The Best Benefit Of Yoga- Efficiency In Work Is Yoga!

Sometimes, what a voluminous book cannot explain can be explained in a single sentence! It is true about yoga. Yoga is not a mere word; it is a vast subject with many dimensions.

The wise saying goes, “Yoga karmasu kaushalam!‘-which means, ‘Efficiency in work is yoga!”

What you do is not important. How you do what you do, is important!

Yoga also means union. What union? Whether union between the body and the mind? Or the mind with the spirit? The traditionally accept...
The Best Benefit Of Yoga- Efficiency In Work Is Yoga!

Sometimes, what a voluminous book cannot explain can be explained in a single sentence! It is true about yoga. Yoga is not a mere word; it is a vast subject with many dimensions.

The wise saying goes, “Yoga karmasu kaushalam!‘-which means, ‘Efficiency in work is yoga!”

What you do is not important. How you do what you do, is important!

Yoga also means union. What union? Whether union between the body and the mind? Or the mind with the spirit? The traditionally accepted belief (or truth, depending upon the level of your spiritual progression) is the union between the Jeevatman and the Paramatman– between one’s individual consciousness and the universal consciousness.
Yoga is a very vast subject. Attempting even an introduction in a small articles is an impossibility. Nevertheless, some important observations need to be understood when you speak of yoga.

Yoga has got something to do with the health of your physical body.

Yoga has got something to do with your mental health.

Yoga has something to do with your intellectual health.

Yoga has got everything to do with your spiritual being.

The ultimate stage can only be realized. No amount of assertions, explanations, and arguments and counter arguments can take you up there. The domain of silence can only be achieved through silence!

Yoga is intensely linked to breathing. It is about channeling the energy through breath. Another intimate alley of yoga is meditation. You can not think of yoga without understanding at least some of the basic techniques of meditation! Spiritual appreciation as to the nature of the human body, who controls it all of the time, is absolutely essential for proper understanding of various practices that make the science of yoga.

A word about Karma Yoga. The fundamental principle Karma Yoga is, “Do your duty and do not ask for the reward.” What youngster of the modern generation would accept this principle? If I do my duty, I must get the reward! Aren’t there people who don’t do any work and still get the reward.

The word yoga makes its entry at this level of thinking of an individual. The correct interpretation of this principle of yoga is that ‘do your duty but don’t ask for the reward’ You will get the right reward, at the right moment!’

‘Every action has a reaction and the intensity of the reaction is in proportion to the intensity of the action.’ Over this the scientists and the spiritualists agree! One of the rare agreements between the two contending forces. Normally opposing forces! If you agree on this, don’t you think that it is necessary for you to agree that your every action, good or bad, will be rewarded as per the proportion it deserves?

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The Benefits And Importance Of Sarvangasana

It is known as the queen of asanas which works out to be very beneficial for your mind, body and soul. Sarvangasana is a combination of three parts such as "sarva" "anga" and "asana" which means "all body posture". It is one the asana which is very important and helpful for your entire body including the pressure massages for your thyroid glands. The other benefit from this asana is the projection of stability emotionally and otherwise. Every muscle that is pushed and pulled ...

The Benefits And Importance Of Sarvangasana

It is known as the queen of asanas which works out to be very beneficial for your mind, body and soul. Sarvangasana is a combination of three parts such as "sarva" "anga" and "asana" which means "all body posture". It is one the asana which is very important and helpful for your entire body including the pressure massages for your thyroid glands. The other benefit from this asana is the projection of stability emotionally and otherwise. Every muscle that is pushed and pulled benefits the organs inside, which in turn shows on your body and face. It soothes the nervous system which otherwise seems to be overloaded with unwanted work.
By doing this asana properly it could help you in curing your ailments related to bronchitis, asthma, heavy breathing and shortness in breath. Digestion is one of the major problems which many people face, due to fast food and other junk we fill in our stomachs. Your digestion would come in terms with your food by this asana as well as your body would be a place of better health. If you happen to be anemic your conditions could improve by simply doing this asana as well as have daily routine in dietary and exercise habits.

This asana also known as the candle stand as you have to keep your body straight as a candle. This asana also helps in regulating the sex glands which we all know would be very beneficial for future parents as well as for a good sex life. Due to good circulation of blood and purification factors the organs in the lower part of the body strengthen making your body stronger and healthier. Your neck muscles also benefit due to the stretch. It is one of the recommended poses for women after childbirth and those who go through the painful menstruation cycle.

The Benefit of Yoga - Fight or Flight?

The benfit of yoga helps the average person to deal with stress.  Learn how to deal with the "fight or flight" syndrome.

The Benefit of Yoga - Fight or Flight

Medical conditions can be vastly improved through the benefit of yoga.  Yoga can lessen the negative effects of such conditions as lung disease, Parkinson's, insomnia, high blood pressure multiple sclerosis, and even joint pain. The benefit of yoga is being recognized today as a viable alternative not only by the yoga community, but by many medical doctors.
Stress is the leading cause in many illnesses today.  An astonishing factor in today's world is noted by the Surgeon General who estimates that "80 percent of the people who die of non traumatic causes actually die of stress diseases".  In this fast paced world, it is little wonder that people are turning to alternative solutions.

The use of the benefit of yoga is just one such solution. Since stress is developed in the mind, it is only natural that conditions such as depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, several auto-immune diseases, some types of diabetes mellitius, some cardio-vascular diseases, and irritable bowel syndrome would be at the forefront of human conditions and the quality of life today. 

Outside stress is reflected in the reaction of our nervous system.  The input stimuli, known as "Fight or flight" affects both our metabolism and well being.  When faced with danger, whether real or imagined, the mind prepares the body for execution of one of these two conditions.  Manifestation is in the form of increased heart rate, higher blood pressure, and the shutting down of unnecessary bodily functions, such as digestion.  All systems are focused on one of two things - either "flight" or "fight."  Breathing becomes shallow, muscles tense in anticipation of action, and blood flow to vital organs is decreased.  The digestive and elimination process shuts down. This can be a good thing - our body is prepared to defend itself.  However, problems arise when this condition is long term. The "flight or fight" scenario is only meant to be a very short term event.  One can see that long term exposure to this situation will have very adverse effects on the body.  Yoga can change that.

In nature, the countermeasure for "fight or flight" is known as the "relaxation response" or parasympathetic nervous system. The main nerves of the parasympathetic system are the tenth cranial nerves, or the vagus nerves. They originate in the medulla oblongata. Parasympathetic stimulation causes a slowing down of the heartbeat, lowering of blood pressure, increased blood flow to the skin and viscera, and peristalsis of the GI tract - the exact opposite of "fight or Flight" symptoms. Yoga induces this response by teaching the pupil to breathe deeply and relax muscles.  The benefit of yoga is clear.  The body recovers faster, and the harmful effects of stress are reduced.

Yoga subscribes to the theory that by using breathing and relaxation techniques, the harmful effects of stress on the body can be eliminated, or at the very least greatly reduced.  Through meditation and calming of the spirit, yoga teaches us to face the situation of "fight or flight" from a threat to a challenge. One is able through practice to focus on finding a solution, rather than creating an immediate response to the stimuli. One learns to be proactive, and take care of the stressors in their lives.

The benefit of yoga is undeniable.  By utilizing the techniques of this ancient practice, anyone can achieve the balance and harmony so needed in their lives.  Remember, however, that just one thing is not the solution to all of life's problems. By combining yoga with the miracles of modern medicine and traditional healing remedies, the average person in today's world will enjoy a longer, happier life.


The Benefit Of Yoga

The benefit of yoga helps you to stay healthy, fight depression, and face the challenges of every day life.

The Benefit Of Yoga

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Yoga, and the benefit of yoga, is generically defined as a Hindu discipline that helps unite the body and mind. Aimed at achieving a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility, it is practiced in the West most commonly as physical exercise practiced as part of the discipline.

The benefit of yoga practice is nothing new.  It has been recognized for many years as the perfect discipline to help one achieve tranquility, better health, and longer life. 

Many people view the benefit of yoga as some weird discipline that involves yogi's contorted in unnatural positions, doing strange acts of the body, and living on a mountaintop somewhere in India.  I personally remember a television documentary many years ago featuring a yogi that had his tongue split, using it to clean his sinus cavities!  Anyone interested in yoga has probably also seen images of yogi's supporting great weight with their genitals.

In this modern age, much has been learned about the benefit of yoga. Yoga practitioners achieve greater mobility, longer life, and internal happiness through their practice of the art. Yoga as we know it today is aimed at uniting the mind, body,and spirit.  The mysticism of the Hindu discipline is no longer a myth, and is reachable by all willing to learn.

Yoga practice is roughly grouped into three categories - the Yoga Postures (Asanas), Yoga Breathing (Pranayama) and Meditation. These categories embrace physiological, psychological, and biochemical effects.  In addition, clinicians have compared these results against the Western practices of jogging, aerobic exercise, and weight training, and find results comparable.

The most popular style of Yoga in the West today is Hatha Yoga.  It is designed to focuses on the physical well-being of a person and believers in the practice consider the body as the vehicle of the spirit.

Ananda Yoga, a classical style of Hatha Yoga, uses Asana and Pranayama to awaken, experience, and take control of the subtle energies within the body, and focuses on the energies of the seven Chakras.

Anusara (a-nu-SAR-a)yoga is defined as "stepping into the current of Divine Will", "following your heart", and "moving with the current of divine will." This new style, which was developed by John Friend, is defined as "yoga positions that flow from the heart." It is heart-oriented, spiritually inspiring, and is based on a deep knowledge of outer and inner body alignment. It is based on the principles of Hatha Yoga and biochemical practices.  Students of this discipline base their practice on attitude, action, and alignment.

Ashtanga yoga could possibly be the perfect Yoga for those looking for a serious workout. Ashtanga was developed by K. Pattabhi Jois, and is very physically demanding. A series of flows, moving quickly from one posture to another, is utilized to build strength, flexibility and stamina. This style is not good for the beginning practitioner, as it requires 6 series of difficulty.  The physical demands of Ashtanga are not for the casual practitioner beginning the journey of yoga fitness.

Bikram Yoga, named for its founder Bikram Choudhury, is practiced in a room with a temperature of up to 100 degrees. Twenty six Asanas are performed in a typical session, and focus is on warming and stretching muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Each pose is accompanied by Kapalabhati Breath, the "breath of fire."  Practice of this style promotes cleansing of the body, the release of toxins, and ultimate flexibility. One must be in very good physical shape to practice Bikram Yoga.

These basic definitions will give the person seeking the benefit of yoga a clear-cut understanding of what is to be expected, and will help them make the proper decision to find the discipline that best suits their needs.  More information is posted on a regular basis at  Visit today to learn about the practice of yoga to meet your exercise needs.

The 5 Divine Sheaths of the subtle human body.

The partitioning of the 5 sheaths has been presented in the categorization of the three bodies.  These 3 are the gross, subtle and casual bodies.  The gross body is made up of the food and Vital Force Sheath.  The 5 elements and 5 Vital Forces ( Pranas) are embedded in it.  The subtle body is made up of the mental and Intellectual Sheath. These 2 can be called conscious intellect and unconscious mind. The casual body is made up of the Bliss Sheath.

The 5 Divine Sheaths of the subtle human body.
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he trend of 5-faced photographs and images of Gayatri is seen, so that those who take recourse to the spiritual practice of this MahaMantra, ask a pertinent question as to what we should do in future? Mantra chanting, meditation, eulogies to God, reading religious texts, sacrificial fire rites etc. are preliminary practices. As a result of this, the preliminary goal of purification of the body and concentration of the mind is achieved.  Yet there are more milestones to be reached.  For its attainment spiritual seekers should look out for necessary information and then imbibe alertness, steadfastness and capability, to walk on that path.  If a spiritual seeker remembers all this always, then know for sure that the aim behind creating photos/images of a 5-faced Gayatri has been duly achieved.

In reality Gayatri is the worldwide Super Power of the Almighty Lord. It has no particular form.  If one desires to have a glimpse of God’s form, it can be in the form of light only. Wisdom is compared to light. The god of Gayatri is Savita. Savita means the sun – a gigantic ball of brilliant light. When Gayatri Super Power manifests in a spiritual seeker, he gets a glimpse of a pinpoint of light, when he meditates.  A spiritual seeker sees a small/ big ball of light either in his heart, head, navel or eyes.  Sometimes it augments and at other times it diminishes.  Many types of shapes, colors of light rays are seen in it. In the beginning stages it keeps oscillating, sometimes it is visible and at other times it disappears.  But slowly a state comes, when all the different shapes, movement and colors are warded off and only a point of light remains.  In the initial stages, this light is of a small shape and with lesser radiance but when one’s soul state advances, this point of light starts enlarging, becomes more dazzling and manifests a lot of bliss.  Just as a lotus blooms forth when the early morning sunlight caresses its bud, so too when our inner soul is touched by this divine light, it experiences bliss of Brahman, absolute bliss and bliss of one’s very existence and consciousness. Just as the Indian red-legged partridge (bird) keeps gazing at the moon for the whole night, in the same way a spiritual seeker yearns to experience untold bliss by gazing at this inner light.  Sometimes one desires that just as a moth lays down his life for the flame lamp i.e. it gives up its ordinary existence for the glorious flame, so too I must merge my lowly individual ego into this cosmic light of God.

This is a minor glimpse of meditation on the formless Brahman (God). From the standpoint of experience, a spiritual seeker feels he is experiencing Brahman and spiritual wisdom.  The gift of wisdom i.e. imbibing great idealistic activities in our daily lives should awaken within us, inspirations and yearnings. Not only awakening but that it is taking the form of a firm resolve, inner state and as truth.  This is the symbol of experience of divine light. Because when the ignorance of power of illusion (Maya) and selfishness is overcome, man starts thinking with a generous viewpoint and imbibes acts of great men. Such a person never hesitates to step daringly on the path of spirituality, unlike people full of avarice, selfishness, delusion and narrow worldly attachments.  In order to execute appropriate acts, he marches ahead speedily on the path of spiritual well-being with great valor and enterprise.

So far we have dealt with the nature of high stature wisdom and meditation on the divine power in the form of ‘Gayatri’.  In the preliminary stages, it is not possible to get such high stature experiences. One must first imbibe preliminary, spiritual practices like Mantra chanting, worship, meditation, eulogies, fire sacrifices etc.  At such times it is a must that one takes help of photographs and images.  Meditation in the preliminary stages is possible only via name and form. The stage of formless meditation is very much higher up on the scale.  Even in that state there is no need to give up image worship and instead by including it in one’s daily chores, one controls one’s accumulated psychic imprints. When a huge building is constructed, its foundation is in the form of pebbles and stones. Once a firm foundation is laid down, one can build a building of various hues and designs. Later one fails to notice the pebbles / stones in the foundation, yet there is no need to renounce or mock at them. One should realize that the basis and firm foundation of that gigantic building are these pebbles, stones etc.  The spiritual progress of meditation with form too can be called a foundation stone.  In the preliminary stages its requirement is a must.  Thus the commencement of spirituality right from ancient times has taken place with the help of image worship and steadily it marches ahead.  It is with reference to this that the shape of Gayatri Super Power has been molded.  Just like other images of God, its image too right from ancient times has been used in mediation and worship of God.

Ordinarily only the image of a human face with one face and 2 arms are apt.  This is the best from for meditation and worship. Gayatri too should have those kinds of hands and legs just like a spiritual seeker’s beloved mother has.  Hence in meditation and worship, one uses the image of Gayatri Mother having 2 arms and one face seated on a white swan and having a book and water pot in her hands.  But in some regions one sees images with 5 faces. Maybe its meditation and worship is not apt, yet it has one important message and direction in it.  We must see that minutely.

The five faces of Gayatri are the 5 sheaths covering a Jeeva (living being).  They are the 5 manifestations and the ten arms of the 10 Sidhis (divine powers) and experiences.  Five arms are on the left hand side and the other 5 are on the right hand side. It points out to the 5 material and 5 spiritual powers and Sidhis that are conjoined to Gayatri Super Power. Whenever this Super Power manifests, there one will definitely see the 10 experiences, special qualities and wealth. The meaning of executing spiritual practices is not merely sitting in one particular spot daily so as to perform some scientific rite.  In fact it means that by making our entire life a form of spiritual endeavour one should raise the stature of one’s qualities, actions and nature so high, that one sees those divine glories in them, which are found in a symbolic form in the image of the 5-faced Gayatri.  The aim of spiritual practices is to generate divine energy.  When 10 energies and 10 Sidhis are attained, know for sure that some spiritual seeker is successfully marching ahead on the path of high leveled spiritual practices.

The 5 faces of Gayatri tell us that the 5 demi gods of a living being’s very existence are conjoined to it, so as to fulfill its goal.  Because they are under the influence of sleep, they look dead and hence are of no use.  As a result a living being exists like a weakling.  But if these powerful aides are activated, if their power is aptly utilized, then man instead of leading an ordinary run-of-the-mill life actually attains extraordinary material and spiritual heights. Man will get a golden chance of renouncing his demeaned state and in its place, lead a life of exalted glory.  The 5 elements of the body have been depicted as the 5 demi-gods as follows –

The Lord of space is Vishnu.  The goddess of fire is Maheshwari power.  The Lord of wind is Sun.  The Lord of earth is Shiva and the Lord of water is Ganapati Ganesh.  In this manner the 5 gods of our body are the Lords (existence) of the 5 elements (KAPILTANTRA).  The 5 Pranas (vital force) too are called 5 demi-gods.

All living beings have 5 demi-gods.  Because they are imbibed with vital force, they are Shiva.  This group manifests Kundalini Shakti (Divine Serpent Power).  Its shape is like that of dazzling lightning. (TANTRARNAV)

Kundalini is awakened when the 5 sheaths of our body are activated. When the Kundalini is activated the 5 sheaths of the body of a spiritual seeker radiates brilliance (MAHAYOG-VIGNAN)

The human body is made up of 5 elements.  Its Sattva Guna is seen as the 5 radiations of consciousness. (1) Mind (2) Intellect (3) Will (4) Mind stuff or psyche (5) Ego.

From the Rajas principle of the 5 elements arise the 5 Pranas or Vital Forces.  On this basis the 5 sense organs carry out the functions of the 5 sense objects.

From the Tamas principle of the 5 elements is created the gross/physical body.  They form 1) Juice 2) Blood 3) Flesh 4) Bones 5) Marrow. The 5 special organs viz. brain, heart, liver, lungs, kidneys and the 5 sense organs of action are a creation of this area.

The 5 demi-gods given to us, in order to help the living body, are also called the 5 sheaths.  Superficially the body looks single yet its power augments more and more.  Despite being invisible, it is so powerful that if it is activated, man can become great from lowly and also the cosmic soul (God) from his present status of an individual soul.  These 5 coverings of a living being are called the 5 sheaths 1) Food Sheath 2) Vital Force Sheath 3) Mental Sheath 4) Intellectual Sheath 5) Bliss Sheath.

Taitariya Unpanishad proclaims that the Vital Force Sheath is in the Food Sheath, the Mental Sheath is in the Vital Force Sheath, the Intellectual Sheath is in the Mental Sheath and that the Bliss Sheath is in the Intellectual Sheath.  Over here there is some parity and at some places there are differences.  Its discussion is as follows –

Man is full of food and juice.  This is its head. This is its southern aspect.  This is its northern aspect.  It is the soul. The hind tail is situated on the Merudand (subtle spine).

-     TAITARIYA UPANISHAD ( 2/ 1/ 1)

The soul which is within the Food Sheath made up of food, juice etc. is yet separate from it and is the vital force.  It is omnipotent.  It is of the same shape.  Its activities too are similar.  The vital force of the Vital Force Sheath is the head.  Its Vyan vital force is the Southern aspect and the Apan vital force is the northern aspect.  Space is its soul.  Its status in earth is tail-like.

-     TAITARIYA UPANISHAD ( 2/ 2/ 1)

Separate from the Vital Force Sheath is the Mental Sheath. The Vital Force Sheath overflows with the Mental Sheath.  It is very similar to it. The Vital Force Sheath is very similar to the Mental Sheath. Yaju is its head.  Rig is the southern aspect and Sam is its northern aspect.  Its soul is command.

-     TAITARIYA UPANISHAD ( 2/ 3/ 1)

Why are the Vedas correlated to the Mental Sheath? This answer is given in the Shankar Bhashya (commentary) in SankalpaManthan and the sentiments are depicted in the form of Yaju, Rig, Sama Vedas.

Different from the Mental Sheath is the Intellectual Sheath. The Mental Sheath is covered by the Intellectual Sheath. This is the Intellectual Sheath and is similar to Purusha.  It is like the Mental Sheath.  Faith is its head.  Relative truth is its southern aspect and divine truth its northern aspect. Yoga is its soul. Its hind status is in importance.

-     TAITARIYA UPANISHAD ( 2/ 4/ 1)

The Bliss Sheath despite dwelling within the Intellectual Sheath is separate from it.  The Intellectual Sheath overflows with Bliss Sheath. This too is similar to Purusha (God).  It is like the Intellectual Sheath.  Beloved is its head.  Inner bliss is its southern aspect and external joy is its northern aspect. Bliss is its soul. Its hind status is in Brahman.


In the PANCHDASHI religious text the verses 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 of chapter three, depict the 5 sheaths as follows:

The body of a creation of the father’s sperm, which in turn is made from the food that he partakes, is situated in the Food Sheath. Because the body undergoes birth and death, it cannot be the soul.  The conscious soul is different from it.

-     PANCHDASHI (3/3)

The Vital Force Sheath which is an inspirer of the senses which give power, abound within the body.  But this too being unconscious like the body, cannot be the soul.  It is separate.

-     PANCHDASHI 3/5

What exactly are the 5 sheaths?  The Upanishads while describing them say –

The group of sheaths created by food; this visible body is called the Food Sheath.  The group of 14 elements along with the vital force (Prana) is called the Vital Force Sheath.  The group of sense organs and mind, embedded in these 2 sheaths, is called the Mental Sheath.  The Intellectual Sheath plays the roles of discrimination (Viveka) and intellect.  The natural form and place of the soul, present within these bodies is called the Bliss Sheath.

In this manner human consciousness has been partitioned in 5 ways. This partitioning is called 5 sheaths. The Food Sheath means sense organ consciousness.  The Vital Force Sheath means our very life force. The Mental Sheath means thought process. The Intellectual Sheath means the unconscious center and flow of sentiments. The Bliss Sheath means soul wisdom and activation of the soul.

The state of living beings evolves on the basis of these conscious layers.

The high stature spiritual practice of Gayatri is carried out so as to unveil the 5 sheaths and activate them. In order to point at this high stature spiritual practice, the symbolic form of the 5-faced Gayatri is depicted. This depiction points at the activation of this chief potential of the 5 sheaths of the subtle body and thus attains supreme benefits of this great science.

Via these sheaths one can attain that divine potential which can decorate our personality with wealth and glory. The conscious arena can be made as wealthy as the Lord of Wealth called Kubera. Sheath means a veil or a covering. When these veils are removed one after another, you ultimately come face to face with the absolute truth / reality.  Those obstructions in the form of mental taints are removed due to activation / unveiling of the 5 sheaths which are the root cause of the living being failing to attain those powers given by the Lord and as a result of which, he leads a demeaned life.

The partitioning of the 5 sheaths has been presented in the categorization of the three bodies.  These 3 are the gross, subtle and casual bodies.  It is called Tripada Gayatri (3-legged). The gross body is made up of the food and Vital Force Sheath.  The 5 elements and 5 Vital Forces ( Pranas) are embedded in it.  The subtle body is made up of the mental and Intellectual Sheath. These 2 can be called conscious intellect and unconscious mind.  The casual body is made up of the Bliss Sheath. Certain scholars differ on this subject, yet the reality is this only.

That’s NOT Yoga, if one eats like that.

Indeed if someone were to say they thought Yoga was just stretching after they saw a student leave a Yoga class and later on eating McDonald’s or something, they probably are right. Why? Because Yoga, in its entirety, includes a proper diet. One doesn’t exist without the other. Here’s why.
That’s NOT Yoga, if one eats like that.

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Indeed if someone were to say they thought Yoga was just stretching after they saw a student leave a Yoga class and later on eating at McDonald’s or something, they probably would be right.


Well, Yoga, in its entirety, includes a proper diet. One doesn’t exist without the other. This is THE factor that anyone seriously interested in taking up Yoga must understand. If one wants to do Yoga, you’ve got to include all its principles.
When I started doing yoga some 6 years back, I did extensive research on the subject of diet and Yoga. Perhaps this was fate, as co-incidentally, this was around the time that an associate had told me to look into fasting and a natural diet as a means to cure my horrendous acne at that time.

I stumbled on a book called “The Complete Illustrated book of Yoga” by Swami Vishnu-Devananda, and this had a whole chapter on diet. What he explained here made it clear that as beneficial as most- if not all- yoga poses could be for overall health, if one constantly subsists on unhealthy foods, it defeats the purpose of exercising in the first place.

This is perhaps even more important in regards to Yoga.

Why? Well, Yoga is more than just a physical exercise as Meditation, Breathing Exercises and even some Poses such as the Peacock, Shoulder-Stand and the Sun Salutations are known to have an effect on the spiritual core of one’s existence. This is rooted in one’s solar plexus and forms the basis of the Kundalini or life-force power inherent in all humans. Remember, we are mainly physical bodies living in a Spiritual World.

Now keep that point in mind as I proceed to remind you of this quote and renowned cosmic law: “You are what you eat…”  Now, combine the gist of both factors and you should start to see the connection between how what you eat matters to your entire existence-physically and spiritually.

When you begin to seriously practice Yoga, it is advised that you also begin to watch what you eat. ALL the sages and pioneers of Yoga such as
Swami Sivananda, Swami Vishnu-Devananda and BKS Iyengar have all attested to this fact.

Here is Sivananda’s quote on the subject of diet and Yoga (and keep in mind he is arguably THE guru when it comes to the ‘who is who’ of Yoga)

“By the purity of food follows the purification of the inner nature…”
Swami Sivananda.

In addition here is another quote that supports his comment

“Without observing moderation of diet, if one takes to the Yogic practices, he cannot obtain any benefit but gets various diseases”
(Ghe. Sam. V-16).

Yoga has an adverse effect on yours and the spiritual forces around you, consequently eating what yoga sages coin as the Sattvic Diet (which co-incidentally is the mucus/disease free or alkaline diet of the alternative health fraternity) will be the best way to go.

Simply put, it is your fruits, roots and leafy vegetables (raw and ‘properly cooked’). This is the Yoga diet and this has to be included in your lifestyle if you seriously want to practice Yoga.

Is it a co-incidence that this is the exact diet prescribed in Gen 1: 29 in the Bible?
Is it a co-incidence that this diet forms the basis of Hippocrates’ quote “let your foods be your medicine…”?
Is it a co-incidence this is the same diet that the drug-free fraternity labels as the best for delaying aging, having brighter eyes and complexion, better muscle tone and the like?

I think not.

Heck, if you just want to do any kind of exercise and not just yoga, you will still enjoy a lot of benefits from such a dietetic lifestyle.

I’ve read of several raw-vegan or vegetarian body-builders like Stephen Arlin, David Wolfe, Scott Brodie and Bill Pearl (A 4-time Mr. Universe contest winner) who do extremely well on a similar diet, so one will be on the right track eating as such and choosing any exercise they want.

So do you want to experience all that Yoga has to give? Then remember to include perhaps its most important principle for your overall health-the Yoga diet.

Your friend in the mirror will thank you that you did. Trust me

In Friendship,

Foras Aje


Tenets Of Yoga Philosophy

Tenets Of Yoga Philosophy
In the ancient India, philosophy has been traditionally divided into two main groups. These groups are called as the orthodox group and heretic group. The orthodox group believes in the authority of Vedas in all the philosophical matters. These orthodox systems are six in all. One of the most popular systems of philosophy is yoga.

It shares the following common beliefs with the other orthodox systems:

• Belief in the permanent soul, which forms the basis of life.

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In the ancient India, philosophy has been traditionally divided into two main groups. These groups are called as the orthodox group and heretic group. The orthodox group believes in the authority of Vedas in all the philosophical matters. These orthodox systems are six in all. One of the most popular systems of philosophy is yoga.
It shares the following common beliefs with the other orthodox systems:

• Belief in the permanent soul, which forms the basis of life.

• Soul is supposed to discard one body at the time of death and enter a new one at the time of new birth.

• A strong belief in the karma, which states that the events happening in a person’s life are a direct results of the events in his previous life or lives (if the person has been born many times).

• A belief that the life of an individual is primarily of misery and sorrow.

• A belief in the state of complete freedom from misery and sorrow called mukti or moksha.

Yoga adopts the dualistic doctrine of explaining the universe of objects and living beings. It assumes that the universe was originally created by the uniting or samyoga of two eternal realities called purusha and prakriti. Purusha forms the basis of all the spiritual objects while prakriti deals with the material objects. Prakriti and everything that comes from it has three gunas viz.: sattva, rajo and tamas in various proportions and combinations.

Sattvaguna deals with all that is pure and holy while rajasguna deals with all the rich and royal qualities and tamasguna deals with all the baser qualities like greed, lust, anger, fear etc. The samyoga of the purusha and the prakriti is virtual. It does not exist but only the ignorant mind thinks it is real. This is due to the illusion called avidya and binds the purusha and causes him to transmigrate from one body to another in the various births. Once the avidya is dispelled completely, one can break free from the cycle of bith and death and can achieve moksha. This is easily achieved by following the eightfold path given by Patanjali in his Yogasutras.


Sun Salutation

The Sun Salutation yoga pose 

The Sun Salutation yoga pose is recommended for practitioners of all ages and especially for the ones who cannot dedicate a lot of time to their yoga routine. The reason why this pose is so highly appreciated has to do with the fact that it involves most of the muscle groups, as well as the respiratory system.

In fact, the Sun Salutation is a sequence of twelve yoga positions, linked together by a flowing motion and accompanied by five deep special breaths. Each of the tw...

The Sun Salutation yoga pose is recommended for practitioners of all ages and especially for the ones who cannot dedicate a lot of time to their yoga routine. The reason why this pose is so highly appreciated has to do with the fact that it involves most of the muscle groups, as well as the respiratory system. 

In fact, the Sun Salutation is a sequence of twelve yoga positions, linked together by a flowing motion and accompanied by five deep special breaths. Each of the twelve positions contributes to stretching a different part of the body and different muscle groups. Moreover, it helps expanding and contracting the chest in order to regulate breathing.

Specialists and yoga trainers recommend this exercise for the daily routine, as it can contribute in a very efficient way to the flexibility of your spine and joints.

* The first of the twelve positions require you to stand up with your feet together. Your palms should be in praying position, in front of your chest. Once you make sure your weight is evenly distributed, exhale profoundly.

* While inhaling, push the arms up, keep the legs straight and relax the neck.

* While exhaling fold your body forward, press your palms down and try to place your fingertips in line with your toes.

* While inhaling bring a leg back and place it on the floor. Arch your back and lift the chin.

* Bring the other leg back and try to support your weight on hands and toes. Keep your chin down and retain your breath, while performing this move.

* While exhaling, lower your knees and then your forehead, but keep your hips up and make sure your toes are curled under.

* Lower your hips, while inhaling. Point your toes and bend as back as possible. Your shoulders should be kept down and your legs together.

* Curl your toes under and, while exhaling, raise your hips. You should end up in a V position. You should push your heels and head down, while keeping your shoulders back.

* While inhaling, step forwards and place one of your legs between the hands. Keep your chin up, while resting the other knee on the floor.

* Bring the other leg forward and bend down from the waist keeping your palms on the floor. Exhale.

* While inhaling, stretch your arms forward and then up and back over your head and try to slowly bend back.

* Return to the upright standing position, while exhaling, and bring your arms to your sides.


Spine Twisting Pose - Ardha Matsyendrasana

Ardha Matsyendrasana asana is also known as the Spine Twisting Asana. It is one of the essential poses which make the body healthy and fine. It is a basic pose which should be done by everyone, if their body is capable to do it. If done correctly it becomes a value addition in your day-to-day life. It may seem hard at the first attempt but you can do it in stages. By doing it in stages the asana proves to be very easy and simple.
Spine Twisting Pose - Ardha Matsyendrasana

The twist in the asana is a blessing for th...

Article Body:
Ardha Matsyendrasana asana is also known as the Spine Twisting Asana. It is one of the essential poses which make the body healthy and fine. It is a basic pose which should be done by everyone, if their body is capable to do it. If done correctly it becomes a value addition in your day-to-day life. It may seem hard at the first attempt but you can do it in stages. By doing it in stages the asana proves to be very easy and simple.
The twist in the asana is a blessing for the adrenal glands, kidneys, liver and spleen. It is also very beneficial for people who suffer from asthma, indigestion, constipation and obesity. If you are a person with good height but stooping shoulders, this asana can correct it. It also improves the back and corrects a faulty posture. The twist stretches every muscle and ligament of your back.

Ardha Matsyendrasana is the only asana which twists the spine to achieve a healthy and toned body. Every movement of the asana assists in strengthening the spine and its muscles. It strengthens the spine which gives you a healthy back. The body becomes flexible with the twisting pose. A flexible body also helps in creating an agile and fit body.

Your back, hips, neck and shoulders get stretched very well. The digestive process of your body is rejuvenated by performing the asana. The asana can be a boon for many women as it alleviates the menstrual trouble many go through month after month.

People having problems like sciatica can also be provided help. It is very therapeutic for problems with infertility. It is known to cure many diseases and improve your appetite. This asana gets rid of all the toxins from your body to have a fresh and clear body. It is a great help for the bronchial muscles and rib cage. Abdominal muscles are also toned by this asana. Chances of slip disc can be erased. The pancreas are also massaged which helps the diabetes patient.

Hernia problems can also be treated by regularly doing this asana. Arthritis patient can find a relief due to the asana. The circulation towards the spinal nerves, veins and other tissues improves drastically. It also cures the lumbago and rheumatism of the spine due to the twists of the asana. By regularly performing this asana your abs are improved. You can use props or modify the asana to make it easier. A wall can be used as a prop while doing this asana.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions before following any of the asanas from this article and the site. To avoid any problems while doing the asanas, it is advised that you consult a doctor and a yoga instructor. The responsibility lies solely with the reader and not with the site or the writer.