Learn Yoga’s Relaxation Technique: A long lost art for rejuvenation

In the midst of the daily demands of life, a physical, mental and spiritual balance is imperative. One method of attaining this will be the Relaxation Technique of the Corpse Pose from Yoga. It only takes 10-15 minutes out of your day friends. So let’s learn this simple pose today.

Relaxation Technique

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We all know that one of the necessary things needed to keep an automobile in good condition is cooling the engine when it gets hot.

Well the same principle applies to the human body. When the body and mind are constantly overworked, their efficiency in performing their duties diminishes. Modern social life, food, work and even play make it difficult for the modern man to use a proper relaxation technique for rejuvenation.
An observance of nature will show us that animals love relaxation and sleep. They get as much sleep as they want. Rest and sleep are essential to recharge our nervous energy
as our physical, emotional and mental balance depends on the quantity and quality of these vital necessities. They are the only things that recharge these batteries and allow for the proper elimination of metabolic wastes.

But just how can one learn a proper relaxation technique?

Only the corpse pose offered to us in Yoga can aid modern man to recapture the art of relaxation. In order to achieve this, three methods are used by the yogis. The three methods are known as physical, mental and spiritual relaxation.

Physical Relaxation Technique: We all know that every action is the result of thought originated in the mind consciously or subconsciously. When we want to perform an act, the thought is generated in the mind, is transmitted to the brain and simultaneously, the brain telegraphs the message through the nerves, and the muscles contract. Therefore as we can send messages to make the muscles contract, we can send messages to make them relax.

This relaxation technique is known as autosuggestion. Commence autosuggestions from the toes upwards while the suggestion passes through the muscles and reaches up to the eyes and ears at the top. This is performed by saying mentally to yourself: “My toes are hereby relaxed; my ankles are hereby relaxed…”

Mental Relaxation Technique: During mental tension one should breathe slowly and rhythmically for a few minutes and concentrate on breathing. Slowly the mind will become calm and one is able to feel a kind of floating sensation.

Spiritual Relaxation Technique: However one tries to relax the mind, one cannot completely remove all tensions and worries from it unless one goes to spiritual relaxation.
This is in itself is a slightly demanding but very rewarding practice.

Yogis know that unless man can withdraw himself from the body idea and separate himself from the ego consciousness, there is no way of obtaining complete relaxation. So from mental relaxation, he withdraws himself and identifies himself with the all pervading, all powerful, all peaceful and joyful self, because all the source of power, knowledge are in the soul and not the body. Man can only free himself from the clutches of evil emotions by asserting his true self by stating mentally: "I am that pure consciousness or self" This identification with the self completes the process of relaxation.

The method to be applied here is to breathe deeply and squarely in a ratio of 5:5:5 seconds while mentally chanting the mantra above. As you will observe it goes hand-in-hand with mental relaxation after the physical auto suggestions are completed.

To get the most of this practice, you should practice this after your poses, before going to sleep or even during a break or recess at work or school, or right at your desk.

I always tell people: “Hey if it is said God took a break on the 7th day after making the world, who are we as humans not to take time out to relax?” So to recharge your energy and restore you physical, mental and emotional balance and strength, apply the methods above to learn how to relax the proper way.

Kriya Yoga And The Nature Of The Journey

Kriya yoga is quite different to the other main styles of yoga. Learn a little about the history of kriya yoga, where it is developed from, and what is involved in it.

kriya yoga, yoga

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Kriya yoga has found a place in some people who are looking for a deeper, more spiritual relationship with their lives. It is a kundalini oriented yoga and meditation technique, that also teaches certain spiritual and esoteric principles. Unfortunately, like many similar "spiritual" power structures, it teaches you that essentially your power lies outside of yourself - that is, that you need a 'guru', or 'master' to access your own innate spirituality.
Kriya yoga has some aims which sound both appealing and promising. They aim to eliminate "obstructions" and "obstacles" from the mind and body. Point of view is a very interesting thing here, however. Because what is an obstacle or obstruction to one person, may not be to another. This assumes a very interesting light in reference to power structures and belief systems, and highlights why it is important to maintain your own self sovereignty in mind and action.

Kriya yoga was brought to the West by Yogananda in the 1920's. He established the Self-Realization Fellowship as a 'total yoga' system that tried to address spiritual as well as physical aspects of self.

Kriya yoga is derived mainly from three other yoga techniques - karma yoga, bhakti yoga, and Jnana yoga. Karma yoga focuses on the movement of the soul both inside and outside of the mind. Jnana yoga focuses on wisdom, allowing the mind freedom. Bhakti yoga focuses on love, as it allows you to come to terms with everything around you. The aim in combining them was to "purify" the mind and soul, and proponents of kriya yoga believe they can achieve self realization more quickly this way than following the other disciplines.

Kriya Preparation

The first step in Kriya is to 'prepare' your body, and that is done in one of a couple of ways. For many, Hatha yoga is the perfect preparation exercise. For others, though, who may not be as flexible, alternatives are provided.

Next in Kriya, the mind is prepared. General conduct is studied as part of the mental process in this discipline, so ensuring your mind is correctly focused is essential. Additionally, the Kriya yoga technique pushes you to study overall wellness, cleanliness, purity, and even metaphysical principles. Together, though, they help to 'prepare' the mind for later techniques, which use the body's life force currents ostensibly to "refine" the brain and nervous system.

Mantras are taught in kriya yoga techniques. They are believed to deepen the meditative experience. This sound technology undoubtably tunes the body, like a tuning fork, as will any sound that is repeated and focused on. The question is, of course, to what frequency is the body being tuned?

If self realization is a journey, whose journey are we undertaking? Ours, or someone else's? Kriya yoga undoubtably resonates with some people. For myself, I prefer more transparency.

Kriya Yoga - Learn The Secrets To Kriya Yoga

Discover the techniques behind kriya yoga and learn more about how to perform kriya yoga

kriya yoga, kriya yoga secrets, kriya yoga tips, yoga

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Kriya Yoga is a process of mental purification that teaches meditation through techniques.

The fundamental belief of Kriya Yoga is that all of us are miniature version of the whole cosmos, a microcosm or an evolution of a new world within the microcosmic world.

The followers of Kriya yoga also believes that the most holy supreme creator is a part of us hiding beneath our body, and activating every action through the breath.

The name Kriya is meant as any work “kri” is being done by the power of the indwelling soul “ya”.
The different cosmic forces controlling, air, fire, water and earth also controls the different activities that we do, namely, religious activities, relationship with everyone and everything, food, pregnancy, and everything performed by the human body.

Yoga on the other hand is the conjoining of these correspondences between microcosms and macrocosms. It is the full acceptance and belief behind the union and interaction of the individual self and the supreme self.

The study and science of Kriya yoga has a divine origin and was not created by human means and intellect.

The modernization for this ancient yoga meditation method has begun in the 1860’s with Babaji and has been handed down to the present Kriya yoga lineage of masters directly through the Master to disciple method of teaching.

The disciplined path of Kriya Yoga consists of many different kinds of teaching with different angles to it. One looks at it as a process of beginning with self introspection through breathing controls.

It is also believed in Kriya yoga that that by enlightening the three qualities of light, vibration and sound simultaneously with proper concentration, posture and breathing through application of a series of techniques, a Kriya yoga disciple is able to penetrate the deepest levels of the unconscious mind.

Through this they can communicate with their inner gods and obtain a fulfilling calmness within them.

Read the rest of this krisya yoga article by going to

<a href="http://www.yogaexercisesportal.com/The-Evolution-Of-Kriya-Yoga.html">http://www.yogaexercisesportal.com/The-Evolution-Of-Kriya-Yoga.html


Kripalu Yoga – Joining Forces

Learn about Kripalu yoga, and what makes it different to other forms of yoga. Discover how to make the experience of self perception through yoga more authentic.

kripalu yoga, yoga, types of yoga

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Intertwining the mind, body, and energy is the primary goal of Kripalu yoga. Those who practice it believe that the body contains energy pulsations in a flow that are called prana, which is sometimes referred to as life force. The idea is that the smallest thought or worry can cause problems with the prana in your physical body. That is why Kripalu is important; it is a way of being aware of the prana and using breathing with thought to prevent blockage or disturbance of the life force in your body. In turn, you will feel an increased level of mental clarity and emotional control.
Boiled down to its essence, Kripalu yoga is about looking at yourself in order to free you. Kripallu yoga followers believe that by simply examining and experiencing physical, emotional, and mental processes, you begin to erase blockages in the prana. In turn, this creates a better flow of life force inside you and invokes a feeling of physical and mental well-being.

Why Kripalu?

Yoga, in all its forms, has been shown to be highly effective in honing the physical human body. This is much of the reason for yoga’s immense popularity. What Kripalu does, though, is use the physical body and yoga’s benefits to it as a vehicle for pursuing the greater good of mental and emotional stability and clarity. Hence, many believe it to be the most complete and beneficial form of yoga. The idea is that as you release your emotional and mental impurity, you increase the amount of prana in your system which in turn also helps with physical healing and performance. Of course, when all yoga practices and meditation are prefaced with techniques, such as the Maharic Seal (Azurite Press), that seal the body's energy fields from external influences, the experience of self knowledge is both clearer and authentic. Kripalu yoga does not teach this, however.

Many use this popular form of yoga to combine physical fitness with self growth and the empowerment of the self. In Kripalu, you will learn to lead yourself through self-examination rather than through a leader or instructor. In this form of yoga, leadership is there only to help you turn yourself into your own leader. Your sensitivity to self, others, and your own body will increase from the focus you will receive when you look inside. To take it deeper, many believe that you are using your body to as a temple to attract the presence of those powers greater than yourself. Though some may be skeptical, many more feel such presences when led there through their own self-examination.

When you learn Kripalu from an instructor, you will find that it usually does not matter what your level is in yoga. The classes are generally conducted in the same way for new yoga practitioners and veterans alike. The emphasis, remember, is on looking inside yourself and seeing what is there. Though there are postures and a “right” way to do them, you will likely be encouraged to concentrate on your mental state and on increasing the flow of your prana.

Moreover, Kripalu is truly about life change. You will learn to focus on your spiritual well being outside of the classroom as well as while you're on the yoga mat, contributing to your overall well being and helping you on your way to being the best person you can be.

Kripalu is a unique form of yoga. With emphasis on looking at the self and ridding it of all that has gone awry, this form of yoga is about more than just fitness of the body. It is about fitness of emotions, spirit, and even a little bit of the soul.

Keep yourself fit and healthy using natural methods with Inside and Out Naturally

Alberta’s one of a kind wellness center featuring 7 therapeutic studios, an infrared sauna, healthy coffee and smoothie bar, storefront, classes, workshops and a beautiful, fully appointed seminar room.

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Alberta’s one of a kind wellness center featuring 7 therapeutic studios, an infrared sauna, healthy coffee and smoothie bar, storefront, classes, workshops and a beautiful, fully appointed seminar room.  The system reduce Cellulite, improve skin tone and elasticity. Burn 600 or more calories per 30 minute session, cardiovascular support; Detoxify and cleanse your body.
Iridology (iridodiagnosis) is an alternative medicine method whose proponents believe that patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris can be examined to determine information about a patient's systemic health. Practitioners match their observations to iris charts which divide the iris into zones which they correspond to specific parts of the human body. Iridologists see into your eyes, the body's state of health.

Edmonton Reflexology is the physical act of applying pressure to the feet and hand with specific thumb, finger and hand reflexology techniques without the use of oil or lotion. It is based on a system of zones and reflex areas that reflect an image of the body on the feet and hands with a premise that such work effects a physical change to the body

Alberta’s Zone therapy is the practice of massaging, squeezing, or pushing on parts of the feet, or sometimes the hands and ears, with the goal of encouraging a beneficial effect on other parts of the body, or to improve general health.

Edmonton Acupuncture has been a major part of primary healthcare in China for the last 5,000 years. It is used extensively for a variety of medical purposes ranging from the prevention and treatment of disease, to relieving pain and anesthetizing patients for surgery. As in many oriental medicine practices, the emphasis of acupuncture is on prevention. The highest form of acupuncture was given to enable you to live a long, healthy life.

You can attend <a href=http://www.insideandoutnaturally.com> Edmonton yoga classes</a> in order to train both spiritual and physical human sides so you can be more satisfied and is also a perfect method of living a long, healthy, and happy life. Edmonton yoga classes means simultaneously: healing, prevention, and maintenance and the essence is to control yourself.

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