Karma Yoga – The Art Of Living

The ancient book of Gita, which is the treatise on the living has led a great stress on the karma. Karma is defined as the action and its fruits. Ancient Hindu saints have believed that a man’s life is the direct result of his karma. Good thoughts, words and deeds lead to good and happy life while bad thoughts, words and deeds lead a person to disaster. This has been postulated in the 18th century by Isaac Newton, who gave his law as “For every action there is an equal and op...

yoga, Karma Yoga

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The ancient book of Gita, which is the treatise on the living has led a great stress on the karma. Karma is defined as the action and its fruits. Ancient Hindu saints have believed that a man’s life is the direct result of his karma. Good thoughts, words and deeds lead to good and happy life while bad thoughts, words and deeds lead a person to disaster. This has been postulated in the 18th century by Isaac Newton, who gave his law as “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

The branch of yoga that deals with karma is called as the karma yoga. Usually you are bound by the cravings and desires associated with your act but you can free yourself by doing the act but dissociating yourself from its consequences. This is the basic concept behind karma yoga and the person who follows this path is known as karma yogi. His behaviour is of indifference and while the world may think he is not interested, in reality he has mastered his desires and has developed awareness of the real significance of the events that occur around him.
This yoga involves doing your duty without any reservations but is free of the cravings of the results that are obtained from the act. This attitude is difficult to acquire because we are taught to hanker after the fruits of our labour and any failure to obtain the desired results leads you to frustration and negative thinking. Also, constant attachment to the results leads you to stress, competition and aggressiveness. This has led to increased incidences of stress, diabetes, depression, heart ailments and suicides and has led many youngsters to use drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. Hence following the teaching of Krishna in Gita, wherein he advises Arjun: “You are entitled to an action but not its fruits” will lead you to a happy and stress free life.

A karma yogi realizes this and hence he follows the path of detachment. But this does not make him dull or inefficient. On the contrary, he channelizes his entire energy into the tasks at hand with complete vigour as his energy is not dissipated and gives it a best shot. Hence the results of his actions are the best and he gets good fruits. He does not run after pleasure but pleasure follows him. This makes him a pleasant person to be around and thus enjoys success in his life.

Kapalabhati - A Breathing Exercise

Kapalabhati is a very important asana and it should be part of your daily practice. This pose is also known as the Fire Breathing Pose, due to intake and outlet of air, with force. The exercise purifies your lungs and nasal passage. It is one of the powerful breathing exercises which help the entire body. It is one of a kind of the breathing exercises in Pranayama. Kapalabhati helps to make the motions of diaphragm very easy and controlled. This helps it to discard the muscle...

Kapalabhati Yoga Asana Benefits, Breathing Exercises, Abdominal Breathing, Cures Asthma

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Kapalabhati is a very important asana and it should be part of your daily practice. This pose is also known as the Fire Breathing Pose, due to intake and outlet of air, with force. The exercise purifies your lungs and nasal passage. It is one of the powerful breathing exercises which help the entire body. It is one of a kind of the breathing exercises in Pranayama. Kapalabhati helps to make the motions of diaphragm very easy and controlled. This helps it to discard the muscle cramps present in bronchial tubes. Lot of force is used to do this asana. While exhaling the process is very strong and while inhaling it is done very calmly. It is a very energizing technique to re-boot all your muscles. It is a cleansing technique which emphasizes on cleaning your air passages and blockages in your chest.
This technique helps to remove the toxic air and takes in the fresh air. The breathing mainly takes place from the abdomen rather than chest which helps to remove the toxic air. Kapala means 'the skull' and bhati means 'brings lightness'. It lightens your skull by extracting problems like sinusitis. It is an invigorating and an energizing asana as it clears your stuffy skull with fresh air. It is one of the great exercises for asthma patients and people suffering from respiratory problems. It is useful in removing impurities from the blood. It is a very stimulating asana which can do wonders to every single tissue of your body. This asana invigorates your spine due to the breathing technique.

It clears your body from constant intake of toxins, thus detoxifying it. It is very useful for maintaining your blood pressure. The abdominal organs get strengthened due to the pressure applied on these organs while breathing and exhaling. It increases the blood circulation due to fresh supply of blood. It also improves the bowel movement which means getting rid of the basic troublesome diseases. The abdominal area is toned with the help of the breathing technique. A sense of calmness is achieved due to lightness of the skull. It helps you to think better and take decisions quickly. It also keeps your mind alert. It helps clear your entire nervous system which proves to be very useful in making your body fit and fine. It is a great breathing technique to help your mind and soul. It helps to awaken your spiritual power which heals many problems you keep facing most of the times.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions before following any of the asanas from this article and the site. To avoid any problems while doing the asanas, it is advised that you consult a doctor and a yoga instructor. The responsibility lies solely with the reader and not with the site or the writer.


Jnana Yoga – Yoga For The Intelligent

Jnana means the knowledge. This yoga is the yoga for the intelligent and selected people. This yoga is the ultimate goal of all the other varieties of yoga. This yoga teaches you to look at the world as it is without any ignorance and bias. You can achieve this state by practicing rigorous mental discipline and virtue. This yoga is also called Raja Yoga or the king of all the yogas, since it is of the highest variety and rules over all the other varieties. This is the Yoga th...

yoga, jnana yoga,Ashtanga yoga

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Jnana means the knowledge. This yoga is the yoga for the intelligent and selected people. This yoga is the ultimate goal of all the other varieties of yoga. This yoga teaches you to look at the world as it is without any ignorance and bias. You can achieve this state by practicing rigorous mental discipline and virtue. This yoga is also called Raja Yoga or the king of all the yogas, since it is of the highest variety and rules over all the other varieties. This is the Yoga that Patanjali has described in his Yoga Sutras.
This yoga is made up of eight parts of which five are external and the other three are internal. Two of its parts, viz yama and niyama deal with types of behaviour that the student of yoga should avoid like lying, cheating, stealing etc. and those behaviours that he should cultivate like cleanliness, non-collection etc. Asanas and Pranayama are the next two parts of this yoga. Asanas are the physical movements that help in developing the suppleness of the body and thus cure any diseases. You can control your breath by using pranayama which increases the capacity of the lungs to take in air and thus increases the vitality of the body. The next part Pratyahara denotes the withdrawal of the sense organs from objects of enjoyment. The remaining three parts deal with intense mental concentration.

Patanjali maintained that practicing these eight parts of yoga faithfully and intensely will, over a period of time, erase all the impurities of the body and mind and thus attain knowledge that will liberate the person from bondage and ignorance. This yoga is called Ashtanga Yoga since it is made of eight parts. It is also called as Dhyana yoga due to its stress on mental concentration. Hence, whenever there is any mention of yoga, it is usually implied that the person is talking about Jnana Yoga

Isn't It Time To Try Kundalini Yoga?

Although there are many types of yoga, and it may be impractical to try them all, experiencing some of the main branches -- including Kundalini yoga -- will give you a fuller grasp of yoga’s essence and benefits. Kundalini yoga isn't just another practice, however. It's often referred to as the mother of all yoga, and said to be one of the most powerful forms.

What's more, Kundalini yoga is a little different from other practices. Most forms of yoga concentrate on the body...

kundalini yoga, yoga accessories, yoga poses, yoga asanas

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Although there are many types of yoga, and it may be impractical to try them all, experiencing some of the main branches -- including Kundalini yoga -- will give you a fuller grasp of yoga’s essence and benefits. Kundalini yoga isn't just another practice, however. It's often referred to as the mother of all yoga, and said to be one of the most powerful forms.

What's more, Kundalini yoga is a little different from other practices. Most forms of yoga concentrate on the body's poses, combined with breathing and meditation exercises. While Kundalini yoga still concerns itself with forms and poses, it places much more emphasis on breathing, chanting, and releasing a special energy we all possess unawares.
In Kundalini yoga, the special energy is likened to a powerful serpent lying asleep at the base of the spine. But practitioners can awaken the powerful serpent with the use of Kundalini techniques, releasing almost unimaginable energy.

How It’s Done

In Kundalini yoga, you'll combine classic poses, meditation, chanting or mantras, and also coordinate your breath and movement. In this yoga, the serpent that represents energy is said to lie asleep at the base of your spine, coiled and dormant. Specifically, this region is located in the perineum area of the body. That is, it lies between the rectum and the testicles in males, and between the vagina and the clitoris in females. When awakened, the dormant masculine energy (Siva) and feminine energy (Sakti) unite to create a powerful surge unlike anything you're likely to have experienced before.

What Can It Do For Me?

The powerful energy released by Kundalini yoga is said to do many things for the body. And yet, although it can help you physically, its primary benefits are spiritual. All the intangible energies that help to shape our lives are affected by Kundalini yoga, such as divine prosperity, and freedom from judgment. Once freed, this new energy helps to promote creativity and unconditional love. Needless to say, all these positive changes help sweep away any negative feelings, such as those associated with depression, or even long-standing resentments or jealousy.

If you would like to experience this type of amazing yoga, you’ll want professional guidance. Understanding more about how Kundalini works will help you achieve the results you seek, so a little private time with the books can help you as well. As with any yoga, it's best to learn Kundalini from an experienced instructor, who can help you focus your energy in addition to teaching you the techniques. Having an awakened yogi nearby can be half the battle.

Is Yoga The Answer - Yoga The Medicinal Fix

Tomorrows sorrows can be prevented in many ways.  What way you ask?

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Is Yoga the answer - Why are so many people choosing to ignore the warning signs that is causing major concerns towards their health - environmental hazards which are out of our control but very much a part of our lives is becoming a worry to us all. Then we have another health issue - stress, which is destroying people`s lives with energies of destruction affecting how they live.
Is Yoga is the answer. Stress/anxiety affects people in different ways so it is important - before buying over the counter any pills or remedy powders is to consult a doctor. Depression can cause so much pain and suffering to a patient in the way of taking over - how they think - what they do or how they act. For a person not to be in control of their own actions is a serious situation therefore you need to talk to someone if you feel that you are experiencing anxious moments.

Is Yoga the answer? Stress and anxiety symptoms can be sedated and calmed with the right treatment and medication - but any advice on what should be administered for easing these discomforts should be from a doctor or herbalist if you choose the natural way for help.

If your health or that of your family is giving you reason for concern then consider going along to keep fit classes like yoga. Is Yoga the answer, Yoga is proving to be a great antidote for stress related ailments. They say do not knock it till you try it and this goes for yoga also. Stress is a troubling mind meddler where in some unfortunate cases - patients have been hospitalized. Depending on the seriousness of the illness - mild yoga techniques can help.

 Body awareness is the main issue when joining a yoga class. By knowing the mechanics on body parts like muscles - joints and organs can help you nip in the bud many uncontrollable body function outbursts before they start

Is Yoga the answer in helping combat stress? Stress problems are addressed with a type of yoga that helps control the mind in the form of meditation exercises. Meditation is a common Yoga type exercised by millions worldwide. Even the medical world believes that Yoga is proving to be very beneficial to suffering patients.

It is now a common practice by doctors all over the world to refer patients on a regular basis to perform these exercises in the way of a medicinal fix - naturally.

Is Yoga the answer - Yes (depending on the patient and the illness?)