clamor about Yoga for pregnancy?? What’s the big deal? You have a big belly, retch half the time, have a sudden liking for pickle and have to wear your husband’s clothing….you need Yoga to help you deal with all that?

But of course, I only began the understand the benefits of Yoga as a mother when I started going for the classes, read about them in books, magazines and websites. This amazing method can help mothers regain their physical strength and sends them into a journey of self-discovery and improvement. Instead of helping you deal with others, in Yoga, everything starts from within. Therefore, to solve a problem, you have to go inside.

And inside a mother, it’s always a battle zone…and it’s tumultuous half the time. Pizza or no pizza? Sex or no sex tonight? What kind of mother will I be? Will I sprain my own child’s fingers when I try to put his/her clothes on? With the kind of bizarre thinking (and hormones) going on inside our mind and our body, mothers often have a  difficulty finding peace. Your doctor will tell you time and time again that although nutrition is important, finding peace, quiet and calm in yourself and in your life is just important for an expectant mother.

Yoga for the regular mother
Considering the fact that Yoga can help bring calm into calamity, it’s obviously a good choice for you to try out Yoga if you’re thinking of starting an exercise program. Better yet, join a gym…which is what I did. I used to scoff at people who join gyms and judging from the loud dance music, I remember thinking to myself… “Yikes…gym is just a sorry excuse for a disco. Instead of serving peanuts, they serve fruit mixes. Instead of alcohol, they serve bottled water. But everyone’s trying to get into a social thing in the gym. It’s a social club!”

And as a mother, I don’t have the time to join a social club.

But I was wrong. As soon as I gave the 10-day free classes trial, I was hooked. No makeup, no dressup (oh, the younger gym-goers still dress up to the nines and apply mascara for gym) and no pretense. I go to the gym and attend the Yoga class to sweat – to end up looking ugly but feeling damn good!

Mothers can open up their minds and free up their hearts after Yoga
Yoga has this tranquilizing effect on people that can hardly be explained with words. It has to be felt. It’s like you’re striking those poses, stretching those muscles and bending over backwards…and all this while, your mind is opening up and all impure thoughts are just flying out of it.

Yoga can be like ‘taking out the trash’.

And this can be good for the whole family, especially the kids, as well. After a session of uninterrupted Yoga, you’ll feel renewed. Even a grumpy, sleeping, tired and beaten-out mother will have more energy to spend time with the kids. Instead of feeling disgruntled and trapped, a mother can use Yoga to actually find an opening, a release that helps relax, not only the body, but the mind as well.

I don’t know about you…but I am going for more classes because I have seen the benefits. Yoga can do a whole lot for the ordinary non-married kidless people….imagine what it can do for a mother.


Yoga for Kids: What Yoga Poses are best for My Child?

Yoga for Kids

The benefits of yoga for kids are so immense that it may be an understatement to say your child might be missing out.  Yoga for Kids From Physical and emotional fitness to increase in self-confidence, kids engaged in yoga are well on the path to being well rounded adults. Learn how your child can learn form yoga designed just for kids today.

Yoga for Kids: What Yoga Poses are best for My Child?

Yoga indeed has become a popular, mainstream alternative for exercise and fitness. Here in Los Angeles, hardly a day goes by that I don’t see people walking by with their Yoga Mats rolled up underneath their arms coming from or going to their Yoga class.Yoga for Kids
Most stay-home moms have picked Yoga up as well as their method of keeping fit and maintaining physical, mental and emotional balance.
Yoga for Kids Upon seeing the apparent results most naturally wonder how their children might be able to benefit form using Yoga for kids. Well, it is my hope that as a Yoga enthusiast myself, you will find this article much helpful in choosing the yoga poses that could be incorporated into your child’s recreational endeavors.
Yoga for Kids: Recommended Poses.

1. Sun Salutations: These are a group of poses that serve as a warm up to a yoga session or class. For staying fit, keeping obesity at bay and fun (especially when performed at a high speed),
Yoga for Kids  the Sun Salutations will be an immense source of enjoyment for kids getting introduced to Yoga. Do you know in India, they actually hold contests of how many rounds of Sun Salutations kids can do in one go? Yeah, they are that much fun.
2. The Shoulder Stand: Trust me, behind your back, kids already try this pose. You probably did as a kid without knowing you were actually doing Yoga. So in your use of yoga for kids, make sure the inclusion of this pose is of priority. Executed with the bridge pose and fish-poses as counter poses, for kids doing yoga, the shoulder-stand will reap many benefits.

3. The Forward Bend Pose: This teaches your kids self-dependence and aids immensely at curbing digestive disturbances as an added bonus. I’ll have you know, some authorities of Yoga have said that these three poses mentioned thus far are enough for humans-although this may be slightly erroneous or incomplete as the execution of their counter-poses for a specified amount of time is also of great importance as well.

4. The Wheel Pose: Okay, I was walking through the park the other day and saw a kid who couldn’t have been more than 8 years of age executing this pose for literally 90 seconds. Yes, I counted this out of amazement and intrigue. It’s been hailed as the
Yoga for Kids  “forever young pose”, consequently when using yoga for kids; this has got to be included. Co-incidentally it is the counter-pose to the third pose above.
5. The Relaxation Pose: Of course this is a must-do for everyone. When introducing your kids to yoga, this will be a good time to show them how to relax with its use as a secret for relief from school stress and the little challenges they may face in their young lives. Yes, they do have some demands placed on them parents. Moreover showing this to them now will go a long way with laying the foundation on how to deal with the daily demands of life.

Other great poses to consider are the Bow, Triangle, Spinal-Twist, Inclined and Diamond Poses. Kids should also be shown proper breathing exercises with emphasis on Abdominal Breathing.

Other factors to be included when using yoga for kids are the use of a proper, nourishing diet of Fresh Fruits and vegetables-(emphasis on leafy ones) and positive thinking techniques. On the subject of diets, you can add some celery juice to their fresh fruit juices if you have one of those popular juicers such as the juiceman.
Yoga for Kids  This is one way of sneaking in a good source of powerful minerals into their bodies, tastefully. Oh, before I forget, they love BARHI dates! Moms, these are just like their rather harmful counterfeits (candies at the store) but of course are sources of great nutrients.
Yoga for kids is best begun around the age of seven, however, kids-being-kids, they of course will emulate what they see you doing, so as long as you know they are not in harm’s way, it’s okay to let them dabble a bit into Yoga.

Indeed using Yoga is both fun for kids and beneficial for as the book of Prov. 22. 6 states, it is one effective method of “Training your child in the way he should go...” as the discipline and confidence that comes from Yoga (and Martial Arts too-just a hint)
may only be attainable from this ancient form of physical culture.

So Moms and Dads, go on and get your kids started on yoga. You’ll be glad you did.


Yoga for Kids

Yoga for Kids - Torment Of A Silent Mind

Yoga for Kids - Torment Of A Silent Mind      

Could this be the answer why Yoga is becoming a worldwide epidmic.

Why is it that Yoga for kids is becoming even more popular today than it was in days of yesterday, well children are just as much prone to suffer from stress just like adults do. How can this be a great many would ask. Kiddies pressure come from additional education requirements (like more homework) We all know the importance of furthering our childs education to give them a better  chance in life but when it can destroy  life then it is time to take action.   
Yoga for kids is a priceless gift to give to a child where they lay claim to peace of mind. Pressure put upon our kids today can be brought on by other factors like being bullied. Children also suffer at the hands of the parents while watching them worry over debt or whatever comes with surviving in the 21st century.  How can we help the mind of a tormented child, simple introduce them to Yoga?   

Yoga for kids help them become aware of the body and start to understand how vital it is to keep in good shape. Even at an early age kids need to develop better body awareness and after doing this they take control all by themselves to lead an active  healthy life. Children who practice yoga self educate themselves on self control flexibility and coordination.    

Exercises for children have proven in some cases to assist slowing down Hyper active behaviours.   Yoga has helped kids by channelling their impulses in a positive way. Yoga moves for minors differ just like that of the way adults practice. A couple of poses for children that work perfectly well are the Warrior pose and the Tree poses. Both are exercises that help the child to find calm, build up confidence and balance.   

Some children take to yoga like water of a ducks back whereas others have to be coaxed and need assurance and the benefits pointed out to them.  The secret behind getting a dubious child to enrol in a yoga class is to explain how it is a popular craze among other children. Point out how much fun it can be. Explain in fine detail of the Warrior posture moves in your quest to encourage the child. Ease their discomfort if afraid to practice yoga alone. Let them know they can team up with a partner, this will also help build up on their team skills therefore gaining a bonding with others.    

There will be times where the children will find it difficult to focus and concentrate but is that not the case with all children whether practising yoga or not. Children and relaxation are not very compatible. Just to have a child close their eyes for a period of time will be task in its self. Ask the child to visualize something that he/she are interested in or enjoy doing.   

Try them with the belly breathing yoga exercise while listening to soothing relaxation music. Ask them to imagine they are up in space floating or making sand castles on the beach.  After the session is over invite the child to share their experience of how they felt while practicing the Yoga for Kids routine.    

If they divulge their secret thoughts then this can only mean that the child has opened up and what a major breakthrough that is. To have your child share a secret is enough to say they want to be heard.    

Those silent thoughts that once troubled your little boy/girl will give you as a caring parent the insight on how to deal with what was once a tormented silent mind.   

Yoga for kids is the healthiest wealthiest form of knowledge for any child.

Yoga for Kids,children and yoga,kiddies moves,yoga exercises for children,healthy exercise,kids yoga,stress,concentration,relaxed mind,body awareness

Yoga For Children And Kids

Yoga For Children

Yoga For Children And Kids

Children are exposed to a lot of stress factors nowadays.
There is homework that they do daily...
the competition with other children...
TV and computer games...Yoga For Children
and even over-scheduling.

And just like adults these kids need something relaxing to turn into and that could be: Yoga.

Yoga for kids helps then develop better body awareness, it also delivers to them a total self control, flexibility and coordination.
Yoga For Children
All of these they could carry not just on their...


Yoga For Children

Children are exposed to a lot of stress factors nowadays.
There is homework that they do daily...
the competition with other children...
TV and computer games...
and even over-scheduling.

And just like adults these kids need something relaxing to turn into and that could be: Yoga.

Yoga for kids helps then develop better body awareness, it also delivers to them a total self control, flexibility and coordination.

All of these they could carry not just on their class but this exercises can help them with their daily routines.

Yoga for kids has shown to help children who are hyper active to tone down and to brighten up those attention deficit ones. Children today crave movement and sensory motor stimuli that can help then balance out their inner souls flow.

Yoga for kids helps them channel out this impulses in a positive way.

The main Yoga for kids poses that seem to work perfectly with kids are the warrior pose and the tree pose. These two yoga for kids poses helps instill in them calm, confidence and balance.

The trick to get them to do Yoga for kids is to go beyond just doing the proper poses, you should have to get them think about what the real posture means.

Let them think that they are really what the poses are symbolizing, let them be the postures – strong and confident like a warrior.

Yoga for kids with partners is also a good way to build up trust with you children. It develops their team skills and fosters a closer bonding.

Some kids when it comes to relaxation have a big trouble closing their eyes and having them focus on their exercises.Yoga For Children. One thing that encourages a child to relax is visualization. Let them think of something that they really like and let them imagine being like these things.

You may also have them focus out on belly breathing first and have them listen to soothing and relaxing music.
Yoga For Children
Then ask them to imagine their favorite spot in the house or let them think that they are in outer space floating, or let them visualize that they are at the beach, playing their favorite sport or doing the best activity that they like.

Sometimes for boys letting them think of a favorite girlfriend helps them relax, but this is sometimes hard to do because they become shy and intolerable when this kind of issues are discussed. Yoga For ChildrenJust stick to the visualization thing if this technique is quite complicated for you.

Every day at the end of each relaxation exercises, encourage the children to share their own experiences. Ask them to tell to the group what it was like to be in their visualized surroundings. Ask them also to share what place have they imagined they where in.

Another approach is to create a guided imagination by telling them a story with a calming theme of some sort.
Yoga For Children
As you know children have the most active imagination, they imagine all sorts of things. And at this point of imagination it makes them feel calm. So when doing yoga for kids let them think that they are walking on a green pasture.
Yoga For Children
You can even let them think that they are butterflies in a beautiful garden. The main idea in here is to instill a sense of peace and feeling of oneness with nature.

Yoga for kids should be taught more often and in different places. It is important to teach children the meaning of union of mind, body and spirit.

There is such a wealth of knowledge we can offer our children with the practice of Yoga.

Yoga For Children

Yoga For Beginners - Yoga techniques on the loose

If you currently do yoga, or are considering indulging in it then you need to know these techniques.  Yoga is a great way to maintain health in your life.  You can do yoga about anywhere from home to with an instructor in the gym.  But, you must know these techniques or you might not be maximizing your outcome from your yoga workouts.
Yoga For Beginners - Yoga techniques on the loose

If you currently do yoga, or are considering indulging in it then you need to know these techniques.  Yoga is a great way to maintain health in your life.  You can do yoga about anywhere from home to with an instructor in the gym.  But, you must know these techniques or you might not be maximizing your outcome from your yoga workouts.

If you are doing yoga, there are some yoga techniques you need to understand and apply. No one can run away and be free from major illnesses so the best way to get away with it is to exercise in order to maintain good health.

Yoga is considered to be the most effective way to stay fit and healthy. The best thing about it is you can have it at home or anywhere you want it. You also buy your time because you can do it any time of the day.

a lot of people prefer doing yoga to maintain a good and healthy life.

Fitness is important in doing yoga. Yoga techniques are helpful in maintaining good organs and other parts of the body such as the muscles, joints, glands, tissues and vital organs. These are the main focus of setting yoga techniques.

Here are some yoga techniques that you can practice during your yoga session. Despite your busy schedule or the crowed place you stay at, keeping up with these yoga techniques will help you go through it.

The five yoga techniques include: posture, relaxation, meditation, deep breathing and movement of joints. Each technique has its own role and function.

The movement of joints is called the 'sandhichalana'. This is one of the yoga techniques that focus on the joints. The joints undergo full movements which include the movement of the hands, movement of the neck and the movement of the lower limb.

In relaxation, there are some yoga techniques that will deepen your concentration and prevent your attention to be drawn easily. Rather, now withdraw at all.

The Hong-Sau is a Yoga technique that helps and focuses on the latent powers of your concentration. This technique helps you to release thought and fight all distractions s that you can concentrate on the problem you are targeting. This helps you to develop Divine Consciousness which is from within.

The Aum Technique expands your awareness which is beyond the limitations that your body and mind creates. This helps you maintain a powerful meditation and gives you to personal experiences of what Divine consciousness brings.

There are some ancient yoga techniques that you can apply. Although there are a lot of yoga techniques to choose from, applying these techniques might nt be easy for you especially if you are a beginner.

In getting concentration during the yoga session, you can boost your awareness by thinking clearly of some creative ways on how you can be attentive in all situations. You should be able to figure out what makes you feel tense and how to release it.

After the heavy day of work, you should find new ways on how to stay peaceful and calm. Concentration is your best tool and guide.

The main objective of these yoga techniques is how to create your awareness for a satisfying relaxation. You should be able to find out how to effectively release the tension inside your body and where to release it. In order to do so, your mind, body and spirit should be at a high level.

Techniques are of course helpful but these are just a matter of front if you can’t apply it. The best way still is to have your own yoga techniques that will help you go through the process successfully.

Now that you know all that about yoga, you should get more out of your yoga workouts.  These techniques are helpful, but it's also great to have your own little twist on it, or your own techniques completely.

yoga, beginners, learn, health