What Yoga Exercise Do For You!

Yoga loosens up large muscles, so they aren't stressing smaller muscles and bones resulting in injuries. It also loosens up joints and improves circulation, which is good for health.

The procedure is to go through a contortion which stretches the large muscles causing them to loosen up. As the largest muscles loosen up, the force shifts to smaller muscles. If the position is held too long, a small muscle could get injured.

So when muscles are real stiff, a position shou...

yoga,yogis,yoga exercise,yoga training,yoga center,yoga health,health,exercise,gym,yoga india,yoga,s

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Yoga loosens up large muscles, so they aren't stressing smaller muscles and bones resulting in injuries. It also loosens up joints and improves circulation, which is good for health.

The procedure is to go through a contortion which stretches the large muscles causing them to loosen up. As the largest muscles loosen up, the force shifts to smaller muscles. If the position is held too long, a small muscle could get injured.
So when muscles are real stiff, a position should only be held for a few seconds. Under these conditions, you should feel your way through the exercise. Instead of trying for perfect form, you just bend enough to add some force to the largest muscles. Then you shift weight a little moving the force around to different muscles. After that, return to a resting position for a few seconds.

Yoga is a complete science of life that originated in India many thousands of years ago. It is the oldest system of personal development in the world encompassing the entire body, mind and spirit. It is the union between a person's own consciousness and the universal consciousness.

The Ancient Yogis had a profound understanding of man's essential nature and of what he needs to live in harmony with himself and his environment. They perceived the physical body as a vehicle, with the mind as driver, the soul as man's true identity, and action, emotion and intelligence as the three forces which pull the body-vehicle. In order for these to be integrated, these three forces must be in balance. Taking into account the interrelationship between body and mind, the Yogis formulated a unique method for maintaining this balance - a method that combines all the movements you need for physical health with the Breathing and Meditation techniques that ensure peace of mind.

Yoga may seem like the fabled elixir of life - a cure-all solution to man's daily problems and concerns such as illness. But actually, the benefits that Yogis or Yoga practitioners have been experiencing for thousands of years are only being gradually proven by medical science now.

The classical techniques of Yoga date back more than 5,000 years. In ancient times, the desire for greater personal freedom, Health and long life, and heightened self-understanding gave birth to this system of physical and mental exercise which has since spread throughout the world. The word Yoga means "to join or yoke together," and it brings the body and mind together into one harmonious experience.

Yoga, an ancient science, can help Women cope with health issues and help them develop the state of their body and mind. It can help alleviate the pain that goes with Menstruation, manage stress, and ensure an easier delivery among other benefits. Yoga poses are also designed to tone and exercise the muscles of the body to eliminate excess fat, and make it more flexible and stronger.

Home Practice Yoga

Many people ask how to start a home yoga practice so here is some information to get you going. First I will review the basics and then discuss how often to practice and what to practice. Remember though, the only right practice is regular practice! Don’t let your desire for perfectionism get in your way. Just show up at your mat and practice. Yoga is a life-long journey – perhaps many lives!


The space should be quiet, and ideally used only for yoga. (Can be...

Yoga, Beginning Yoga, Practicing Yoga at Home, Home Practice

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Many people ask how to start a home yoga practice so here is some information to get you going. First I will review the basics and then discuss how often to practice and what to practice. Remember though, the only right practice is regular practice! Don’t let your desire for perfectionism get in your way. Just show up at your mat and practice. Yoga is a life-long journey – perhaps many lives!

The space should be quiet, and ideally used only for yoga. (Can be a section of any room)
Place a mat, blanket or towel on the floor.
The temperature should be moderate - not too cold and not too hot.
The room should have fresh air but not windy or cold.
Sunrise and sundown are desirable times for yoga (although any time works!)


Wear light comfortable clothing.
A bath or shower before is good for limberness -wait at least 20 minutes after
practicing before bathing)
In the morning wash, urinate and move the bowels before practice.
Practice before eating or wait two hours after a meal.

Physical Practice (asanas)

Do not practice if there is a fever or deep wounds. Consult a teacher if there is an illness.
Spend five to ten minutes warming up/stretching before beginning practice.

Do not force your limbs into a difficult position. In time your body will open. We are after sensation not pain!

Beginners should hold each asana for 3-5 breaths. After about three months of regular practice this can be increased to 5 to 10 breaths.

Always inhale and exhale through the nostrils unless specified otherwise. Focus on making the breath slow and smooth.

At any time you need a rest come into child pose or shavasana (corpse pose)
Finish asanas with shavasana for five to ten minutes.

How often to practice.

The rule of thumb for how often to practice is simple: It is better to practice for short durations regularly than to practice once a week for a long time. In other words it is better to practice 4 times a week for forty-five minutes then to practice one day for two hours.

With that being said some people get what they need from practicing just a couple of times each week while other practice five or six times a week. It varies from person to person. On average though you will get the most benefit from your practice with average of four sessions per week. The length of time of each session depends on your experience with yoga, time constraints, level of fitness, and motivation. A good idea is to have a journal to keep track of your practice with information such as date, how long you practiced, what you practiced, how you felt during and after your practice, what thoughts came to mind during practice, how you felt later in the day as well as the next day, which postures were challenging and which were felt good.

General framework for your session

Always begin your practice with easy movements and build towards the more difficult postures ending with a cool down. Imagine a bell curve: at the beginning of the bell curve is a moment of centering. As you move up the curve there are warm-ups, then opening postures which help to build heat/ flexibility/strength and at the top of the curve are the most challenging postures. Moving down the other side of the bell curve are cool down postures followed by Shavasana.

Here is a template that you can use to create your own practice session:

Theme or focus (more on this below):

Opening postures
Challenging postures:
Cool down postures:

Which postures to practice.

Sometimes it is fun to have a practice without any preconceived notion of what to do and just see what comes out. Sometime it is desirable to tune into your body and see what your body is asking for. Other times you’ll want to plan your session as indicated above. It is during these session that having theme will be helpful. Some classical themes include: backbends, forward bends, twists, balance postures, standing postures, seated postures, inversions, restorative postures, hip openers, shoulder openers, strength building postures, groin openers, hamstring openers, and postures that build energy. Linking postures together (vinyasa) is yet another way to create a practice. In the Iyengar system we focus on linking alignment cues from posture to posture. Of course you may have specific health reasons that you are working with for which it would be best to consult a qualified yoga teacher to help create a practice. I encourage you to be creative – come up with your own themes and see how it is. It has been said that in yoga you are both the scientist and the experiment!

In my book “Beginning Yoga: A Practice Manual” I offer 20 different practice sequences to guide your home practice as well as a chapter on how to set up a home practice.


Why Diets Fail You

When most people fail on a diet they are left with little option other than to blame themselves. This article suggests that the failure may be caused by thought processes rather than a lack of "will-power"
Diets, failure fo,
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Why Diets Fail You.

This year millions of people will embark upon a diet and fail to lose weight.
The usual response to this failure by the people marketing the diet is to
blame the individual for the failure. This leaves the person feeling
defeated and guilty because of their lack of "will-power"
Blaming the individual also preserves the illusion that diets are an effective
way to lose weight.I think it is time to move the discussion beyond
this "blaming" level and explore the real reasons diets fail.

I will use an example to explain my position.
When most people are presented with something like a chocolate (candy) bar it
is not long before they feel a desire to eat the thing. Most will simply blame
the chocolate for causing the desire. They will then try to battle the craving
with "will-power". Usually they lose this battle and sooner or later give in
and eat the chocolate bar. This "giving-in" often marks the end of the diet.
Now lets look at why this "giving-in" occurred. We know that the cognitive
process that caused the craving to eat the chocolate bar went something like
this; sensory input was received through the appropriate receptors [mainly
eyes in this case] and the mind formed some type of neural or sensory
representation of the object that will be defined as a chocolate bar. We can
regard this process as inescapable. If the sensory receptors are in working
order, the mind must form a representation or neural image of the object.
When a neural image has been formed we have been taught to assign meanings,
from memory, to these images as they occur in the mind. The assignment
of meaning is followed by an emotional response appropriate to the meaning
assigned. In the case of the chocolate bar the meaning assigned included past
memories of pleasant experiences assosciated with eating chocolate bars, hence
the craving to eat this chocolate bar. So really it was not the presence of
the object that will be defined as a chocolate bar that caused the craving,
but the cognitive process outlined.
Specifically it was the assignment of meaning that caused the craving. And
because this assignment of meaning has become totally automatic in most
people, the chocolate bar gets the blame for the craving when in fact it only
had the power to cause the mind to form a meaningless image. For most, the
meaning and image have become "fused", with the meaning now seen as an
inherent part of the neural image itself rather than something assigned from
within the mind. This of course gives the stimulus the power to be the cause
of the response.
Just thinking about or reflecting upon a chocolate bar has the same
effect. A neural image is formed from that reflection and when it has
been formed the cognitive process of automatically assigning meaning to it is
exactly the same as with images caused by the external stimulii. We feel
like a eating the chocolate bar.
This all means of course that every time we are presented with a chocolate bar
or some other desirable food, the mind automatically performs the cognitive
process outlined and creates a desire to eat the delicacy. The continual
emotional responses build up and eventually wear us down. This is the reason
we "give-in" and the diet goes out the window.
My point is then, the only way to reduce our food intake and still feel
comfortable is to modify this process of automatically assigning meaning to
the images that come into our heads. This way we can reduce the desire to eat
unnecessarily and thereby modify our eating behaviour so that we lose weight
and keep it off.
Diets do not supply these techniques and in actual fact they fail the
individual not the other way round as their providers would have you
believe. If changing our behaviour was easy as making a decision to go on a
diet, most of us would have changed many things about ourselves long ago. The
truth is we need techniques that will help us to bring that change about or we
are doomed to failure. -->

Yoga - Practices and History

Yoga has many thoughts and practices.  Yoga come from many different cultures throughout history.
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Yoga is a practice that people do keep their bodies in shape.  All of the elements of Yoga were inherited form the practice of Hinduism.  Ethnic principles, and body principles, along with spiritual guidance and philsophy are just some of the features associated with Yoga.  Yoga is usually taught, by a person called a "Guru".  Their intentions are to teach people how to obtain a quieter state of mind through meditation.  Quiet breathing and chanting "mantras" are practiced to help the person get to the "quiet" state of mind. 

Yoga is supposed to lead a person to better health, and a calmer, more emotional well-being.  Mental clarity and a joy in living are the main thoughts imposed upon a person who practices Yoga.  The steps in Yoga ultimately are supposed to lead to an advanced state of meditation called "samadhi". 

All the goals of Yoga are expressed in different ways among a lot of different traditions.  In Hinduism the main thought is that yoga brings people closer to God.  In Buddhism practices, yoga is supposed to help people get a deeper sense of wisdom, compassion, and insight.  In some of the farther Western countries, individualism is the strongest emphasis, so yoga would help people there get a better meaning in themselves.  But, the ultimate goal of yoga is to actually attain liberation, from any type of suffering and/or the cycle of birth and death. 

The word "yoga" derives from a sacred root of "Sanskrit", which in English means "yoke".  The general translation of yoga is a "union of the individual with the universal soul".  The diversity of yoga involves many subdivisions, but everyone would agree that "the path to enlightenment" is the best suited phrase for yoga. 

A common theme of yoga  is the practice of concentration.  The concentration is mainly focused on one point of sensation.  When you sustain this "concentration" for a long enough period of time you will reach, what is called "meditation".  Most meditators express deeper feelings of joy, peace, and self-oneness.  The focus of meditation differs between yoga teachers.  Some may focus more on peaceful thoughts, spiritualism, or a better sense of well-being, while others will focus on the more physical aspects like, different types of stretches for getting the body into being more fit.  All would agree though that meditation for either the spiritual part or physical part of yoga is the most practiced. 

A little bit of history on yoga comes from the Indus Valley Civilization that was around somewhere in between six or seven thousand years ago.  The earliest accounts of yoga were documented in the Rig Veda.  This was a certain type of writing used back around 1500 to 2000 BC.  However, the full description of yoga was first found in the "Upinasads" composed around the eighth century before Christ.  The main thought of the Upinasads was that they constituted the end or conclusion of the "traditional body of spiritual wisdom".  The Upinasads used to offer sacrifices and hold certain types of ceremonies to appease the Gods.  They used the thought that man could please the external gods by these sacrifices and in return that they would become one with the Supreme Being, through moral culture, restraint, and a stronger training of their minds. 

With all the different types and practices of yoga, one person has so many types to choose from.  Whether they want a more peaceful inner self, a stronger sense of well-being, or a body that will be put into better shape.  All practices contain a characteristic designed for each purpose.  While some practices are argued about, all have one thing in common, it is practiced regularly around the world by many, and it is growing more popular every day. -->

What Is Yoga?

Yoga can seem like a complicated concept - or, at the least, a dizzying array of physical manipulations that turn seemingly happy-looking human beings into happy looking human pretzels.

Even more disconcerting, a stereotype does exist in places where the term yoga is synonymous with cult, or some kind of archaic spiritual belief that compels one to quit their job, sell their house, and go live in the middle of nowhere.

In actual fact, Yoga is a very basic "thing". If y...

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Yoga can seem like a complicated concept - or, at the least, a dizzying array of physical manipulations that turn seemingly happy-looking human beings into happy looking human pretzels.

Even more disconcerting, a stereotype does exist in places where the term yoga is synonymous with cult, or some kind of archaic spiritual belief that compels one to quit their job, sell their house, and go live in the middle of nowhere.

In actual fact, Yoga is a very basic "thing". If you’ve had the opportunity to visit a country where it has been established for generations – India, Japan, China, and others – it’s really rather, well, "ordinary".

The practice of yoga came to the west back in 1893 when one of India’s celebrated gurus, Swami Vivekananda, was welcomed at the World Fair in Chicago. He is now known for having sparked the West’s interest in yoga.

Literally, the word yoga comes from the Sanskrit term Yug, which means: “to yoke, bind, join, or direct one’s attention”. At the same time, yoga can also imply concepts such as fusion, union, and discipline.

The sacred scriptures of Hinduism (an ancient belief system from India that has a global presence) also defines yoga as “unitive discipline”; the kind of discipline that, according to experts Georg Feuerstein and Stephan Bodian in their book Living Yoga, leads to inner and outer union, harmony and joy.

In essence, yoga is most commonly understood as conscious living; of tapping into one’s inner potential for happiness (what Sankrit refers to as ananda).

What Yoga Isn’t:

Sometimes it’s helpful to understand things by what they aren’t; especially when dealing with a topic, like Yoga, that is quite easily misunderstood.

Authors and yoga scholars Feuerstein and Bodian help us understand yoga by telling us what it is NOT:

Yoga is NOT calisthenics (marked by the headstand, the lotus posture or some pretzel-like pose). While it is true that yoga involves many postures – especially in hatha yoga – these are only intended to make people get in touch with their inner feelings.

Yoga is NOT a system of meditation – or a religion – the way many people are misled to believe. Meditation is only part of the whole process of bringing ourselves into the realm of the spiritual.

What is the essence of Yoga?

Virtually all yogic science and philosophy states that a human being is but a fragment of an enormous universe, and when this human being learns to “communion” with this vastness, then he/she attains union with something that is bigger than him/her.

This attachment or tapping into something bigger thus enables one to walk the true path of happiness. By flowing along with the force, the individual is able to discover truth.

And with truth comes realization; but to attain realization, our words, thoughts and deeds must be based on truth. People attend courses on yoga and go to studios to learn new techniques in yoga, but yoga teacher Tim Miller said that “True yoga begins when leave the studio; it’s all about being awake and being mindful of your actions".