Sun Salutation

The Sun Salutation yoga pose 

The Sun Salutation yoga pose is recommended for practitioners of all ages and especially for the ones who cannot dedicate a lot of time to their yoga routine. The reason why this pose is so highly appreciated has to do with the fact that it involves most of the muscle groups, as well as the respiratory system.

In fact, the Sun Salutation is a sequence of twelve yoga positions, linked together by a flowing motion and accompanied by five deep special breaths. Each of the tw...

The Sun Salutation yoga pose is recommended for practitioners of all ages and especially for the ones who cannot dedicate a lot of time to their yoga routine. The reason why this pose is so highly appreciated has to do with the fact that it involves most of the muscle groups, as well as the respiratory system. 

In fact, the Sun Salutation is a sequence of twelve yoga positions, linked together by a flowing motion and accompanied by five deep special breaths. Each of the twelve positions contributes to stretching a different part of the body and different muscle groups. Moreover, it helps expanding and contracting the chest in order to regulate breathing.

Specialists and yoga trainers recommend this exercise for the daily routine, as it can contribute in a very efficient way to the flexibility of your spine and joints.

* The first of the twelve positions require you to stand up with your feet together. Your palms should be in praying position, in front of your chest. Once you make sure your weight is evenly distributed, exhale profoundly.

* While inhaling, push the arms up, keep the legs straight and relax the neck.

* While exhaling fold your body forward, press your palms down and try to place your fingertips in line with your toes.

* While inhaling bring a leg back and place it on the floor. Arch your back and lift the chin.

* Bring the other leg back and try to support your weight on hands and toes. Keep your chin down and retain your breath, while performing this move.

* While exhaling, lower your knees and then your forehead, but keep your hips up and make sure your toes are curled under.

* Lower your hips, while inhaling. Point your toes and bend as back as possible. Your shoulders should be kept down and your legs together.

* Curl your toes under and, while exhaling, raise your hips. You should end up in a V position. You should push your heels and head down, while keeping your shoulders back.

* While inhaling, step forwards and place one of your legs between the hands. Keep your chin up, while resting the other knee on the floor.

* Bring the other leg forward and bend down from the waist keeping your palms on the floor. Exhale.

* While inhaling, stretch your arms forward and then up and back over your head and try to slowly bend back.

* Return to the upright standing position, while exhaling, and bring your arms to your sides.


Spine Twisting Pose - Ardha Matsyendrasana

Ardha Matsyendrasana asana is also known as the Spine Twisting Asana. It is one of the essential poses which make the body healthy and fine. It is a basic pose which should be done by everyone, if their body is capable to do it. If done correctly it becomes a value addition in your day-to-day life. It may seem hard at the first attempt but you can do it in stages. By doing it in stages the asana proves to be very easy and simple.
Spine Twisting Pose - Ardha Matsyendrasana

The twist in the asana is a blessing for th...

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Ardha Matsyendrasana asana is also known as the Spine Twisting Asana. It is one of the essential poses which make the body healthy and fine. It is a basic pose which should be done by everyone, if their body is capable to do it. If done correctly it becomes a value addition in your day-to-day life. It may seem hard at the first attempt but you can do it in stages. By doing it in stages the asana proves to be very easy and simple.
The twist in the asana is a blessing for the adrenal glands, kidneys, liver and spleen. It is also very beneficial for people who suffer from asthma, indigestion, constipation and obesity. If you are a person with good height but stooping shoulders, this asana can correct it. It also improves the back and corrects a faulty posture. The twist stretches every muscle and ligament of your back.

Ardha Matsyendrasana is the only asana which twists the spine to achieve a healthy and toned body. Every movement of the asana assists in strengthening the spine and its muscles. It strengthens the spine which gives you a healthy back. The body becomes flexible with the twisting pose. A flexible body also helps in creating an agile and fit body.

Your back, hips, neck and shoulders get stretched very well. The digestive process of your body is rejuvenated by performing the asana. The asana can be a boon for many women as it alleviates the menstrual trouble many go through month after month.

People having problems like sciatica can also be provided help. It is very therapeutic for problems with infertility. It is known to cure many diseases and improve your appetite. This asana gets rid of all the toxins from your body to have a fresh and clear body. It is a great help for the bronchial muscles and rib cage. Abdominal muscles are also toned by this asana. Chances of slip disc can be erased. The pancreas are also massaged which helps the diabetes patient.

Hernia problems can also be treated by regularly doing this asana. Arthritis patient can find a relief due to the asana. The circulation towards the spinal nerves, veins and other tissues improves drastically. It also cures the lumbago and rheumatism of the spine due to the twists of the asana. By regularly performing this asana your abs are improved. You can use props or modify the asana to make it easier. A wall can be used as a prop while doing this asana.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions before following any of the asanas from this article and the site. To avoid any problems while doing the asanas, it is advised that you consult a doctor and a yoga instructor. The responsibility lies solely with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Points To Be Followed Before Learning Yoga

Points To Be Followed Before Learning Yoga
Once you have decided to practice yoga for better living and spiritual health, you need to take care of the following points so as to prevent injuries to your physical self:

• Physical condition of the individual: usually, it is recommended that people with normal health do yoga practice. But if you are suffering from some physical problems and are using yoga to cure it, you need to follow certain precautions since performing yoga practices without proper precautions may ...

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Once you have decided to practice yoga for better living and spiritual health, you need to take care of the following points so as to prevent injuries to your physical self:
• Physical condition of the individual: usually, it is recommended that people with normal health do yoga practice. But if you are suffering from some physical problems and are using yoga to cure it, you need to follow certain precautions since performing yoga practices without proper precautions may lead to harmful effects on the body. This is because the internal organs like the heart, lungs, kidneys etc. are involved and may get harmed if you do not practice yoga properly. Hence it is recommended that you follow the yoga techniques under expert guidance.

• Right advice: it is important for you to get the proper instructor to teach you the yoga techniques. Usually, people who choose the profession of a yoga teacher do not understand the scientific basis behind the yoga practice and just impose their opinions and likes and dislikes on the students. They bring an element of mystery, charge exorbitant fees and introduce rites and rituals which are not a part of yoga.

• Age and sex: yoga can be practiced by anybody irrespective of age and sex. However it is important to note that certain yoga techniques should not be followed under certain circumstances. Women, who are pregnant or menstruating, should avoid the poses which lay a great stress on the abdomen. Children below eight years should not practice any yogic technique but yogic breathing should be introduced only after twelve years. Very young and old should avoid the poses with the intense twists. After a certain age, avoid strenuous practice but you can practice pranayam, dhyana and simple postures.

• Place and surroundings: The place for yoga should be well protected from, animals, rodents and insects. If you choose the indoor room, keep it well lit and it should be airy. If you choose the outdoors, the surroundings should be quiet. But avoid the outdoors if it is cold, rainy or very hot.
The ground chosen should be plain and flat.

• Time: Morning is the ideal time for practice since it incorporates regularity, but evening time can also be chosen since the body is already warmed up. Your stomach should not be completely full. So if you have had a meal, you can perform yoga after five hours.

• Diet: Take simple and nutritious diet. Do not overeat. Keep chillies and spices to the minimum. It is not important to be vegetarians but do not eat more than your body’s requirements.

• Interval: it is advisable to be regular but if for some reason like a lot of work in office or sickness or any other reason you need to skip a day or two, it is fine. But once the reason is over, go back to your original routine. Avoid taking long and frequent gaps.

• Clothing: Choose light and loose fitting clothes. If you live in a hot climate, you can opt for the sleeveless shirt or a vest. However, in temperate climate, your clothing should offer protection against the cold weather but at the same time, they should not hinder your movements.

• The seat: Always perform the yoga practice on a mat or a carpet but never on an uncovered floor.

• The order of different techniques: When you are combining different techniques like surya namaskar, weight training etc. with yoga, keep a rest period of fifteen minutes between the two. Within the yoga practice, start off by postural techniques, followed by breathing techniques and the techniques of mental concentration in the mentioned order.

Positive Energy

Learn the secrets of cultivating positive energy.
Positive Energy,yoga

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Cultivating Positive Energy

Most of us who study Yoga have been taught that an abundance of Prana (vital air or vital energy), can be found at the ocean, lakes, large open fields, and in the mountains.

Although the air is different, this same energy can be found where people assemble for a positive reason.  For example: when people assemble to meditate or pray.

You can feel it in your home, at a church, mosque, temple, shrine, ashram, seminar, martial arts hall, etc. This is when people bond in a mass for the common good. The energy can be used to help humanity and our little planet for the best.
You can project this energy outward by acts of kindness every moment of your life. This is not to say, you allow yourself to be abused. You can be kind to everyone who comes into your life, without becoming a “doormat.”

You have influence over a limited number of people who you see in a day. Why not make every contact a harmonious and positive experience?

Some examples would be:

Stop making foul gestures, becoming angry, and swearing when another driver on the road has irritated you.

Don't take advantage of respect with anyone.

Treat everyone as special – no matter what their economic status.

In regard to your next question: What is the mystery behind attracting positive energy?

To be honest, there isn't one, but I will give you the formula.

Firstly, you have to realize that you have infinite potential, and it comes from within. You also have unlimited potential from the outside, when you engage in prayer, and meditation, on a daily basis. Prayer and meditation will positively charge you, and you will contribute to the benefit of others as a result of it.

In turn, all of this helping of others will result in finding people around you who are more than willing to give you a helping hand.

The following ideas will cultivate positive energy around you.

Make it a point to wake up in the morning with excitement and say hello to everyone you come into contact with. This goes for the security guard, janitor, maid, garage attendant, cashier at the store, and anyone you may overlook in the course of your day.

Stop criticizing your family members, co-workers, friends, and associates.

Be diplomatic first, before giving any advice.

Let your family know that you love them everyday.

Be sincere and treat everyone as important.

Take time to give to people. This doesn't have to be expensive. You could give a sincere compliment, a card, a letter, or flowers.
Become a trustworthy partner with family, friends, co-workers and associates.

Set goals - whether they are tangible or not. It is a healthy practice to have goals at any age.  The final results will be that your positive energy will attract positively charged personalities and successful people will seek you out. If this is a major change for you, it will not happen overnight.

Let me share a related Zulu saying: “Patience is an egg that hatches great birds.”

Why should you become an eternal optimist?

Every one of us has a choice. When you fall down, you must pick yourself up. You can't blame life's hurdles or obstacles – you have to find solutions to get over, around, under, or through them.

Focus on your past achievements and learn to be happy with yourself. Everyone has failed, at some point, but we must constructively learn from our past experience.

Your individual approach, to life's daily obstacles, is the gateway to success or failure. Therefore, success is a matter of choice.

Building Positive Energy

In relation to what most of us see as possible - success is unlimited. When primal man first discovered fire, could he imagine the concept of a forge? When modern man discovered the forge, could he imagine sky scrappers?

To build positive energy for pursuit of common goals and success, you need a support group. Find and seek out like-minded people.

Pavanamuktasana - Wind Removing Pose

Pavan means wind, mukta means relieve or free and asana means pose. This asana is similar to many other yoga poses based on nature. It is being used to foretell the strength and power of the wind from within. It helps in removing the toxic gas present in your body. It creates space for fresh air in the body to create maximum utilization of the bodily resources.

This yoga pose would improve the digestive system very well. It would do real wonders to your stomach as the exce...

Pavan means wind, mukta means relieve or free and asana means pose. This asana is similar to many other yoga poses based on nature. It is being used to foretell the strength and power of the wind from within. It helps in removing the toxic gas present in your body. It creates space for fresh air in the body to create maximum utilization of the bodily resources.

This yoga pose would improve the digestive system very well. It would do real wonders to your stomach as the excess gas is being removed from the abdomen. The intestines also function better due to the removal of the gas. You can get rid of constipation by initiating this exercise in your life. The use of legs, hands and hips strengthens the hip muscles.

It is termed to be very useful for patients who suffer from sciatica and joint pains. It releases the muscles of the lower back creating an environment of relaxation for your body. The way this asana is performed it helps in massaging the colon. Any irritation with the bowel movement is also cleared while doing the asana properly.

This exercise stimulates your liver, small and large intestine as well as the spleen. The abdominal area is very well strengthened by the performing pavanamuktasana. Your sagging body attains a level of firmness to perk you up. The abdomen, thigh and hip area are toned while performing the asana. Our body is well equipped to produce acids; pavanamuktasana normalizes that level. It brings hydrochloric acid to a normal level.

Problems relating to acidity are averted. If you are facing any back problems that is also cleared. It is a good exercise for the abdominal muscles as it tones the abdominal wall making much stronger and useful. This wind removing technique helps the entire body. It purifies the impure air creating a fresh supply of blood to the entire body. Level of diabetes improves so does your blood pressure.

It may look simple and easy to perform this asana but do not get fooled by it. If need be you can take help of any of your friends or your yoga instructor while doing this asana. The key element about performing this asana is the inhaling and exhaling part. You should do this at least for three to five minutes.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions before following any of the asanas from this article and the site. To avoid any problems while doing the asanas, it is advised that you consult a doctor and a yoga instructor. The responsibility lies solely with the reader and not with the site or the writer.